• Cartucho's avatar
    GSoC 2016 - Adding ALIASES for tutorial (#7041) · fcddfa4f
    Cartucho authored
    * GSoC 2016 - Adding toggle files to be used by tutorials.
    Add a toggle option for tutorials.
    * adds a button on the HTML tutorial pages to switch between blocks
    * the default option is for languages: one can write a block
    for C++ and another one for Python without re-writing the tutorial
    Add aliases to the doxyfile.
    * adding alises to make a link to previous and next tutorial.
    * adding alias to specify the toggle options in the tutorials index.
    * adding alias to add a youtube video directly from link.
    Add a sample tutorial (mat_mask_opertaions) using the developed aliases:
    * youtube alias
    * previous and next tutorial alias
    * buttons
    * languages info for tutorial table of content
    * code referances with snippets (and associated sample code files)
    * Removing the automatic ordering.
    Adding specific toggles for cpp, java and python.
    Move all the code to the footer / header and Doxyfile.
    Updating documentation.
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