• Björn Wöldecke's avatar
    fix misinterpretation of empty window name · f3aa4bdf
    Björn Wöldecke authored
    The documentation states, that a NULL or an empty window name can be used
    to refer to the control panel. But the string parameters of the C++ frontend
    methods cannot be NULL and converting an empty string to a const char* by
    c_str() doesn't produce a NULL pointer, but an empty string. Unfortunately,
    the const char* pointer is just passed on to the standard C functions in
    the QT backend, which doesn't check for the empty string case.
    There are two places where the empty string check could have been introduced:
    inside the frontend or inside the backend. As long as the documentation only
    mentions this as a special case for the QT backend, the best place seems to
    be there.
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