• Andrey Kamaev's avatar
    Unified handling of InputOutputArrays in Python wrapper generator · e75df563
    Andrey Kamaev authored
    This makes arguments of type InputOutputArray required in python unless they
    have a default value in C++.
    As result following python functions changes signatures in non-trivial way:
    * calcOpticalFlowFarneback
    * calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
    * calibrateCamera
    * findContours
    * findTransformECC
    * floodFill
    * kmeans
    * PCACompute
    * stereoCalibrate
    And the following functions become return their modified inputs as a return
    * accumulate
    * accumulateProduct
    * accumulateSquare
    * accumulateWeighted
    * circle
    * completeSymm
    * cornerSubPix
    * drawChessboardCorners
    * drawContours
    * drawDataMatrixCodes
    * ellipse
    * fillConvexPoly
    * fillPoly
    * filterSpeckles
    * grabCut
    * insertChannel
    * line
    * patchNaNs
    * polylines
    * randn
    * randShuffle
    * randu
    * rectangle
    * setIdentity
    * updateMotionHistory
    * validateDisparity
    * watershed
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