• Ilari Venäläinen's avatar
    Merge pull request #12989 from venalil:fix_thresholded_tiff_read · e6c41f0d
    Ilari Venäläinen authored
    * Fix reading of black-and-white (thresholded) TIFF images
    I recently updated my local OpenCV version to 3.4.3 and found out that
    I could not read my TIFF images related to my project. After debugging I
    found out that there has been some static analysis fixes made
    that accidentally have broken reading those black-and-white TIFF images.
    Commit hash in which reading of mentioned TIFF images has been broken:
    Basically the fix is to revert back to the same functionality that has been there before,
    when black-and-white images are read bpp (bitspersample) is 1.
    Without the case 1: this TiffDecoder::readHeader() function always return false.
    * Added type and default error message
    * Added stdexcept include
    * Use CV_Error instead of throw std::runtime_error
    * imgcodecs(test): add TIFF B/W decoding tests