• Rostislav Vasilikhin's avatar
    Bit-exact version of Luv2RGB_b (#9470) · cc547e82
    Rostislav Vasilikhin authored
    * lab_tetra squashed
    * initial version is almost written
    * unfinished work
    * compilation fixed, to be debugged
    * Lab test removed
    * more fixes
    * Luv2RGBinteger: channels order fixed
    * Lab structs removed
    * good trilinear interpolation added
    * several fixes
    * removed Luv2RGB interpolations, XYZ tables; 8-cell LUT added
    * no_interpolate made 8-cell
    * interpolations rewritten to 8-cell, minor fixes
    * packed interpolation added for RGB2Luv
    * tetra implemented
    * removing unnecessary code
    * LUT building merged
    * changes ported to color.cpp
    * minor fixes; try to suppress warnings
    * fixed v range of Luv
    * fixed incorrect src channel number
    * minor fixes
    * preliminary version of Luv2RGBinteger is done
    * Luv2RGB_b is in progress
    * XYZ color constants converted to softfloat
    * Luv test: precision fixed
    * Luv bit-exactness test added
    * warnings fixed
    * compilation fixed, error message fixed
    * Luv check is limited to [0-2,0-2,0-2] by XYZ
    * L->Y generation moved to LUT
    * LUTs added for up and vp of Luv2RGB_b
    * still works
    * fixed-point is done, works at maxerr 2
    * vectorized code is done, 2x slower than original
    * perf improved by 10%
    * extra comments removed
    * code moved to color.cpp
    * test_lab.cpp updated
    * minor refactoring
    * test added for Luv2RGB
    * OCL Luv2RGB_b: XYZ are limited to [0, 2]; docs updated
    * Luv2RGB_b rewritten to universal intrinsics
    * test_lab.cpp moved to luv_tetra branch
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