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erosion_dilatation Add Java and Python code for morphology tutorials.
gausian_median_blur_bilateral_filter Documentation Update
histograms Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Affine Transformations, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Calculation, Histogram Comparison, Back Projection.
hitOrMiss Tutorial Hit-or-Miss
images Morphology Lines Extraction Tutorial
imgtrans Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Affine Transformations, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Calculation, Histogram Comparison, Back Projection.
morph_lines_detection Tutorial Morph Lines Detection
opening_closing_hats Add Java and Python code for morphology tutorials.
pyramids Tutorial Image Pyramids
shapedescriptors add explanation to the Bounding Box and Circles tutorial
threshold Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Canny, Remap, threshold and threshold inRange. Use HSV colorspace instead of RGB for inRange threshold tutorial.
threshold_inRange Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Canny, Remap, threshold and threshold inRange. Use HSV colorspace instead of RGB for inRange threshold tutorial.
table_of_content_imgproc.markdown Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Affine Transformations, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Calculation, Histogram Comparison, Back Projection.