• Evgeny Latkin's avatar
    Merge pull request #13070 from elatkin:el/gapi_perf_sobel · 4e40e5bb
    Evgeny Latkin authored
    GAPI (fluid): optimization of Sobel 3x3 (#13070)
    * GAPI: performance test for Sobel
    * GAPI: performance test for Sobel w/FP32 input
    * GAPI: Sobel speedup: 2.5x (U8) up to 10x (float)
    * GAPI: Sobel 3x3 to support U8 into S16
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3 speedup: 10% (uchar), 1.5x (float)
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3 speedup: +10x (uchar), but -20% (float)
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3 speedup: +10% (float)
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3 speedup: +15% (float), +10% (uchar)
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3: address GCC warnings
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3: separate *.cpp file w/SIMD code
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3: fixed AVX2 code, AVX2 speedup 20-50% (uchar), 10-20% (float)
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3: fix CV_SIMD code for AVX2
    * GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3: refactor
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