• Dmitry Matveev's avatar
    Merge pull request #12608 from dmatveev:gapi · 29e88e50
    Dmitry Matveev authored
    * G-API Initial code upload
    * Update G-API code base to Sep-24-2018
    * The majority of OpenCV buildbot problems was addressed
    * Update G-API code base to 24-Sep-18 EOD
    * G-API code base update 25-Sep-2018
    * Linux warnings should be resolved
    * Documentation build should become green
    * Number of Windows warnings should be reduced
    * Update G-API code base to 25-Sep-18 EOD
    * ARMv7 build issue should be resolved
    * ADE is bumped to latest version and should fix Clang builds for macOS/iOS
    * Remaining Windows warnings should be resolved
    * New Linux32 / ARMv7 warnings should be resolved
    * G-API code base update 25-Sep-2018-EOD2
    * Final Windows warnings should be resolved now
    * G-API code base update 26-Sep-2018
    * Fixed issues with precompiled headers in module and its tests
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