• Roman Donchenko's avatar
    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4 · bbc35d60
    Roman Donchenko authored
Last commit
Last update
CMakeLists.txt Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
HOGfeatures.cpp Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
HOGfeatures.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
boost.cpp Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
boost.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
cascadeclassifier.cpp Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
cascadeclassifier.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
features.cpp Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
haarfeatures.cpp Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
haarfeatures.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
imagestorage.cpp Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
imagestorage.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
lbpfeatures.cpp Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
lbpfeatures.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
traincascade.cpp Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
traincascade_features.h Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'