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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "precomp.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace ml {

//                                  Random trees                                        //
    calcVarImportance = false;
    nactiveVars = 0;
    termCrit = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::COUNT, 50, 0.1);

RTreeParams::RTreeParams(bool _calcVarImportance,
                         int _nactiveVars,
                         TermCriteria _termCrit )
    calcVarImportance = _calcVarImportance;
    nactiveVars = _nactiveVars;
    termCrit = _termCrit;

class DTreesImplForRTrees CV_FINAL : public DTreesImpl
        params.useSurrogates = false;
        params.use1SERule = false;
        params.truncatePrunedTree = false;
        params.priors = Mat();
        oobError = 0;
    virtual ~DTreesImplForRTrees() {}

    void clear() CV_OVERRIDE
        oobError = 0.;
        rng = RNG((uint64)-1);

    const vector<int>& getActiveVars() CV_OVERRIDE
        int i, nvars = (int)allVars.size(), m = (int)activeVars.size();
        for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
            int i1 = rng.uniform(0, nvars);
            int i2 = rng.uniform(0, nvars);
            std::swap(allVars[i1], allVars[i2]);
        for( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
            activeVars[i] = allVars[i];
        return activeVars;

    void startTraining( const Ptr<TrainData>& trainData, int flags ) CV_OVERRIDE
        DTreesImpl::startTraining(trainData, flags);
        int nvars = w->data->getNVars();
        int i, m = rparams.nactiveVars > 0 ? rparams.nactiveVars : cvRound(std::sqrt((double)nvars));
        m = std::min(std::max(m, 1), nvars);
        for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
            allVars[i] = varIdx[i];

    void endTraining() CV_OVERRIDE
        vector<int> a, b;
        std::swap(allVars, a);
        std::swap(activeVars, b);

    bool train( const Ptr<TrainData>& trainData, int flags ) CV_OVERRIDE
        startTraining(trainData, flags);
        int treeidx, ntrees = (rparams.termCrit.type & TermCriteria::COUNT) != 0 ?
            rparams.termCrit.maxCount : 10000;
        int i, j, k, vi, vi_, n = (int)w->sidx.size();
        int nclasses = (int)classLabels.size();
        double eps = (rparams.termCrit.type & TermCriteria::EPS) != 0 &&
            rparams.termCrit.epsilon > 0 ? rparams.termCrit.epsilon : 0.;
        vector<int> sidx(n);
        vector<uchar> oobmask(n);
        vector<int> oobidx;
        vector<int> oobperm;
        vector<double> oobres(n, 0.);
        vector<int> oobcount(n, 0);
        vector<int> oobvotes(n*nclasses, 0);
        int nvars = w->data->getNVars();
        int nallvars = w->data->getNAllVars();
        const int* vidx = !varIdx.empty() ? &varIdx[0] : 0;
        vector<float> samplebuf(nallvars);
        Mat samples = w->data->getSamples();
        float* psamples = samples.ptr<float>();
        size_t sstep0 = samples.step1(), sstep1 = 1;
        Mat sample0, sample(nallvars, 1, CV_32F, &samplebuf[0]);
        int predictFlags = _isClassifier ? (PREDICT_MAX_VOTE + RAW_OUTPUT) : PREDICT_SUM;

        bool calcOOBError = eps > 0 || rparams.calcVarImportance;
        double max_response = 0.;

        if( w->data->getLayout() == COL_SAMPLE )
            std::swap(sstep0, sstep1);

        if( !_isClassifier )
            for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                double val = std::abs(w->ord_responses[w->sidx[i]]);
                max_response = std::max(max_response, val);
            CV_Assert(fabs(max_response) > 0);

        if( rparams.calcVarImportance )
            varImportance.resize(nallvars, 0.f);

        for( treeidx = 0; treeidx < ntrees; treeidx++ )
            for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                oobmask[i] = (uchar)1;

            for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                j = rng.uniform(0, n);
                sidx[i] = w->sidx[j];
                oobmask[j] = (uchar)0;
            int root = addTree( sidx );
            if( root < 0 )
                return false;

            if( calcOOBError )
                for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                    if( oobmask[i] )
                int n_oob = (int)oobidx.size();
                // if there is no out-of-bag samples, we can not compute OOB error
                // nor update the variable importance vector; so we proceed to the next tree
                if( n_oob == 0 )
                double ncorrect_responses = 0.;

                oobError = 0.;
                for( i = 0; i < n_oob; i++ )
                    j = oobidx[i];
                    sample = Mat( nallvars, 1, CV_32F, psamples + sstep0*w->sidx[j], sstep1*sizeof(psamples[0]) );

                    double val = predictTrees(Range(treeidx, treeidx+1), sample, predictFlags);
                    if( !_isClassifier )
                        oobres[j] += val;
                        double true_val = w->ord_responses[w->sidx[j]];
                        double a = oobres[j]/oobcount[j] - true_val;
                        oobError += a*a;
                        val = (val - true_val)/max_response;
                        ncorrect_responses += std::exp( -val*val );
                        int ival = cvRound(val);
                        //Voting scheme to combine OOB errors of each tree
                        int* votes = &oobvotes[j*nclasses];
                        int best_class = 0;
                        for( k = 1; k < nclasses; k++ )
                            if( votes[best_class] < votes[k] )
                                best_class = k;
                        int diff = best_class != w->cat_responses[w->sidx[j]];
                        oobError += diff;
                        ncorrect_responses += diff == 0;

                oobError /= n_oob;
                if( rparams.calcVarImportance && n_oob > 1 )
                    Mat sample_clone;
                    for( i = 0; i < n_oob; i++ )
                        oobperm[i] = oobidx[i];
                    for (i = n_oob - 1; i > 0; --i)  //Randomly shuffle indices so we can permute features
                        int r_i = rng.uniform(0, n_oob);
                        std::swap(oobperm[i], oobperm[r_i]);

                    for( vi_ = 0; vi_ < nvars; vi_++ )
                        vi = vidx ? vidx[vi_] : vi_; //Ensure that only the user specified predictors are used for training
                        double ncorrect_responses_permuted = 0;

                        for( i = 0; i < n_oob; i++ )
                            j = oobidx[i];
                            int vj = oobperm[i];
                            sample0 = Mat( nallvars, 1, CV_32F, psamples + sstep0*w->sidx[j], sstep1*sizeof(psamples[0]) );
                            sample0.copyTo(sample_clone); //create a copy so we don't mess up the original data
                            sample_clone.at<float>(vi) = psamples[sstep0*w->sidx[vj] + sstep1*vi];

                            double val = predictTrees(Range(treeidx, treeidx+1), sample_clone, predictFlags);
                            if( !_isClassifier )
                                val = (val - w->ord_responses[w->sidx[j]])/max_response;
                                ncorrect_responses_permuted += exp( -val*val );
                                ncorrect_responses_permuted += cvRound(val) == w->cat_responses[w->sidx[j]];
                        varImportance[vi] += (float)(ncorrect_responses - ncorrect_responses_permuted);
            if( calcOOBError && oobError < eps )

        if( rparams.calcVarImportance )
            for( vi_ = 0; vi_ < nallvars; vi_++ )
                varImportance[vi_] = std::max(varImportance[vi_], 0.f);
            normalize(varImportance, varImportance, 1., 0, NORM_L1);
        return true;

    void writeTrainingParams( FileStorage& fs ) const CV_OVERRIDE
        fs << "nactive_vars" << rparams.nactiveVars;

    void write( FileStorage& fs ) const CV_OVERRIDE
        if( roots.empty() )
            CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "RTrees have not been trained" );


        fs << "oob_error" << oobError;
        if( !varImportance.empty() )
            fs << "var_importance" << varImportance;

        int k, ntrees = (int)roots.size();

        fs << "ntrees" << ntrees
           << "trees" << "[";

        for( k = 0; k < ntrees; k++ )
            fs << "{";
            writeTree(fs, roots[k]);
            fs << "}";

        fs << "]";

    void readParams( const FileNode& fn ) CV_OVERRIDE

        FileNode tparams_node = fn["training_params"];
        rparams.nactiveVars = (int)tparams_node["nactive_vars"];

    void read( const FileNode& fn ) CV_OVERRIDE

        //int nclasses = (int)fn["nclasses"];
        //int nsamples = (int)fn["nsamples"];
        oobError = (double)fn["oob_error"];
        int ntrees = (int)fn["ntrees"];

        readVectorOrMat(fn["var_importance"], varImportance);


        FileNode trees_node = fn["trees"];
        FileNodeIterator it = trees_node.begin();
        CV_Assert( ntrees == (int)trees_node.size() );

        for( int treeidx = 0; treeidx < ntrees; treeidx++, ++it )
            FileNode nfn = (*it)["nodes"];

    void getVotes( InputArray input, OutputArray output, int flags ) const
        CV_Assert( !roots.empty() );
        int nclasses = (int)classLabels.size(), ntrees = (int)roots.size();
        Mat samples = input.getMat(), results;
        int i, j, nsamples = samples.rows;

        int predictType = flags & PREDICT_MASK;
        if( predictType == PREDICT_AUTO )
            predictType = !_isClassifier || (classLabels.size() == 2 && (flags & RAW_OUTPUT) != 0) ?

        if( predictType == PREDICT_SUM )
            output.create(nsamples, ntrees, CV_32F);
            results = output.getMat();
            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
                for( j = 0; j < ntrees; j++ )
                    float val = predictTrees( Range(j, j+1), samples.row(i), flags);
                    results.at<float> (i, j) = val;
        } else
            vector<int> votes;
            output.create(nsamples+1, nclasses, CV_32S);
            results = output.getMat();

            for ( j = 0; j < nclasses; j++)
                results.at<int> (0, j) = classLabels[j];

            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
                for( j = 0; j < ntrees; j++ )
                    int val = (int)predictTrees( Range(j, j+1), samples.row(i), flags);

                for ( j = 0; j < nclasses; j++)
                    results.at<int> (i+1, j) = (int)std::count(votes.begin(), votes.end(), classLabels[j]);

    RTreeParams rparams;
    double oobError;
    vector<float> varImportance;
    vector<int> allVars, activeVars;
    RNG rng;

class RTreesImpl CV_FINAL : public RTrees
    inline bool getCalculateVarImportance() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.rparams.calcVarImportance; }
    inline void setCalculateVarImportance(bool val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.rparams.calcVarImportance = val; }
    inline int getActiveVarCount() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.rparams.nactiveVars; }
    inline void setActiveVarCount(int val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.rparams.nactiveVars = val; }
    inline TermCriteria getTermCriteria() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.rparams.termCrit; }
    inline void setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.rparams.termCrit = val; }

    inline int getMaxCategories() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getMaxCategories(); }
    inline void setMaxCategories(int val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setMaxCategories(val); }
    inline int getMaxDepth() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getMaxDepth(); }
    inline void setMaxDepth(int val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setMaxDepth(val); }
    inline int getMinSampleCount() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getMinSampleCount(); }
    inline void setMinSampleCount(int val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setMinSampleCount(val); }
    inline int getCVFolds() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getCVFolds(); }
    inline void setCVFolds(int val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setCVFolds(val); }
    inline bool getUseSurrogates() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getUseSurrogates(); }
    inline void setUseSurrogates(bool val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setUseSurrogates(val); }
    inline bool getUse1SERule() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getUse1SERule(); }
    inline void setUse1SERule(bool val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setUse1SERule(val); }
    inline bool getTruncatePrunedTree() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getTruncatePrunedTree(); }
    inline void setTruncatePrunedTree(bool val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setTruncatePrunedTree(val); }
    inline float getRegressionAccuracy() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getRegressionAccuracy(); }
    inline void setRegressionAccuracy(float val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setRegressionAccuracy(val); }
    inline cv::Mat getPriors() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.params.getPriors(); }
    inline void setPriors(const cv::Mat& val) CV_OVERRIDE { impl.params.setPriors(val); }

    RTreesImpl() {}
    virtual ~RTreesImpl() CV_OVERRIDE {}

    String getDefaultName() const CV_OVERRIDE { return "opencv_ml_rtrees"; }

    bool train( const Ptr<TrainData>& trainData, int flags ) CV_OVERRIDE
        if (impl.getCVFolds() != 0)
            CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Cross validation for RTrees is not implemented");
        return impl.train(trainData, flags);

    float predict( InputArray samples, OutputArray results, int flags ) const CV_OVERRIDE
        return impl.predict(samples, results, flags);

    void write( FileStorage& fs ) const CV_OVERRIDE

    void read( const FileNode& fn ) CV_OVERRIDE

    void getVotes_( InputArray samples, OutputArray results, int flags ) const
        impl.getVotes(samples, results, flags);

    Mat getVarImportance() const CV_OVERRIDE { return Mat_<float>(impl.varImportance, true); }
    int getVarCount() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.getVarCount(); }

    bool isTrained() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.isTrained(); }
    bool isClassifier() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.isClassifier(); }

    const vector<int>& getRoots() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.getRoots(); }
    const vector<Node>& getNodes() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.getNodes(); }
    const vector<Split>& getSplits() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.getSplits(); }
    const vector<int>& getSubsets() const CV_OVERRIDE { return impl.getSubsets(); }

    DTreesImplForRTrees impl;

Ptr<RTrees> RTrees::create()
    return makePtr<RTreesImpl>();

//Function needed for Python and Java wrappers
Ptr<RTrees> RTrees::load(const String& filepath, const String& nodeName)
    return Algorithm::load<RTrees>(filepath, nodeName);

void RTrees::getVotes(InputArray input, OutputArray output, int flags) const
    const RTreesImpl* this_ = dynamic_cast<const RTreesImpl*>(this);
        CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "the class is not RTreesImpl");
    return this_->getVotes_(input, output, flags);


// End of file.