/* pngpriv.h - private declarations for use inside libpng
 * Last changed in libpng 1.5.26 [December 17, 2015]
 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002,2004,2006-2015 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
 * (Version 0.96 Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger)
 * (Version 0.88 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.)
 * This code is released under the libpng license.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
 * and license in png.h

/* The symbols declared in this file (including the functions declared
 * as PNG_EXTERN) are PRIVATE.  They are not part of the libpng public
 * interface, and are not recommended for use by regular applications.
 * Some of them may become public in the future; others may stay private,
 * change in an incompatible way, or even disappear.
 * Although the libpng users are not forbidden to include this header,
 * they should be well aware of the issues that may arise from doing so.

#ifndef PNGPRIV_H
#define PNGPRIV_H

/* Feature Test Macros.  The following are defined here to ensure that correctly
 * implemented libraries reveal the APIs libpng needs to build and hide those
 * that are not needed and potentially damaging to the compilation.
 * Feature Test Macros must be defined before any system header is included (see
 * POSIX 1003.1 2.8.2 "POSIX Symbols."
 * These macros only have an effect if the operating system supports either
 * POSIX 1003.1 or C99, or both.  On other operating systems (particularly
 * Windows/Visual Studio) there is no effect; the OS specific tests below are
 * still required (as of 2011-05-02.)
#define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 /* Just the POSIX 1003.1 and C89 APIs */

/* This is required for the definition of abort(), used as a last ditch
 * error handler when all else fails.
#include <stdlib.h>

/* This is used to find 'offsetof', used below for alignment tests. */
#include <stddef.h>

#define PNGLIB_BUILD /*libpng is being built, not used*/

#  include "pngusr.h"
   /* These should have been defined in pngusr.h */
#    define PNG_USER_PRIVATEBUILD "Custom libpng build"
#  endif
#  endif

/* Is this a build of a DLL where compilation of the object modules requires
 * different preprocessor settings to those required for a simple library?  If
 * so PNG_BUILD_DLL must be set.
 * If libpng is used inside a DLL but that DLL does not export the libpng APIs
 * PNG_BUILD_DLL must not be set.  To avoid the code below kicking in build a
 * static library of libpng then link the DLL against that.
#  ifdef DLL_EXPORT
      /* This is set by libtool when files are compiled for a DLL; libtool
       * always compiles twice, even on systems where it isn't necessary.  Set
       * PNG_BUILD_DLL in case it is necessary:
#     define PNG_BUILD_DLL
#  else
#     ifdef _WINDLL
         /* This is set by the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE in projects that
          * build a DLL.  It can't easily be removed from those projects (it
          * isn't visible in the Visual Studio UI) so it is a fairly reliable
          * indication that PNG_IMPEXP needs to be set to the DLL export
          * attributes.
#        define PNG_BUILD_DLL
#     else
#        ifdef __DLL__
            /* This is set by the Borland C system when compiling for a DLL
             * (as above.)
#           define PNG_BUILD_DLL
#        else
            /* Add additional compiler cases here. */
#        endif
#     endif
#  endif
#endif /* Setting PNG_BUILD_DLL if required */

/* See pngconf.h for more details: the builder of the library may set this on
 * the command line to the right thing for the specific compilation system or it
 * may be automagically set above (at present we know of no system where it does
 * need to be set on the command line.)
 * PNG_IMPEXP must be set here when building the library to prevent pngconf.h
 * setting it to the "import" setting for a DLL build.
#ifndef PNG_IMPEXP
#  ifdef PNG_BUILD_DLL
#  else
      /* Not building a DLL, or the DLL doesn't require specific export
       * definitions.
#     define PNG_IMPEXP
#  endif

/* No warnings for private or deprecated functions in the build: */
#  define PNG_PRIVATE

#include "png.h"

/* pngconf.h does not set PNG_DLL_EXPORT unless it is required, so: */
#  define PNG_DLL_EXPORT

/* Compile time options.
 * =====================
 * In a multi-arch build the compiler may compile the code several times for the
 * same object module, producing different binaries for different architectures.
 * When this happens configure-time setting of the target host options cannot be
 * done and this interferes with the handling of the ARM NEON optimizations, and
 * possibly other similar optimizations.  Put additional tests here; in general
 * this is needed when the same option can be changed at both compile time and
 * run time depending on the target OS (i.e. iOS vs Android.)
 * NOTE: symbol prefixing does not pass $(CFLAGS) to the preprocessor, because
 * this is not possible with certain compilers (Oracle SUN OS CC), as a result
 * it is necessary to ensure that all extern functions that *might* be used
 * regardless of $(CFLAGS) get declared in this file.  The test on __ARM_NEON__
 * below is one example of this behavior because it is controlled by the
 * presence or not of -mfpu=neon on the GCC command line, it is possible to do
 * this in $(CC), e.g. "CC=gcc -mfpu=neon", but people who build libpng rarely
 * do this.
   /* ARM NEON optimizations are being controlled by the compiler settings,
    * typically the target FPU.  If the FPU has been set to NEON (-mfpu=neon
    * with GCC) then the compiler will define __ARM_NEON__ and we can rely
    * unconditionally on NEON instructions not crashing, otherwise we must
    * disable use of NEON instructions.
    * NOTE: at present these optimizations depend on 'ALIGNED_MEMORY', so they
    * can only be turned on automatically if that is supported too.  If
    * PNG_ARM_NEON_OPT is set in CPPFLAGS (to >0) then arm/arm_init.c will fail
    * to compile with an appropriate #error if ALIGNED_MEMORY has been turned
    * off.
#  if defined(__ARM_NEON__) && defined(PNG_ALIGNED_MEMORY_SUPPORTED)
#     define PNG_ARM_NEON_OPT 2
#  else
#     define PNG_ARM_NEON_OPT 0
#  endif

   /* NEON optimizations are to be at least considered by libpng, so enable the
    * callbacks to do this.
#  define PNG_FILTER_OPTIMIZATIONS png_init_filter_functions_neon

 * By default libpng is built without any internal limits on image size,
 * individual heap (png_malloc) allocations or the total amount of memory used.
 * If PNG_SAFE_LIMITS_SUPPORTED is defined, however, the limits below are used
 * (unless individually overridden).  These limits are believed to be fairly
 * safe, but builders of secure systems should verify the values against the
 * real system capabilities.

/* config.h is created by and PNG_CONFIGURE_LIBPNG is set by the "configure"
 * script.  We may need it here to get the correct configuration on things
 * like limits.
#  ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
#    include "config.h"
#  endif

 * libpng is built with support for internal limits on image dimensions and
 * memory usage.  These are documented in scripts/pnglibconf.dfa of the
 * source and recorded in the machine generated header file pnglibconf.h.

/* If you are running on a machine where you cannot allocate more
 * than 64K of memory at once, uncomment this.  While libpng will not
 * normally need that much memory in a chunk (unless you load up a very
 * large file), zlib needs to know how big of a chunk it can use, and
 * libpng thus makes sure to check any memory allocation to verify it
 * will fit into memory.
 * zlib provides 'MAXSEG_64K' which, if defined, indicates the
 * same limit and pngconf.h (already included) sets the limit
 * if certain operating systems are detected.
#if defined(MAXSEG_64K) && !defined(PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K)
#  define PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K

/* Moved to pngpriv.h at libpng-1.5.0 */
/* NOTE: some of these may have been used in external applications as
 * these definitions were exposed in pngconf.h prior to 1.5.

#ifndef PNG_UNUSED
/* Unused formal parameter warnings are silenced using the following macro
 * which is expected to have no bad effects on performance (optimizing
 * compilers will probably remove it entirely).  Note that if you replace
 * it with something other than whitespace, you must include the terminating
 * semicolon.
#  define PNG_UNUSED(param) (void)param;

/* Just a little check that someone hasn't tried to define something
 * contradictory.
#if (PNG_ZBUF_SIZE > 65536L) && defined(PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K)
#  undef PNG_ZBUF_SIZE
#  define PNG_ZBUF_SIZE 65536L

/* PNG_STATIC is used to mark internal file scope functions if they need to be
 * accessed for implementation tests (see the code in tests/?*).
#ifndef PNG_STATIC
#   define PNG_STATIC static

/* C99 restrict is used where possible, to do this 'restrict' is defined as
 * empty if we can't be sure it is supported.  configure builds have already
 * done this work.
#  define PNG_RESTRICT restrict
   /* Modern compilers support restrict, but assume not for anything not
    * recognized here:
#  if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
#     define PNG_RESTRICT restrict
#  else
#     define PNG_RESTRICT
#  endif

/* If warnings or errors are turned off the code is disabled or redirected here.
 * From 1.5.4 functions have been added to allow very limited formatting of
 * error and warning messages - this code will also be disabled here.
#  define PNG_WARNING_PARAMETERS(p) png_warning_parameters p;
#  define png_warning_parameter(p,number,string) ((void)0)
#  define png_warning_parameter_unsigned(p,number,format,value) ((void)0)
#  define png_warning_parameter_signed(p,number,format,value) ((void)0)
#  define png_formatted_warning(pp,p,message) ((void)(pp))
#  define png_fixed_error(s1,s2) png_err(s1)

/* C allows up-casts from (void*) to any pointer and (const void*) to any
 * pointer to a const object.  C++ regards this as a type error and requires an
 * explicit, static, cast and provides the static_cast<> rune to ensure that
 * const is not cast away.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#  define png_voidcast(type, value) static_cast<type>(value)
#  define png_voidcast(type, value) (value)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#ifndef PNG_EXTERN
/* The functions exported by PNG_EXTERN are internal functions, which
 * aren't usually used outside the library (as far as I know), so it is
 * debatable if they should be exported at all.  In the future, when it
 * is possible to have run-time registry of chunk-handling functions,
 * some of these might be made available again.
 * 1.5.7: turned the use of 'extern' back on, since it is localized to pngpriv.h
 * it should be safe now (it is unclear why it was turned off.)
#  define PNG_EXTERN extern

/* Some fixed point APIs are still required even if not exported because
 * they get used by the corresponding floating point APIs.  This magic
 * deals with this:
#  define PNGFAPI /* PRIVATE */

/* Other defines specific to compilers can go here.  Try to keep
 * them inside an appropriate ifdef/endif pair for portability.
   /* png.c requires the following ANSI-C constants if the conversion of
    * floating point to ASCII is implemented therein:
    *  DBL_DIG  Maximum number of decimal digits (can be set to any constant)
    *  DBL_MIN  Smallest normalized fp number (can be set to an arbitrary value)
    *  DBL_MAX  Maximum floating point number (can be set to an arbitrary value)
#  include <float.h>

#  if (defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(macintosh)) || defined(applec) || \
    defined(THINK_C) || defined(__SC__) || defined(TARGET_OS_MAC)
     /* We need to check that <math.h> hasn't already been included earlier
      * as it seems it doesn't agree with <fp.h>, yet we should really use
      * <fp.h> if possible.
#    if !defined(__MATH_H__) && !defined(__MATH_H) && !defined(__cmath__)
#      include <fp.h>
#    endif
#  else
#    include <math.h>
#  endif
#  if defined(_AMIGA) && defined(__SASC) && defined(_M68881)
     /* Amiga SAS/C: We must include builtin FPU functions when compiling using
      * MATH=68881
#    include <m68881.h>
#  endif

/* This provides the non-ANSI (far) memory allocation routines. */
#if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(__MSDOS__)
#  include <mem.h>
#  include <alloc.h>

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_Windows) || defined(_WINDOWS) || \
    defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)
#  include <windows.h>  /* defines _WINDOWS_ macro */

/* Moved here around 1.5.0beta36 from pngconf.h */
/* Users may want to use these so they are not private.  Any library
 * functions that are passed far data must be model-independent.

/* Memory model/platform independent fns */
#ifndef PNG_ABORT
#  if defined(_WINDOWS_) && !defined(HAVE_WINRT)
#    define PNG_ABORT() ExitProcess(0)
#  else
#    define PNG_ABORT() abort()
#  endif

/* Use this to make far-to-near assignments */
#  define CHECK   1
#  define NOCHECK 0
#  define CVT_PTR(ptr) (png_far_to_near(png_ptr,ptr,CHECK))
#  define CVT_PTR_NOCHECK(ptr) (png_far_to_near(png_ptr,ptr,NOCHECK))
#  define png_strlen  _fstrlen
#  define png_memcmp  _fmemcmp    /* SJT: added */
#  define png_memcpy  _fmemcpy
#  define png_memset  _fmemset
#  if defined(_WINDOWS_) && !defined(HAVE_WINRT)  /* Favor Windows over C runtime fns */
#    define CVT_PTR(ptr)         (ptr)
#    define CVT_PTR_NOCHECK(ptr) (ptr)
#    define png_strlen  lstrlenA
#    define png_memcmp  memcmp
#    define png_memcpy  memcpy
#    define png_memset  memset
#  else
#    define CVT_PTR(ptr)         (ptr)
#    define CVT_PTR_NOCHECK(ptr) (ptr)
#    define png_strlen  strlen
#    define png_memcmp  memcmp      /* SJT: added */
#    define png_memcpy  memcpy
#    define png_memset  memset
#  endif

/* These macros may need to be architecture dependent. */
#define PNG_ALIGN_NONE   0 /* do not use data alignment */
#define PNG_ALIGN_ALWAYS 1 /* assume unaligned accesses are OK */
#ifdef offsetof
#  define PNG_ALIGN_OFFSET 2 /* use offsetof to determine alignment */
#  define PNG_ALIGN_OFFSET -1 /* prevent the use of this */
#define PNG_ALIGN_SIZE   3 /* use sizeof to determine alignment */

   /* Default to using aligned access optimizations and requiring alignment to a
    * multiple of the data type size.  Override in a compiler specific fashion
    * if necessary by inserting tests here:

   /* This is used because in some compiler implementations non-aligned
    * structure members are supported, so the offsetof approach below fails.
    * Set PNG_ALIGN_SIZE=0 for compiler combinations where unaligned access
    * is good for performance.  Do not do this unless you have tested the result
    * and understand it.
#  define png_alignof(type) (sizeof (type))
#     define png_alignof(type) offsetof(struct{char c; type t;}, t)
#  else
#        define png_alignof(type) (1)
#     endif
      /* Else leave png_alignof undefined to prevent use thereof */
#  endif

/* This implicitly assumes alignment is always to a power of 2. */
#ifdef png_alignof
#  define png_isaligned(ptr, type)\
   ((((const char*)ptr-(const char*)0) & (png_alignof(type)-1)) == 0)
#  define png_isaligned(ptr, type) 0

/* End of memory model/platform independent support */
/* End of 1.5.0beta36 move from pngconf.h */

 * These are used internally by libpng and not exposed in the API

/* Various modes of operation.  Note that after an init, mode is set to
 * zero automatically when the structure is created.  Three of these
 * are defined in png.h because they need to be visible to applications
 * that call png_set_unknown_chunk().
/* #define PNG_HAVE_IHDR            0x01 (defined in png.h) */
/* #define PNG_HAVE_PLTE            0x02 (defined in png.h) */
#define PNG_HAVE_IDAT               0x04
/* #define PNG_AFTER_IDAT           0x08 (defined in png.h) */
#define PNG_HAVE_IEND               0x10
#define PNG_HAVE_gAMA               0x20
#define PNG_HAVE_cHRM               0x40
#define PNG_HAVE_sRGB               0x80
#define PNG_HAVE_CHUNK_HEADER      0x100
#define PNG_WROTE_tIME             0x200
#define PNG_BACKGROUND_IS_GRAY     0x800
#define PNG_HAVE_PNG_SIGNATURE    0x1000
#define PNG_HAVE_CHUNK_AFTER_IDAT 0x2000 /* Have another chunk after IDAT */
#define PNG_HAVE_iCCP             0x4000

/* Flags for the transformations the PNG library does on the image data */
#define PNG_BGR                 0x0001
#define PNG_INTERLACE           0x0002
#define PNG_PACK                0x0004
#define PNG_SHIFT               0x0008
#define PNG_SWAP_BYTES          0x0010
#define PNG_INVERT_MONO         0x0020
#define PNG_QUANTIZE            0x0040
#define PNG_COMPOSE             0x0080     /* Was PNG_BACKGROUND */
#define PNG_BACKGROUND_EXPAND   0x0100
#define PNG_EXPAND_16           0x0200     /* Added to libpng 1.5.2 */
#define PNG_16_TO_8             0x0400     /* Becomes 'chop' in 1.5.4 */
#define PNG_RGBA                0x0800
#define PNG_EXPAND              0x1000
#define PNG_GAMMA               0x2000
#define PNG_GRAY_TO_RGB         0x4000
#define PNG_FILLER              0x8000
#define PNG_PACKSWAP           0x10000
#define PNG_SWAP_ALPHA         0x20000
#define PNG_STRIP_ALPHA        0x40000
#define PNG_INVERT_ALPHA       0x80000
#define PNG_USER_TRANSFORM    0x100000
#define PNG_RGB_TO_GRAY_ERR   0x200000
#define PNG_RGB_TO_GRAY_WARN  0x400000
#define PNG_RGB_TO_GRAY       0x600000 /* two bits, RGB_TO_GRAY_ERR|WARN */
#define PNG_ENCODE_ALPHA      0x800000 /* Added to libpng-1.5.4 */
#define PNG_ADD_ALPHA         0x1000000 /* Added to libpng-1.2.7 */
#define PNG_EXPAND_tRNS       0x2000000 /* Added to libpng-1.2.9 */
#define PNG_SCALE_16_TO_8     0x4000000 /* Added to libpng-1.5.4 */
                       /*   0x8000000 unused */
                       /*  0x10000000 unused */
                       /*  0x20000000 unused */
                       /*  0x40000000 unused */
/* Flags for png_create_struct */
#define PNG_STRUCT_PNG   0x0001
#define PNG_STRUCT_INFO  0x0002

/* Flags for the png_ptr->flags rather than declaring a byte for each one */
#define PNG_FLAG_ZLIB_CUSTOM_LEVEL        0x0002
#define PNG_FLAG_ZLIB_CUSTOM_METHOD       0x0010
#define PNG_FLAG_ZLIB_FINISHED            0x0020
#define PNG_FLAG_ROW_INIT                 0x0040
#define PNG_FLAG_FILLER_AFTER             0x0080
#define PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_USE        0x0100
#define PNG_FLAG_CRC_CRITICAL_USE         0x0400
#define PNG_FLAG_CRC_CRITICAL_IGNORE      0x0800
#define PNG_FLAG_ASSUME_sRGB              0x1000  /* Added to libpng-1.5.4 */
#define PNG_FLAG_OPTIMIZE_ALPHA           0x2000  /* Added to libpng-1.5.4 */
#define PNG_FLAG_DETECT_UNINITIALIZED     0x4000  /* Added to libpng-1.5.4 */
#define PNG_FLAG_KEEP_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS      0x8000
#define PNG_FLAG_KEEP_UNSAFE_CHUNKS       0x10000
#define PNG_FLAG_LIBRARY_MISMATCH         0x20000
#define PNG_FLAG_STRIP_ERROR_NUMBERS      0x40000
#define PNG_FLAG_STRIP_ERROR_TEXT         0x80000
#define PNG_FLAG_MALLOC_NULL_MEM_OK       0x100000
#define PNG_FLAG_ZSTREAM_PROGRESSIVE      0x200000
                                  /*      0x400000  unused */
#define PNG_FLAG_BENIGN_ERRORS_WARN       0x800000  /* Added to libpng-1.4.0 */
#define PNG_FLAG_ZTXT_CUSTOM_STRATEGY    0x1000000  /* 5 lines added */
#define PNG_FLAG_ZTXT_CUSTOM_LEVEL       0x2000000  /* to libpng-1.5.4 */
#define PNG_FLAG_ZTXT_CUSTOM_MEM_LEVEL   0x4000000
#define PNG_FLAG_ZTXT_CUSTOM_METHOD      0x10000000
                                  /*     0x20000000  unused */
                                  /*     0x40000000  unused */




/* zlib.h declares a magic type 'uInt' that limits the amount of data that zlib
 * can handle at once.  This type need be no larger than 16 bits (so maximum of
 * 65535), this define allows us to discover how big it is, but limited by the
 * maximuum for png_size_t.  The value can be overriden in a library build
 * (pngusr.h, or set it in CPPFLAGS) and it works to set it to a considerably
 * lower value (e.g. 255 works).  A lower value may help memory usage (slightly)
 * and may even improve performance on some systems (and degrade it on others.)
#ifndef ZLIB_IO_MAX
#  define ZLIB_IO_MAX ((uInt)-1)

/* Save typing and make code easier to understand */

#define PNG_COLOR_DIST(c1, c2) (abs((int)((c1).red) - (int)((c2).red)) + \
   abs((int)((c1).green) - (int)((c2).green)) + \
   abs((int)((c1).blue) - (int)((c2).blue)))

/* Added to libpng-1.2.6 JB */
#define PNG_ROWBYTES(pixel_bits, width) \
    ((pixel_bits) >= 8 ? \
    ((png_size_t)(width) * (((png_size_t)(pixel_bits)) >> 3)) : \
    (( ((png_size_t)(width) * ((png_size_t)(pixel_bits))) + 7) >> 3) )

/* PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE returns true if value is outside the range
 * ideal-delta..ideal+delta.  Each argument is evaluated twice.
 * "ideal" and "delta" should be constants, normally simple
 * integers, "value" a variable. Added to libpng-1.2.6 JB
#define PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(value, ideal, delta) \
   ( (value) < (ideal)-(delta) || (value) > (ideal)+(delta) )

/* Conversions between fixed and floating point, only defined if
 * required (to make sure the code doesn't accidentally use float
 * when it is supposedly disabled.)
/* The floating point conversion can't overflow, though it can and
 * does lose accuracy relative to the original fixed point value.
 * In practice this doesn't matter because png_fixed_point only
 * stores numbers with very low precision.  The png_ptr and s
 * arguments are unused by default but are there in case error
 * checking becomes a requirement.
#define png_float(png_ptr, fixed, s) (.00001 * (fixed))

/* The fixed point conversion performs range checking and evaluates
 * its argument multiple times, so must be used with care.  The
 * range checking uses the PNG specification values for a signed
 * 32 bit fixed point value except that the values are deliberately
 * rounded-to-zero to an integral value - 21474 (21474.83 is roughly
 * (2^31-1) * 100000). 's' is a string that describes the value being
 * converted.
 * NOTE: this macro will raise a png_error if the range check fails,
 * therefore it is normally only appropriate to use this on values
 * that come from API calls or other sources where an out of range
 * error indicates a programming error, not a data error!
 * NOTE: by default this is off - the macro is not used - because the
 * function call saves a lot of code.
#define png_fixed(png_ptr, fp, s) ((fp) <= 21474 && (fp) >= -21474 ?\
    ((png_fixed_point)(100000 * (fp))) : (png_fixed_error(png_ptr, s),0))
PNG_EXTERN png_fixed_point png_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, double fp,
   png_const_charp text));

/* Constants for known chunk types.  If you need to add a chunk, define the name
 * here.  For historical reasons these constants have the form png_<name>; i.e.
 * the prefix is lower case.  Please use decimal values as the parameters to
 * match the ISO PNG specification and to avoid relying on the C locale
 * interpretation of character values.
 * Prior to 1.5.6 these constants were strings, as of 1.5.6 png_uint_32 values
 * are computed and a new macro (PNG_STRING_FROM_CHUNK) added to allow a string
 * to be generated if required.
 * PNG_32b correctly produces a value shifted by up to 24 bits, even on
 * architectures where (int) is only 16 bits.
#define PNG_32b(b,s) ((png_uint_32)(b) << (s))
#define PNG_CHUNK(b1,b2,b3,b4) \
   (PNG_32b(b1,24) | PNG_32b(b2,16) | PNG_32b(b3,8) | PNG_32b(b4,0))

#define png_IHDR PNG_CHUNK( 73,  72,  68,  82)
#define png_IDAT PNG_CHUNK( 73,  68,  65,  84)
#define png_IEND PNG_CHUNK( 73,  69,  78,  68)
#define png_PLTE PNG_CHUNK( 80,  76,  84,  69)
#define png_bKGD PNG_CHUNK( 98,  75,  71,  68)
#define png_cHRM PNG_CHUNK( 99,  72,  82,  77)
#define png_gAMA PNG_CHUNK(103,  65,  77,  65)
#define png_hIST PNG_CHUNK(104,  73,  83,  84)
#define png_iCCP PNG_CHUNK(105,  67,  67,  80)
#define png_iTXt PNG_CHUNK(105,  84,  88, 116)
#define png_oFFs PNG_CHUNK(111,  70,  70, 115)
#define png_pCAL PNG_CHUNK(112,  67,  65,  76)
#define png_sCAL PNG_CHUNK(115,  67,  65,  76)
#define png_pHYs PNG_CHUNK(112,  72,  89, 115)
#define png_sBIT PNG_CHUNK(115,  66,  73,  84)
#define png_sPLT PNG_CHUNK(115,  80,  76,  84)
#define png_sRGB PNG_CHUNK(115,  82,  71,  66)
#define png_sTER PNG_CHUNK(115,  84,  69,  82)
#define png_tEXt PNG_CHUNK(116,  69,  88, 116)
#define png_tIME PNG_CHUNK(116,  73,  77,  69)
#define png_tRNS PNG_CHUNK(116,  82,  78,  83)
#define png_zTXt PNG_CHUNK(122,  84,  88, 116)

/* The following will work on (signed char*) strings, whereas the get_uint_32
 * macro will fail on top-bit-set values because of the sign extension.
   PNG_CHUNK(0xff&(s)[0], 0xff&(s)[1], 0xff&(s)[2], 0xff&(s)[3])

/* This uses (char), not (png_byte) to avoid warnings on systems where (char) is
 * signed and the argument is a (char[])  This macro will fail miserably on
 * systems where (char) is more than 8 bits.
   (void)(((char*)(s))[0]=(char)((c)>>24), ((char*)(s))[1]=(char)((c)>>16),\
   ((char*)(s))[2]=(char)((c)>>8), ((char*)(s))[3]=(char)((c)))

/* Do the same but terminate with a null character. */
   (void)(PNG_STRING_FROM_CHUNK(s,c), ((char*)(s))[4] = 0)

/* Test on flag values as defined in the spec (section 5.4): */
#define PNG_CHUNK_ANCILLIARY(c)   (1 & ((c) >> 29))
#define PNG_CHUNK_PRIVATE(c)      (1 & ((c) >> 21))
#define PNG_CHUNK_RESERVED(c)     (1 & ((c) >> 13))
#define PNG_CHUNK_SAFE_TO_COPY(c) (1 & ((c) >>  5))

/* Gamma values (new at libpng-1.5.4): */
#define PNG_GAMMA_MAC_OLD 151724  /* Assume '1.8' is really 2.2/1.45! */
#define PNG_GAMMA_sRGB_INVERSE 45455

/* Almost everything below is C specific; the #defines above can be used in
 * non-C code (so long as it is C-preprocessed) the rest of this stuff cannot.

#include "pngstruct.h"
#include "pnginfo.h"

/* This is used for 16 bit gamma tables -- only the top level pointers are
 * const; this could be changed:
typedef const png_uint_16p * png_const_uint_16pp;

/* Inhibit C++ name-mangling for libpng functions but not for system calls. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* These functions are used internally in the code.  They generally
 * shouldn't be used unless you are writing code to add or replace some
 * functionality in libpng.  More information about most functions can
 * be found in the files where the functions are located.

/* Check the user version string for compatibility, returns false if the version
 * numbers aren't compatible.
PNG_EXTERN int png_user_version_check(png_structp png_ptr,
   png_const_charp user_png_ver);

/* Allocate memory for an internal libpng struct */
PNG_EXTERN PNG_FUNCTION(png_voidp,png_create_struct,PNGARG((int type)),

/* Free memory from internal libpng struct */
PNG_EXTERN void png_destroy_struct PNGARG((png_voidp struct_ptr));

PNG_EXTERN PNG_FUNCTION(png_voidp,png_create_struct_2,
   PNGARG((int type, png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_voidp mem_ptr)),
PNG_EXTERN void png_destroy_struct_2 PNGARG((png_voidp struct_ptr,
    png_free_ptr free_fn, png_voidp mem_ptr));

/* Free any memory that info_ptr points to and reset struct. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_info_destroy PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));

/* Function to allocate memory for zlib.  PNGAPI is disallowed. */
PNG_EXTERN PNG_FUNCTION(voidpf,png_zalloc,PNGARG((voidpf png_ptr, uInt items,
   uInt size)),PNG_ALLOCATED);

/* Function to free memory for zlib.  PNGAPI is disallowed. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_zfree PNGARG((voidpf png_ptr, voidpf ptr));

/* Next four functions are used internally as callbacks.  PNGCBAPI is required
 * but not PNG_EXPORT.  PNGAPI added at libpng version 1.2.3, changed to
 * PNGCBAPI at 1.5.0

PNG_EXTERN void PNGCBAPI png_default_read_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_bytep data, png_size_t length));

PNG_EXTERN void PNGCBAPI png_push_fill_buffer PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_bytep buffer, png_size_t length));

PNG_EXTERN void PNGCBAPI png_default_write_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_bytep data, png_size_t length));

PNG_EXTERN void PNGCBAPI png_default_flush PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
#  endif

/* Reset the CRC variable */
PNG_EXTERN void png_reset_crc PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Write the "data" buffer to whatever output you are using */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_bytep data, png_size_t length));

/* Read and check the PNG file signature */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_sig PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr));

/* Read the chunk header (length + type name) */
PNG_EXTERN png_uint_32 png_read_chunk_header PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Read data from whatever input you are using into the "data" buffer */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data,
    png_size_t length));

/* Read bytes into buf, and update png_ptr->crc */
PNG_EXTERN void png_crc_read PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep buf,
    png_size_t length));

/* Decompress data in a chunk that uses compression */
PNG_EXTERN void png_decompress_chunk PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int comp_type, png_size_t chunklength, png_size_t prefix_length,
    png_size_t *data_length));

/* Read "skip" bytes, read the file crc, and (optionally) verify png_ptr->crc */
PNG_EXTERN int png_crc_finish PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 skip));

/* Read the CRC from the file and compare it to the libpng calculated CRC */
PNG_EXTERN int png_crc_error PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Calculate the CRC over a section of data.  Note that we are only
 * passing a maximum of 64K on systems that have this as a memory limit,
 * since this is the maximum buffer size we can specify.
PNG_EXTERN void png_calculate_crc PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_bytep ptr, png_size_t length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_flush PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Write various chunks */

/* Write the IHDR chunk, and update the png_struct with the necessary
 * information.
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_IHDR PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 width,
    png_uint_32 height,
    int bit_depth, int color_type, int compression_method, int filter_method,
    int interlace_method));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_PLTE PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_colorp palette, png_uint_32 num_pal));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_IDAT PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data,
    png_size_t length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_IEND PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_gAMA PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, double file_gamma));
#  endif
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_gAMA_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_fixed_point file_gamma));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_sBIT PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_color_8p sbit, int color_type));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_cHRM PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    double white_x, double white_y,
    double red_x, double red_y, double green_x, double green_y,
    double blue_x, double blue_y));
#  endif
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_cHRM_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_fixed_point int_white_x, png_fixed_point int_white_y,
    png_fixed_point int_red_x, png_fixed_point int_red_y, png_fixed_point
    int_green_x, png_fixed_point int_green_y, png_fixed_point int_blue_x,
    png_fixed_point int_blue_y));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_sRGB PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int intent));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_iCCP PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_charp name, int compression_type,
    png_const_charp profile, int proflen));
   /* Note to maintainer: profile should be png_bytep */

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_sPLT PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_sPLT_tp palette));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_tRNS PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_bytep trans, png_const_color_16p values, int number,
    int color_type));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_bKGD PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_color_16p values, int color_type));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_hIST PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_uint_16p hist, int num_hist));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_tEXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp key,
    png_const_charp text, png_size_t text_len));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_zTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp key,
    png_const_charp text, png_size_t text_len, int compression));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_iTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int compression, png_const_charp key, png_const_charp lang,
    png_const_charp lang_key, png_const_charp text));

#ifdef PNG_TEXT_SUPPORTED  /* Added at version 1.0.14 and 1.2.4 */
PNG_EXTERN int png_set_text_2 PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_const_textp text_ptr, int num_text));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_oFFs PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_int_32 x_offset, png_int_32 y_offset, int unit_type));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_pCAL PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_charp purpose,
    png_int_32 X0, png_int_32 X1, int type, int nparams,
    png_const_charp units, png_charpp params));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_pHYs PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_uint_32 x_pixels_per_unit, png_uint_32 y_pixels_per_unit,
    int unit_type));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_tIME PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_timep mod_time));

PNG_EXTERN void png_write_sCAL_s PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int unit, png_const_charp width, png_const_charp height));

/* Called when finished processing a row of data */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_finish_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Internal use only.   Called before first row of data */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_start_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Combine a row of data, dealing with alpha, etc. if requested.  'row' is an
 * array of png_ptr->width pixels.  If the image is not interlaced or this
 * is the final pass this just does a png_memcpy, otherwise the "display" flag
 * is used to determine whether to copy pixels that are not in the current pass.
 * Because 'png_do_read_interlace' (below) replicates pixels this allows this
 * function to achieve the documented 'blocky' appearance during interlaced read
 * if display is 1 and the 'sparkle' appearance, where existing pixels in 'row'
 * are not changed if they are not in the current pass, when display is 0.
 * 'display' must be 0 or 1, otherwise the memcpy will be done regardless.
 * The API always reads from the png_struct row buffer and always assumes that
 * it is full width (png_do_read_interlace has already been called.)
 * This function is only ever used to write to row buffers provided by the
 * caller of the relevant libpng API and the row must have already been
 * transformed by the read transformations.
 * The PNG_USE_COMPILE_TIME_MASKS option causes generation of pre-computed
 * bitmasks for use within the code, otherwise runtime generated masks are used.
 * The default is compile time masks.
PNG_EXTERN void png_combine_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep row,
    int display));

/* Expand an interlaced row: the 'row_info' describes the pass data that has
 * been read in and must correspond to the pixels in 'row', the pixels are
 * expanded (moved apart) in 'row' to match the final layout, when doing this
 * the pixels are *replicated* to the intervening space.  This is essential for
 * the correct operation of png_combine_row, above.
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_interlace PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, int pass, png_uint_32 transformations));

/* GRR TO DO (2.0 or whenever):  simplify other internal calling interfaces */

/* Grab pixels out of a row for an interlaced pass */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_interlace PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, int pass));

/* Unfilter a row: check the filter value before calling this, there is no point
 * calling it for PNG_FILTER_VALUE_NONE.
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row PNGARG((png_structp pp, png_row_infop
    row_info, png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row, int filter));

PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_up_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_sub3_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_sub4_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_avg3_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_avg4_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_paeth3_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row_paeth4_neon PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep prev_row));

/* Choose the best filter to use and filter the row data */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_find_filter PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_row_infop row_info));

/* Finish a row while reading, dealing with interlacing passes, etc. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_finish_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Initialize the row buffers, etc. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_start_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

/* Optional call to update the users info structure */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_transform_info PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));

/* These are the functions that do the transformations */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_filler PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_uint_32 filler, png_uint_32 flags));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_swap_alpha PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_swap_alpha PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_invert_alpha PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_invert_alpha PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_strip_channel PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, int at_start));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_swap PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_packswap PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN int png_do_rgb_to_gray PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_row_infop row_info, png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_gray_to_rgb PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_unpack PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_unshift PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_color_8p sig_bits));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_invert PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_scale_16_to_8 PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_chop PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_quantize PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_bytep palette_lookup,
    png_const_bytep quantize_lookup));

PNG_EXTERN void png_correct_palette PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_colorp palette, int num_palette));
#  endif

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_bgr PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_pack PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
   png_bytep row, png_uint_32 bit_depth));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_shift PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_color_8p bit_depth));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_compose PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_structp png_ptr));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_gamma PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_structp png_ptr));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_encode_alpha PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
   png_bytep row, png_structp png_ptr));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_expand_palette PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_colorp palette, png_const_bytep trans,
    int num_trans));
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_expand PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row, png_const_color_16p trans_color));

PNG_EXTERN void png_do_expand_16 PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

/* The following decodes the appropriate chunks, and does error correction,
 * then calls the appropriate callback for the chunk if it is valid.

/* Decode the IHDR chunk */
PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_IHDR PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_PLTE PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_IEND PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_bKGD PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_cHRM PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_gAMA PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_hIST PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_iCCP PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_iTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_oFFs PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_pCAL PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_pHYs PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_sBIT PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_sCAL PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_sPLT PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_sRGB PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_tEXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_tIME PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_tRNS PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_zTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
    png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_unknown PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length));

PNG_EXTERN void png_check_chunk_name PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_uint_32 chunk_name));

/* Exactly as png_handle_as_unknown() except that the argument is a 32-bit chunk
 * name, not a string.
PNG_EXTERN int png_chunk_unknown_handling PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_uint_32 chunk_name));

/* Handle the transformations for reading and writing */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_transformations PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
   png_row_infop row_info));
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_transformations PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
   png_row_infop row_info));

PNG_EXTERN void png_init_read_transformations PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_chunk PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_sig PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_check_crc PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_save_buffer PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_restore_buffer PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_bytep buffer, png_size_t buffer_length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_IDAT PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_process_IDAT_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_bytep buffer, png_size_t buffer_length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_process_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_handle_unknown PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
   png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_have_info PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
   png_infop info_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_have_end PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
   png_infop info_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_have_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_end PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_process_some_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_push_finish_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_handle_tEXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_tEXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
#  endif
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_handle_zTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_zTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
#  endif
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_handle_iTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_push_read_iTXt PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr));
#  endif


PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_intrapixel PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_intrapixel PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
    png_bytep row));

/* Added at libpng version 1.4.0 */
PNG_EXTERN int png_check_cHRM_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_fixed_point int_white_x, png_fixed_point int_white_y,
    png_fixed_point int_red_x, png_fixed_point int_red_y, png_fixed_point
    int_green_x, png_fixed_point int_green_y, png_fixed_point int_blue_x,
    png_fixed_point int_blue_y));

/* Added at libpng version 1.2.34 and 1.4.0 */
/* Currently only used by png_check_cHRM_fixed */
PNG_EXTERN void png_64bit_product PNGARG((long v1, long v2,
    unsigned long *hi_product, unsigned long *lo_product));

/* Added at libpng version 1.5.5 */
typedef struct png_xy
   png_fixed_point redx, redy;
   png_fixed_point greenx, greeny;
   png_fixed_point bluex, bluey;
   png_fixed_point whitex, whitey;
} png_xy;

typedef struct png_XYZ
   png_fixed_point redX, redY, redZ;
   png_fixed_point greenX, greenY, greenZ;
   png_fixed_point blueX, blueY, blueZ;
} png_XYZ;

/* The conversion APIs return 0 on success, non-zero on a parameter error. They
 * allow conversion between the above representations of a color encoding.  When
 * converting from XYZ end points to chromaticities the absolute magnitude of
 * the end points is lost, when converting back the sum of the Y values of the
 * three end points will be 1.0
PNG_EXTERN int png_xy_from_XYZ PNGARG((png_xy *xy, png_XYZ XYZ));
PNG_EXTERN int png_XYZ_from_xy PNGARG((png_XYZ *XYZ, png_xy xy));
PNG_EXTERN int png_XYZ_from_xy_checked PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
   png_XYZ *XYZ, png_xy xy));

/* Added at libpng version 1.4.0 */
PNG_EXTERN void png_check_IHDR PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_uint_32 width, png_uint_32 height, int bit_depth,
    int color_type, int interlace_type, int compression_type,
    int filter_type));

/* Added at libpng version 1.5.10 */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_check_palette_indexes PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_row_infop row_info));

/* Free all memory used by the read (old method - NOT DLL EXPORTED) */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_destroy PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_infop end_info_ptr));

/* Free any memory used in png_ptr struct (old method - NOT DLL EXPORTED) */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_destroy PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));

#ifdef USE_FAR_KEYWORD  /* memory model conversion function */
PNG_EXTERN void *png_far_to_near PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp ptr,
    int check));
#endif /* USE_FAR_KEYWORD */

PNG_EXTERN PNG_FUNCTION(void, png_fixed_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
   png_const_charp name),PNG_NORETURN);

/* Puts 'string' into 'buffer' at buffer[pos], taking care never to overwrite
 * the end.  Always leaves the buffer nul terminated.  Never errors out (and
 * there is no error code.)
PNG_EXTERN size_t png_safecat(png_charp buffer, size_t bufsize, size_t pos,
    png_const_charp string);

/* Various internal functions to handle formatted warning messages, currently
 * only implemented for warnings.
/* Utility to dump an unsigned value into a buffer, given a start pointer and
 * and end pointer (which should point just *beyond* the end of the buffer!)
 * Returns the pointer to the start of the formatted string.  This utility only
 * does unsigned values.
PNG_EXTERN png_charp png_format_number(png_const_charp start, png_charp end,
   int format, png_alloc_size_t number);

/* Convenience macro that takes an array: */
#define PNG_FORMAT_NUMBER(buffer,format,number) \
   png_format_number(buffer, buffer + (sizeof buffer), format, number)

/* Suggested size for a number buffer (enough for 64 bits and a sign!) */

/* These are the integer formats currently supported, the name is formed from
 * the standard printf(3) format string.
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_u     1 /* chose unsigned API! */
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_02u   2
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_d     1 /* chose signed API! */
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_02d   2
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_x     3
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_02x   4
#define PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_fixed 5 /* choose the signed API */

/* New defines and members adding in libpng-1.5.4 */

/* An l-value of this type has to be passed to the APIs below to cache the
 * values of the parameters to a formatted warning message.
typedef char png_warning_parameters[PNG_WARNING_PARAMETER_COUNT][

PNG_EXTERN void png_warning_parameter(png_warning_parameters p, int number,
    png_const_charp string);
    /* Parameters are limited in size to PNG_WARNING_PARAMETER_SIZE characters,
     * including the trailing '\0'.
PNG_EXTERN void png_warning_parameter_unsigned(png_warning_parameters p,
    int number, int format, png_alloc_size_t value);
    /* Use png_alloc_size_t because it is an unsigned type as big as any we
     * need to output.  Use the following for a signed value.
PNG_EXTERN void png_warning_parameter_signed(png_warning_parameters p,
    int number, int format, png_int_32 value);

PNG_EXTERN void png_formatted_warning(png_structp png_ptr,
    png_warning_parameters p, png_const_charp message);
    /* 'message' follows the X/Open approach of using @1, @2 to insert
     * parameters previously supplied using the above functions.  Errors in
     * specifying the paramters will simple result in garbage substitutions.

/* ASCII to FP interfaces, currently only implemented if sCAL
 * support is required.
/* MAX_DIGITS is actually the maximum number of characters in an sCAL
 * width or height, derived from the precision (number of significant
 * digits - a build time settable option) and assumpitions about the
 * maximum ridiculous exponent.
#define PNG_sCAL_MAX_DIGITS (PNG_sCAL_PRECISION+1/*.*/+1/*E*/+10/*exponent*/)

PNG_EXTERN void png_ascii_from_fp PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_charp ascii,
    png_size_t size, double fp, unsigned int precision));
#endif /* FLOATING_POINT */

PNG_EXTERN void png_ascii_from_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_charp ascii, png_size_t size, png_fixed_point fp));
#endif /* FIXED_POINT */
#endif /* READ_sCAL */

#if defined(PNG_sCAL_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_pCAL_SUPPORTED)
/* An internal API to validate the format of a floating point number.
 * The result is the index of the next character.  If the number is
 * not valid it will be the index of a character in the supposed number.
 * The format of a number is defined in the PNG extensions specification
 * and this API is strictly conformant to that spec, not anyone elses!
 * The format as a regular expression is:
 * [+-]?[0-9]+.?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?
 * or:
 * [+-]?.[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?
 * The complexity is that either integer or fraction must be present and the
 * fraction is permitted to have no digits only if the integer is present.
 * NOTE: The dangling E problem.
 *   There is a PNG valid floating point number in the following:
 *       PNG floating point numb1.ers are not greedy.
 *   Working this out requires *TWO* character lookahead (because of the
 *   sign), the parser does not do this - it will fail at the 'r' - this
 *   doesn't matter for PNG sCAL chunk values, but it requires more care
 *   if the value were ever to be embedded in something more complex.  Use
 *   ANSI-C strtod if you need the lookahead.
/* State table for the parser. */
#define PNG_FP_INTEGER    0  /* before or in integer */
#define PNG_FP_FRACTION   1  /* before or in fraction */
#define PNG_FP_EXPONENT   2  /* before or in exponent */
#define PNG_FP_STATE      3  /* mask for the above */
#define PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN   4  /* Saw +/- in current state */
#define PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT  8  /* Saw a digit in current state */
#define PNG_FP_SAW_DOT   16  /* Saw a dot in current state */
#define PNG_FP_SAW_E     32  /* Saw an E (or e) in current state */
#define PNG_FP_SAW_ANY   60  /* Saw any of the above 4 */

/* These three values don't affect the parser.  They are set but not used.
#define PNG_FP_WAS_VALID 64  /* Preceding substring is a valid fp number */
#define PNG_FP_NEGATIVE 128  /* A negative number, including "-0" */
#define PNG_FP_NONZERO  256  /* A non-zero value */
#define PNG_FP_STICKY   448  /* The above three flags */

/* This is available for the caller to store in 'state' if required.  Do not
 * call the parser after setting it (the parser sometimes clears it.)
#define PNG_FP_INVALID  512  /* Available for callers as a distinct value */

/* Result codes for the parser (boolean - true meants ok, false means
 * not ok yet.)
#define PNG_FP_MAYBE      0  /* The number may be valid in the future */
#define PNG_FP_OK         1  /* The number is valid */

/* Tests on the sticky non-zero and negative flags.  To pass these checks
 * the state must also indicate that the whole number is valid - this is
 * achieved by testing PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT (see the implementation for why this
 * is equivalent to PNG_FP_OK above.)
   /* NZ_MASK: the string is valid and a non-zero negative value */
   /* Z MASK: the string is valid and a non-zero value. */
   /* PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT: the string is valid. */
#define PNG_FP_IS_ZERO(state) (((state) & PNG_FP_Z_MASK) == PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT)
#define PNG_FP_IS_POSITIVE(state) (((state) & PNG_FP_NZ_MASK) == PNG_FP_Z_MASK)
#define PNG_FP_IS_NEGATIVE(state) (((state) & PNG_FP_NZ_MASK) == PNG_FP_NZ_MASK)

/* The actual parser.  This can be called repeatedly. It updates
 * the index into the string and the state variable (which must
 * be initialized to 0).  It returns a result code, as above.  There
 * is no point calling the parser any more if it fails to advance to
 * the end of the string - it is stuck on an invalid character (or
 * terminated by '\0').
 * Note that the pointer will consume an E or even an E+ and then leave
 * a 'maybe' state even though a preceding integer.fraction is valid.
 * The PNG_FP_WAS_VALID flag indicates that a preceding substring was
 * a valid number.  It's possible to recover from this by calling
 * the parser again (from the start, with state 0) but with a string
 * that omits the last character (i.e. set the size to the index of
 * the problem character.)  This has not been tested within libpng.
PNG_EXTERN int png_check_fp_number PNGARG((png_const_charp string,
    png_size_t size, int *statep, png_size_tp whereami));

/* This is the same but it checks a complete string and returns true
 * only if it just contains a floating point number.  As of 1.5.4 this
 * function also returns the state at the end of parsing the number if
 * it was valid (otherwise it returns 0.)  This can be used for testing
 * for negative or zero values using the sticky flag.
PNG_EXTERN int png_check_fp_string PNGARG((png_const_charp string,
    png_size_t size));
#endif /* pCAL || sCAL */

/* Added at libpng version 1.5.0 */
/* This is a utility to provide a*times/div (rounded) and indicate
 * if there is an overflow.  The result is a boolean - false (0)
 * for overflow, true (1) if no overflow, in which case *res
 * holds the result.
PNG_EXTERN int png_muldiv PNGARG((png_fixed_point_p res, png_fixed_point a,
    png_int_32 multiplied_by, png_int_32 divided_by));

/* Same deal, but issue a warning on overflow and return 0. */
PNG_EXTERN png_fixed_point png_muldiv_warn PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_fixed_point a, png_int_32 multiplied_by, png_int_32 divided_by));

/* Calculate a reciprocal - used for gamma values.  This returns
 * 0 if the argument is 0 in order to maintain an undefined value,
 * there are no warnings.
PNG_EXTERN png_fixed_point png_reciprocal PNGARG((png_fixed_point a));

/* The same but gives a reciprocal of the product of two fixed point
 * values.  Accuracy is suitable for gamma calculations but this is
 * not exact - use png_muldiv for that.
PNG_EXTERN png_fixed_point png_reciprocal2 PNGARG((png_fixed_point a,
    png_fixed_point b));

/* Internal fixed point gamma correction.  These APIs are called as
 * required to convert single values - they don't need to be fast,
 * they are not used when processing image pixel values.
 * While the input is an 'unsigned' value it must actually be the
 * correct bit value - 0..255 or 0..65535 as required.
PNG_EXTERN png_uint_16 png_gamma_correct PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    unsigned int value, png_fixed_point gamma_value));
PNG_EXTERN int png_gamma_significant PNGARG((png_fixed_point gamma_value));
PNG_EXTERN png_uint_16 png_gamma_16bit_correct PNGARG((unsigned int value,
    png_fixed_point gamma_value));
PNG_EXTERN png_byte png_gamma_8bit_correct PNGARG((unsigned int value,
    png_fixed_point gamma_value));
PNG_EXTERN void png_destroy_gamma_table(png_structp png_ptr);
PNG_EXTERN void png_build_gamma_table PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int bit_depth));

/* Missing declarations if FIXED_POINT is *not* supported - fixed properly
 * in libpng 1.6
PNG_EXTERN png_uint_32 png_get_cHRM_XYZ_fixed PNGARG(
    (png_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
    png_fixed_point *int_red_X, png_fixed_point *int_red_Y,
    png_fixed_point *int_red_Z, png_fixed_point *int_green_X,
    png_fixed_point *int_green_Y, png_fixed_point *int_green_Z,
    png_fixed_point *int_blue_X, png_fixed_point *int_blue_Y,
    png_fixed_point *int_blue_Z));
PNG_EXTERN void png_set_cHRM_XYZ_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point int_red_X, png_fixed_point int_red_Y,
    png_fixed_point int_red_Z, png_fixed_point int_green_X,
    png_fixed_point int_green_Y, png_fixed_point int_green_Z,
    png_fixed_point int_blue_X, png_fixed_point int_blue_Y,
    png_fixed_point int_blue_Z));
PNG_EXTERN void png_set_cHRM_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point int_white_x,
    png_fixed_point int_white_y, png_fixed_point int_red_x,
    png_fixed_point int_red_y, png_fixed_point int_green_x,
    png_fixed_point int_green_y, png_fixed_point int_blue_x,
    png_fixed_point int_blue_y));

PNG_EXTERN png_uint_32 png_get_gAMA_fixed PNGARG(
    (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
    png_fixed_point *int_file_gamma));
PNG_EXTERN void png_set_gAMA_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point int_file_gamma));

PNG_EXTERN void png_set_background_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_const_color_16p background_color, int background_gamma_code,
    int need_expand, png_fixed_point background_gamma));

PNG_EXTERN void png_set_alpha_mode_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int mode, png_fixed_point output_gamma));

PNG_EXTERN void png_set_gamma_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    png_fixed_point screen_gamma, png_fixed_point override_file_gamma));

PNG_EXTERN void png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
    int error_action, png_fixed_point red, png_fixed_point green));

/* These are initialization functions for hardware specific PNG filter
 * optimizations; list these here then select the appropriate one at compile
 * time using the macro PNG_FILTER_OPTIMIZATIONS.  If the macro is not defined
 * the generic code is used.
PNG_EXTERN void PNG_FILTER_OPTIMIZATIONS(png_structp png_ptr, unsigned int bpp);
   /* Just declare the optimization that will be used */
   /* List *all* the possible optimizations here - this branch is required if
    * the builder of libpng passes the definition of PNG_FILTER_OPTIMIZATIONS in
    * CFLAGS in place of CPPFLAGS *and* uses symbol prefixing.
PNG_EXTERN void png_init_filter_functions_neon(png_structp png_ptr,
    unsigned int bpp);

/* Maintainer: Put new private prototypes here ^ */

#include "pngdebug.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* PNGPRIV_H */