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const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (threadIdx.x == 0) s_qsize[threadIdx.y] = 0; __syncthreads(); if (y < src.rows) { // fill the queue const uchar* srcRow = src.ptr(y); for (int i = 0, xx = x; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD && xx < src.cols; ++i, xx += blockDim.x) { if (srcRow[xx]) { const unsigned int val = (y << 16) | xx; const int qidx = Emulation::smem::atomicAdd(&s_qsize[threadIdx.y], 1); s_queues[threadIdx.y][qidx] = val; } } } __syncthreads(); // let one thread reserve the space required in the global list if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0) { // find how many items are stored in each list int totalSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < blockDim.y; ++i) { s_globStart[i] = totalSize; totalSize += s_qsize[i]; } // calculate the offset in the global list const int globalOffset = atomicAdd(&g_counter, totalSize); for (int i = 0; i < blockDim.y; ++i) s_globStart[i] += globalOffset; } __syncthreads(); // copy local queues to global queue const int qsize = s_qsize[threadIdx.y]; int gidx = s_globStart[threadIdx.y] + threadIdx.x; for(int i = threadIdx.x; i < qsize; i += blockDim.x, gidx += blockDim.x) list[gidx] = s_queues[threadIdx.y][i]; } int buildPointList_gpu(PtrStepSzb src, unsigned int* list) { const int PIXELS_PER_THREAD = 16; void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 4); const dim3 grid(divUp(src.cols, block.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD), divUp(src.rows, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(buildPointList<PIXELS_PER_THREAD>, cudaFuncCachePreferShared) ); buildPointList<PIXELS_PER_THREAD><<<grid, block>>>(src, list); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // linesAccum __global__ void linesAccumGlobal(const unsigned int* list, const int count, PtrStepi accum, const float irho, const float theta, const int numrho) { const int n = blockIdx.x; const float ang = n * theta; float sinVal; float cosVal; sincosf(ang, &sinVal, &cosVal); sinVal *= irho; cosVal *= irho; const int shift = (numrho - 1) / 2; int* accumRow = accum.ptr(n + 1); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < count; i += blockDim.x) { const unsigned int val = list[i]; const int x = (val & 0xFFFF); const int y = (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF; int r = __float2int_rn(x * cosVal + y * sinVal); r += shift; ::atomicAdd(accumRow + r + 1, 1); } } __global__ void linesAccumShared(const unsigned int* list, const int count, PtrStepi accum, const float irho, const float theta, const int numrho) { int* smem = DynamicSharedMem<int>(); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < numrho + 1; i += blockDim.x) smem[i] = 0; __syncthreads(); const int n = blockIdx.x; const float ang = n * theta; float sinVal; float cosVal; sincosf(ang, &sinVal, &cosVal); sinVal *= irho; cosVal *= irho; const int shift = (numrho - 1) / 2; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < count; i += blockDim.x) { const unsigned int val = list[i]; const int x = (val & 0xFFFF); const int y = (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF; int r = __float2int_rn(x * cosVal + y * sinVal); r += shift; Emulation::smem::atomicAdd(&smem[r + 1], 1); } __syncthreads(); int* accumRow = accum.ptr(n + 1); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < numrho + 1; i += blockDim.x) accumRow[i] = smem[i]; } void linesAccum_gpu(const unsigned int* list, int count, PtrStepSzi accum, float rho, float theta, size_t sharedMemPerBlock, bool has20) { const dim3 block(has20 ? 1024 : 512); const dim3 grid(accum.rows - 2); size_t smemSize = (accum.cols - 1) * sizeof(int); if (smemSize < sharedMemPerBlock - 1000) linesAccumShared<<<grid, block, smemSize>>>(list, count, accum, 1.0f / rho, theta, accum.cols - 2); else linesAccumGlobal<<<grid, block>>>(list, count, accum, 1.0f / rho, theta, accum.cols - 2); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // linesGetResult __global__ void linesGetResult(const PtrStepSzi accum, float2* out, int* votes, const int maxSize, const float rho, const float theta, const int threshold, const int numrho) { const int r = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int n = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (r >= accum.cols - 2 || n >= accum.rows - 2) return; const int curVotes = accum(n + 1, r + 1); if (curVotes > threshold && curVotes > accum(n + 1, r) && curVotes >= accum(n + 1, r + 2) && curVotes > accum(n, r + 1) && curVotes >= accum(n + 2, r + 1)) { const float radius = (r - (numrho - 1) * 0.5f) * rho; const float angle = n * theta; const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) { out[ind] = make_float2(radius, angle); votes[ind] = curVotes; } } } int linesGetResult_gpu(PtrStepSzi accum, float2* out, int* votes, int maxSize, float rho, float theta, int threshold, bool doSort) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(accum.cols - 2, block.x), divUp(accum.rows - 2, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(linesGetResult, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); linesGetResult<<<grid, block>>>(accum, out, votes, maxSize, rho, theta, threshold, accum.cols - 2); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxSize); if (doSort && totalCount > 0) { thrust::device_ptr<float2> outPtr(out); thrust::device_ptr<int> votesPtr(votes); thrust::sort_by_key(votesPtr, votesPtr + totalCount, outPtr, thrust::greater<int>()); } return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // houghLinesProbabilistic texture<uchar, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_mask(false, cudaFilterModePoint, cudaAddressModeClamp); __global__ void houghLinesProbabilistic(const PtrStepSzi accum, int4* out, const int maxSize, const float rho, const float theta, const int lineGap, const int lineLength, const int rows, const int cols) { const int r = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int n = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (r >= accum.cols - 2 || n >= accum.rows - 2) return; const int curVotes = accum(n + 1, r + 1); if (curVotes >= lineLength && curVotes > accum(n, r) && curVotes > accum(n, r + 1) && curVotes > accum(n, r + 2) && curVotes > accum(n + 1, r) && curVotes > accum(n + 1, r + 2) && curVotes > accum(n + 2, r) && curVotes > accum(n + 2, r + 1) && curVotes > accum(n + 2, r + 2)) { const float radius = (r - (accum.cols - 2 - 1) * 0.5f) * rho; const float angle = n * theta; float cosa; float sina; sincosf(angle, &sina, &cosa); float2 p0 = make_float2(cosa * radius, sina * radius); float2 dir = make_float2(-sina, cosa); float2 pb[4] = {make_float2(-1, -1), make_float2(-1, -1), make_float2(-1, -1), make_float2(-1, -1)}; float a; if (dir.x != 0) { a = -p0.x / dir.x; pb[0].x = 0; pb[0].y = p0.y + a * dir.y; a = (cols - 1 - p0.x) / dir.x; pb[1].x = cols - 1; pb[1].y = p0.y + a * dir.y; } if (dir.y != 0) { a = -p0.y / dir.y; pb[2].x = p0.x + a * dir.x; pb[2].y = 0; a = (rows - 1 - p0.y) / dir.y; pb[3].x = p0.x + a * dir.x; pb[3].y = rows - 1; } if (pb[0].x == 0 && (pb[0].y >= 0 && pb[0].y < rows)) { p0 = pb[0]; if (dir.x < 0) dir = -dir; } else if (pb[1].x == cols - 1 && (pb[0].y >= 0 && pb[0].y < rows)) { p0 = pb[1]; if (dir.x > 0) dir = -dir; } else if (pb[2].y == 0 && (pb[2].x >= 0 && pb[2].x < cols)) { p0 = pb[2]; if (dir.y < 0) dir = -dir; } else if (pb[3].y == rows - 1 && (pb[3].x >= 0 && pb[3].x < cols)) { p0 = pb[3]; if (dir.y > 0) dir = -dir; } float2 d; if (::fabsf(dir.x) > ::fabsf(dir.y)) { d.x = dir.x > 0 ? 1 : -1; d.y = dir.y / ::fabsf(dir.x); } else { d.x = dir.x / ::fabsf(dir.y); d.y = dir.y > 0 ? 1 : -1; } float2 line_end[2]; int gap; bool inLine = false; float2 p1 = p0; if (p1.x < 0 || p1.x >= cols || p1.y < 0 || p1.y >= rows) return; for (;;) { if (tex2D(tex_mask, p1.x, p1.y)) { gap = 0; if (!inLine) { line_end[0] = p1; line_end[1] = p1; inLine = true; } else { line_end[1] = p1; } } else if (inLine) { if (++gap > lineGap) { bool good_line = ::abs(line_end[1].x - line_end[0].x) >= lineLength || ::abs(line_end[1].y - line_end[0].y) >= lineLength; if (good_line) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) out[ind] = make_int4(line_end[0].x, line_end[0].y, line_end[1].x, line_end[1].y); } gap = 0; inLine = false; } } p1 = p1 + d; if (p1.x < 0 || p1.x >= cols || p1.y < 0 || p1.y >= rows) { if (inLine) { bool good_line = ::abs(line_end[1].x - line_end[0].x) >= lineLength || ::abs(line_end[1].y - line_end[0].y) >= lineLength; if (good_line) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) out[ind] = make_int4(line_end[0].x, line_end[0].y, line_end[1].x, line_end[1].y); } } break; } } } } int houghLinesProbabilistic_gpu(PtrStepSzb mask, PtrStepSzi accum, int4* out, int maxSize, float rho, float theta, int lineGap, int lineLength) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(accum.cols - 2, block.x), divUp(accum.rows - 2, block.y)); bindTexture(&tex_mask, mask); houghLinesProbabilistic<<<grid, block>>>(accum, out, maxSize, rho, theta, lineGap, lineLength, mask.rows, mask.cols); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxSize); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // circlesAccumCenters __global__ void circlesAccumCenters(const unsigned int* list, const int count, const PtrStepi dx, const PtrStepi dy, PtrStepi accum, const int width, const int height, const int minRadius, const int maxRadius, const float idp) { const int SHIFT = 10; const int ONE = 1 << SHIFT; const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (tid >= count) return; const unsigned int val = list[tid]; const int x = (val & 0xFFFF); const int y = (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF; const int vx = dx(y, x); const int vy = dy(y, x); if (vx == 0 && vy == 0) return; const float mag = ::sqrtf(vx * vx + vy * vy); const int x0 = __float2int_rn((x * idp) * ONE); const int y0 = __float2int_rn((y * idp) * ONE); int sx = __float2int_rn((vx * idp) * ONE / mag); int sy = __float2int_rn((vy * idp) * ONE / mag); // Step from minRadius to maxRadius in both directions of the gradient for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 2; ++k1) { int x1 = x0 + minRadius * sx; int y1 = y0 + minRadius * sy; for (int r = minRadius; r <= maxRadius; x1 += sx, y1 += sy, ++r) { const int x2 = x1 >> SHIFT; const int y2 = y1 >> SHIFT; if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= width || y2 < 0 || y2 >= height) break; ::atomicAdd(accum.ptr(y2 + 1) + x2 + 1, 1); } sx = -sx; sy = -sy; } } void circlesAccumCenters_gpu(const unsigned int* list, int count, PtrStepi dx, PtrStepi dy, PtrStepSzi accum, int minRadius, int maxRadius, float idp) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(divUp(count, block.x)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(circlesAccumCenters, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); circlesAccumCenters<<<grid, block>>>(list, count, dx, dy, accum, accum.cols - 2, accum.rows - 2, minRadius, maxRadius, idp); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // buildCentersList __global__ void buildCentersList(const PtrStepSzi accum, unsigned int* centers, const int threshold) { const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (x < accum.cols - 2 && y < accum.rows - 2) { const int top = accum(y, x + 1); const int left = accum(y + 1, x); const int cur = accum(y + 1, x + 1); const int right = accum(y + 1, x + 2); const int bottom = accum(y + 2, x + 1); if (cur > threshold && cur > top && cur >= bottom && cur > left && cur >= right) { const unsigned int val = (y << 16) | x; const int idx = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); centers[idx] = val; } } } int buildCentersList_gpu(PtrStepSzi accum, unsigned int* centers, int threshold) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(accum.cols - 2, block.x), divUp(accum.rows - 2, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(buildCentersList, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); buildCentersList<<<grid, block>>>(accum, centers, threshold); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // circlesAccumRadius __global__ void circlesAccumRadius(const unsigned int* centers, const unsigned int* list, const int count, float3* circles, const int maxCircles, const float dp, const int minRadius, const int maxRadius, const int histSize, const int threshold) { int* smem = DynamicSharedMem<int>(); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < histSize + 2; i += blockDim.x) smem[i] = 0; __syncthreads(); unsigned int val = centers[blockIdx.x]; float cx = (val & 0xFFFF); float cy = (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF; cx = (cx + 0.5f) * dp; cy = (cy + 0.5f) * dp; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < count; i += blockDim.x) { val = list[i]; const int x = (val & 0xFFFF); const int y = (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF; const float rad = ::sqrtf((cx - x) * (cx - x) + (cy - y) * (cy - y)); if (rad >= minRadius && rad <= maxRadius) { const int r = __float2int_rn(rad - minRadius); Emulation::smem::atomicAdd(&smem[r + 1], 1); } } __syncthreads(); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < histSize; i += blockDim.x) { const int curVotes = smem[i + 1]; if (curVotes >= threshold && curVotes > smem[i] && curVotes >= smem[i + 2]) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxCircles) circles[ind] = make_float3(cx, cy, i + minRadius); } } } int circlesAccumRadius_gpu(const unsigned int* centers, int centersCount, const unsigned int* list, int count, float3* circles, int maxCircles, float dp, int minRadius, int maxRadius, int threshold, bool has20) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(has20 ? 1024 : 512); const dim3 grid(centersCount); const int histSize = maxRadius - minRadius + 1; size_t smemSize = (histSize + 2) * sizeof(int); circlesAccumRadius<<<grid, block, smemSize>>>(centers, list, count, circles, maxCircles, dp, minRadius, maxRadius, histSize, threshold); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxCircles); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generalized Hough template <typename T, int PIXELS_PER_THREAD> __global__ void buildEdgePointList(const PtrStepSzb edges, const PtrStep<T> dx, const PtrStep<T> dy, unsigned int* coordList, float* thetaList) { __shared__ unsigned int s_coordLists[4][32 * PIXELS_PER_THREAD]; __shared__ float s_thetaLists[4][32 * PIXELS_PER_THREAD]; __shared__ int s_sizes[4]; __shared__ int s_globStart[4]; const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (threadIdx.x == 0) s_sizes[threadIdx.y] = 0; __syncthreads(); if (y < edges.rows) { // fill the queue const uchar* edgesRow = edges.ptr(y); const T* dxRow = dx.ptr(y); const T* dyRow = dy.ptr(y); for (int i = 0, xx = x; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD && xx < edges.cols; ++i, xx += blockDim.x) { const T dxVal = dxRow[xx]; const T dyVal = dyRow[xx]; if (edgesRow[xx] && (dxVal != 0 || dyVal != 0)) { const unsigned int coord = (y << 16) | xx; float theta = ::atan2f(dyVal, dxVal); if (theta < 0) theta += 2.0f * CV_PI_F; const int qidx = Emulation::smem::atomicAdd(&s_sizes[threadIdx.y], 1); s_coordLists[threadIdx.y][qidx] = coord; s_thetaLists[threadIdx.y][qidx] = theta; } } } __syncthreads(); // let one thread reserve the space required in the global list if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0) { // find how many items are stored in each list int totalSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < blockDim.y; ++i) { s_globStart[i] = totalSize; totalSize += s_sizes[i]; } // calculate the offset in the global list const int globalOffset = atomicAdd(&g_counter, totalSize); for (int i = 0; i < blockDim.y; ++i) s_globStart[i] += globalOffset; } __syncthreads(); // copy local queues to global queue const int qsize = s_sizes[threadIdx.y]; int gidx = s_globStart[threadIdx.y] + threadIdx.x; for(int i = threadIdx.x; i < qsize; i += blockDim.x, gidx += blockDim.x) { coordList[gidx] = s_coordLists[threadIdx.y][i]; thetaList[gidx] = s_thetaLists[threadIdx.y][i]; } } template <typename T> int buildEdgePointList_gpu(PtrStepSzb edges, PtrStepSzb dx, PtrStepSzb dy, unsigned int* coordList, float* thetaList) { const int PIXELS_PER_THREAD = 8; void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 4); const dim3 grid(divUp(edges.cols, block.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD), divUp(edges.rows, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(buildEdgePointList<T, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>, cudaFuncCachePreferShared) ); buildEdgePointList<T, PIXELS_PER_THREAD><<<grid, block>>>(edges, (PtrStepSz<T>) dx, (PtrStepSz<T>) dy, coordList, thetaList); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); return totalCount; } template int buildEdgePointList_gpu<short>(PtrStepSzb edges, PtrStepSzb dx, PtrStepSzb dy, unsigned int* coordList, float* thetaList); template int buildEdgePointList_gpu<int>(PtrStepSzb edges, PtrStepSzb dx, PtrStepSzb dy, unsigned int* coordList, float* thetaList); template int buildEdgePointList_gpu<float>(PtrStepSzb edges, PtrStepSzb dx, PtrStepSzb dy, unsigned int* coordList, float* thetaList); __global__ void buildRTable(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, const int pointsCount, PtrStep<short2> r_table, int* r_sizes, int maxSize, const short2 templCenter, const float thetaScale) { const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (tid >= pointsCount) return; const unsigned int coord = coordList[tid]; short2 p; p.x = (coord & 0xFFFF); p.y = (coord >> 16) & 0xFFFF; const float theta = thetaList[tid]; const int n = __float2int_rn(theta * thetaScale); const int ind = ::atomicAdd(r_sizes + n, 1); if (ind < maxSize) r_table(n, ind) = p - templCenter; } void buildRTable_gpu(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, PtrStepSz<short2> r_table, int* r_sizes, short2 templCenter, int levels) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(divUp(pointsCount, block.x)); const float thetaScale = levels / (2.0f * CV_PI_F); buildRTable<<<grid, block>>>(coordList, thetaList, pointsCount, r_table, r_sizes, r_table.cols, templCenter, thetaScale); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GHT_Ballard_Pos __global__ void GHT_Ballard_Pos_calcHist(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, const int pointsCount, const PtrStep<short2> r_table, const int* r_sizes, PtrStepSzi hist, const float idp, const float thetaScale) { const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (tid >= pointsCount) return; const unsigned int coord = coordList[tid]; short2 p; p.x = (coord & 0xFFFF); p.y = (coord >> 16) & 0xFFFF; const float theta = thetaList[tid]; const int n = __float2int_rn(theta * thetaScale); const short2* r_row = r_table.ptr(n); const int r_row_size = r_sizes[n]; for (int j = 0; j < r_row_size; ++j) { short2 c = p - r_row[j]; c.x = __float2int_rn(c.x * idp); c.y = __float2int_rn(c.y * idp); if (c.x >= 0 && c.x < hist.cols - 2 && c.y >= 0 && c.y < hist.rows - 2) ::atomicAdd(hist.ptr(c.y + 1) + c.x + 1, 1); } } void GHT_Ballard_Pos_calcHist_gpu(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, PtrStepSz<short2> r_table, const int* r_sizes, PtrStepSzi hist, float dp, int levels) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(divUp(pointsCount, block.x)); const float idp = 1.0f / dp; const float thetaScale = levels / (2.0f * CV_PI_F); GHT_Ballard_Pos_calcHist<<<grid, block>>>(coordList, thetaList, pointsCount, r_table, r_sizes, hist, idp, thetaScale); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } __global__ void GHT_Ballard_Pos_findPosInHist(const PtrStepSzi hist, float4* out, int3* votes, const int maxSize, const float dp, const int threshold) { const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (x >= hist.cols - 2 || y >= hist.rows - 2) return; const int curVotes = hist(y + 1, x + 1); if (curVotes > threshold && curVotes > hist(y + 1, x) && curVotes >= hist(y + 1, x + 2) && curVotes > hist(y, x + 1) && curVotes >= hist(y + 2, x + 1)) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) { out[ind] = make_float4(x * dp, y * dp, 1.0f, 0.0f); votes[ind] = make_int3(curVotes, 0, 0); } } } int GHT_Ballard_Pos_findPosInHist_gpu(PtrStepSzi hist, float4* out, int3* votes, int maxSize, float dp, int threshold) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(hist.cols - 2, block.x), divUp(hist.rows - 2, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(GHT_Ballard_Pos_findPosInHist, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); GHT_Ballard_Pos_findPosInHist<<<grid, block>>>(hist, out, votes, maxSize, dp, threshold); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxSize); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GHT_Ballard_PosScale __global__ void GHT_Ballard_PosScale_calcHist(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, PtrStep<short2> r_table, const int* r_sizes, PtrStepi hist, const int rows, const int cols, const float minScale, const float scaleStep, const int scaleRange, const float idp, const float thetaScale) { const unsigned int coord = coordList[blockIdx.x]; float2 p; p.x = (coord & 0xFFFF); p.y = (coord >> 16) & 0xFFFF; const float theta = thetaList[blockIdx.x]; const int n = __float2int_rn(theta * thetaScale); const short2* r_row = r_table.ptr(n); const int r_row_size = r_sizes[n]; for (int j = 0; j < r_row_size; ++j) { const float2 d = saturate_cast<float2>(r_row[j]); for (int s = threadIdx.x; s < scaleRange; s += blockDim.x) { const float scale = minScale + s * scaleStep; float2 c = p - scale * d; c.x *= idp; c.y *= idp; if (c.x >= 0 && c.x < cols && c.y >= 0 && c.y < rows) ::atomicAdd(hist.ptr((s + 1) * (rows + 2) + __float2int_rn(c.y + 1)) + __float2int_rn(c.x + 1), 1); } } } void GHT_Ballard_PosScale_calcHist_gpu(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, PtrStepSz<short2> r_table, const int* r_sizes, PtrStepi hist, int rows, int cols, float minScale, float scaleStep, int scaleRange, float dp, int levels) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(pointsCount); const float idp = 1.0f / dp; const float thetaScale = levels / (2.0f * CV_PI_F); GHT_Ballard_PosScale_calcHist<<<grid, block>>>(coordList, thetaList, r_table, r_sizes, hist, rows, cols, minScale, scaleStep, scaleRange, idp, thetaScale); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } __global__ void GHT_Ballard_PosScale_findPosInHist(const PtrStepi hist, const int rows, const int cols, const int scaleRange, float4* out, int3* votes, const int maxSize, const float minScale, const float scaleStep, const float dp, const int threshold) { const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (x >= cols || y >= rows) return; for (int s = 0; s < scaleRange; ++s) { const float scale = minScale + s * scaleStep; const int prevScaleIdx = (s) * (rows + 2); const int curScaleIdx = (s + 1) * (rows + 2); const int nextScaleIdx = (s + 2) * (rows + 2); const int curVotes = hist(curScaleIdx + y + 1, x + 1); if (curVotes > threshold && curVotes > hist(curScaleIdx + y + 1, x) && curVotes >= hist(curScaleIdx + y + 1, x + 2) && curVotes > hist(curScaleIdx + y, x + 1) && curVotes >= hist(curScaleIdx + y + 2, x + 1) && curVotes > hist(prevScaleIdx + y + 1, x + 1) && curVotes >= hist(nextScaleIdx + y + 1, x + 1)) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) { out[ind] = make_float4(x * dp, y * dp, scale, 0.0f); votes[ind] = make_int3(curVotes, curVotes, 0); } } } } int GHT_Ballard_PosScale_findPosInHist_gpu(PtrStepi hist, int rows, int cols, int scaleRange, float4* out, int3* votes, int maxSize, float minScale, float scaleStep, float dp, int threshold) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(cols, block.x), divUp(rows, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(GHT_Ballard_PosScale_findPosInHist, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); GHT_Ballard_PosScale_findPosInHist<<<grid, block>>>(hist, rows, cols, scaleRange, out, votes, maxSize, minScale, scaleStep, dp, threshold); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxSize); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GHT_Ballard_PosRotation __global__ void GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_calcHist(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, PtrStep<short2> r_table, const int* r_sizes, PtrStepi hist, const int rows, const int cols, const float minAngle, const float angleStep, const int angleRange, const float idp, const float thetaScale) { const unsigned int coord = coordList[blockIdx.x]; float2 p; p.x = (coord & 0xFFFF); p.y = (coord >> 16) & 0xFFFF; const float thetaVal = thetaList[blockIdx.x]; for (int a = threadIdx.x; a < angleRange; a += blockDim.x) { const float angle = (minAngle + a * angleStep) * (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); float sinA, cosA; sincosf(angle, &sinA, &cosA); float theta = thetaVal - angle; if (theta < 0) theta += 2.0f * CV_PI_F; const int n = __float2int_rn(theta * thetaScale); const short2* r_row = r_table.ptr(n); const int r_row_size = r_sizes[n]; for (int j = 0; j < r_row_size; ++j) { const float2 d = saturate_cast<float2>(r_row[j]); const float2 dr = make_float2(d.x * cosA - d.y * sinA, d.x * sinA + d.y * cosA); float2 c = make_float2(p.x - dr.x, p.y - dr.y); c.x *= idp; c.y *= idp; if (c.x >= 0 && c.x < cols && c.y >= 0 && c.y < rows) ::atomicAdd(hist.ptr((a + 1) * (rows + 2) + __float2int_rn(c.y + 1)) + __float2int_rn(c.x + 1), 1); } } } void GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_calcHist_gpu(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, PtrStepSz<short2> r_table, const int* r_sizes, PtrStepi hist, int rows, int cols, float minAngle, float angleStep, int angleRange, float dp, int levels) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(pointsCount); const float idp = 1.0f / dp; const float thetaScale = levels / (2.0f * CV_PI_F); GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_calcHist<<<grid, block>>>(coordList, thetaList, r_table, r_sizes, hist, rows, cols, minAngle, angleStep, angleRange, idp, thetaScale); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } __global__ void GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_findPosInHist(const PtrStepi hist, const int rows, const int cols, const int angleRange, float4* out, int3* votes, const int maxSize, const float minAngle, const float angleStep, const float dp, const int threshold) { const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (x >= cols || y >= rows) return; for (int a = 0; a < angleRange; ++a) { const float angle = minAngle + a * angleStep; const int prevAngleIdx = (a) * (rows + 2); const int curAngleIdx = (a + 1) * (rows + 2); const int nextAngleIdx = (a + 2) * (rows + 2); const int curVotes = hist(curAngleIdx + y + 1, x + 1); if (curVotes > threshold && curVotes > hist(curAngleIdx + y + 1, x) && curVotes >= hist(curAngleIdx + y + 1, x + 2) && curVotes > hist(curAngleIdx + y, x + 1) && curVotes >= hist(curAngleIdx + y + 2, x + 1) && curVotes > hist(prevAngleIdx + y + 1, x + 1) && curVotes >= hist(nextAngleIdx + y + 1, x + 1)) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) { out[ind] = make_float4(x * dp, y * dp, 1.0f, angle); votes[ind] = make_int3(curVotes, 0, curVotes); } } } } int GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_findPosInHist_gpu(PtrStepi hist, int rows, int cols, int angleRange, float4* out, int3* votes, int maxSize, float minAngle, float angleStep, float dp, int threshold) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemset(counterPtr, 0, sizeof(int)) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(cols, block.x), divUp(rows, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_findPosInHist, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); GHT_Ballard_PosRotation_findPosInHist<<<grid, block>>>(hist, rows, cols, angleRange, out, votes, maxSize, minAngle, angleStep, dp, threshold); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxSize); return totalCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GHT_Guil_Full struct FeatureTable { uchar* p1_pos_data; size_t p1_pos_step; uchar* p1_theta_data; size_t p1_theta_step; uchar* p2_pos_data; size_t p2_pos_step; uchar* d12_data; size_t d12_step; uchar* r1_data; size_t r1_step; uchar* r2_data; size_t r2_step; }; __constant__ FeatureTable c_templFeatures; __constant__ FeatureTable c_imageFeatures; void GHT_Guil_Full_setTemplFeatures(PtrStepb p1_pos, PtrStepb p1_theta, PtrStepb p2_pos, PtrStepb d12, PtrStepb r1, PtrStepb r2) { FeatureTable tbl; tbl.p1_pos_data = p1_pos.data; tbl.p1_pos_step = p1_pos.step; tbl.p1_theta_data = p1_theta.data; tbl.p1_theta_step = p1_theta.step; tbl.p2_pos_data = p2_pos.data; tbl.p2_pos_step = p2_pos.step; tbl.d12_data = d12.data; tbl.d12_step = d12.step; tbl.r1_data = r1.data; tbl.r1_step = r1.step; tbl.r2_data = r2.data; tbl.r2_step = r2.step; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_templFeatures, &tbl, sizeof(FeatureTable)) ); } void GHT_Guil_Full_setImageFeatures(PtrStepb p1_pos, PtrStepb p1_theta, PtrStepb p2_pos, PtrStepb d12, PtrStepb r1, PtrStepb r2) { FeatureTable tbl; tbl.p1_pos_data = p1_pos.data; tbl.p1_pos_step = p1_pos.step; tbl.p1_theta_data = p1_theta.data; tbl.p1_theta_step = p1_theta.step; tbl.p2_pos_data = p2_pos.data; tbl.p2_pos_step = p2_pos.step; tbl.d12_data = d12.data; tbl.d12_step = d12.step; tbl.r1_data = r1.data; tbl.r1_step = r1.step; tbl.r2_data = r2.data; tbl.r2_step = r2.step; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_imageFeatures, &tbl, sizeof(FeatureTable)) ); } struct TemplFeatureTable { static __device__ float2* p1_pos(int n) { return (float2*)(c_templFeatures.p1_pos_data + n * c_templFeatures.p1_pos_step); } static __device__ float* p1_theta(int n) { return (float*)(c_templFeatures.p1_theta_data + n * c_templFeatures.p1_theta_step); } static __device__ float2* p2_pos(int n) { return (float2*)(c_templFeatures.p2_pos_data + n * c_templFeatures.p2_pos_step); } static __device__ float* d12(int n) { return (float*)(c_templFeatures.d12_data + n * c_templFeatures.d12_step); } static __device__ float2* r1(int n) { return (float2*)(c_templFeatures.r1_data + n * c_templFeatures.r1_step); } static __device__ float2* r2(int n) { return (float2*)(c_templFeatures.r2_data + n * c_templFeatures.r2_step); } }; struct ImageFeatureTable { static __device__ float2* p1_pos(int n) { return (float2*)(c_imageFeatures.p1_pos_data + n * c_imageFeatures.p1_pos_step); } static __device__ float* p1_theta(int n) { return (float*)(c_imageFeatures.p1_theta_data + n * c_imageFeatures.p1_theta_step); } static __device__ float2* p2_pos(int n) { return (float2*)(c_imageFeatures.p2_pos_data + n * c_imageFeatures.p2_pos_step); } static __device__ float* d12(int n) { return (float*)(c_imageFeatures.d12_data + n * c_imageFeatures.d12_step); } static __device__ float2* r1(int n) { return (float2*)(c_imageFeatures.r1_data + n * c_imageFeatures.r1_step); } static __device__ float2* r2(int n) { return (float2*)(c_imageFeatures.r2_data + n * c_imageFeatures.r2_step); } }; __device__ float clampAngle(float a) { float res = a; while (res > 2.0f * CV_PI_F) res -= 2.0f * CV_PI_F; while (res < 0.0f) res += 2.0f * CV_PI_F; return res; } __device__ bool angleEq(float a, float b, float eps) { return (::fabs(clampAngle(a - b)) <= eps); } template <class FT, bool isTempl> __global__ void GHT_Guil_Full_buildFeatureList(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, const int pointsCount, int* sizes, const int maxSize, const float xi, const float angleEpsilon, const float alphaScale, const float2 center, const float maxDist) { const float p1_theta = thetaList[blockIdx.x]; const unsigned int coord1 = coordList[blockIdx.x]; float2 p1_pos; p1_pos.x = (coord1 & 0xFFFF); p1_pos.y = (coord1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < pointsCount; i += blockDim.x) { const float p2_theta = thetaList[i]; const unsigned int coord2 = coordList[i]; float2 p2_pos; p2_pos.x = (coord2 & 0xFFFF); p2_pos.y = (coord2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF; if (angleEq(p1_theta - p2_theta, xi, angleEpsilon)) { const float2 d = p1_pos - p2_pos; float alpha12 = clampAngle(::atan2(d.y, d.x) - p1_theta); float d12 = ::sqrtf(d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y); if (d12 > maxDist) continue; float2 r1 = p1_pos - center; float2 r2 = p2_pos - center; const int n = __float2int_rn(alpha12 * alphaScale); const int ind = ::atomicAdd(sizes + n, 1); if (ind < maxSize) { if (!isTempl) { FT::p1_pos(n)[ind] = p1_pos; FT::p2_pos(n)[ind] = p2_pos; } FT::p1_theta(n)[ind] = p1_theta; FT::d12(n)[ind] = d12; if (isTempl) { FT::r1(n)[ind] = r1; FT::r2(n)[ind] = r2; } } } } } template <class FT, bool isTempl> void GHT_Guil_Full_buildFeatureList_caller(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, int* sizes, int maxSize, float xi, float angleEpsilon, int levels, float2 center, float maxDist) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(pointsCount); const float alphaScale = levels / (2.0f * CV_PI_F); GHT_Guil_Full_buildFeatureList<FT, isTempl><<<grid, block>>>(coordList, thetaList, pointsCount, sizes, maxSize, xi * (CV_PI_F / 180.0f), angleEpsilon * (CV_PI_F / 180.0f), alphaScale, center, maxDist); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); thrust::device_ptr<int> sizesPtr(sizes); thrust::transform(sizesPtr, sizesPtr + levels + 1, sizesPtr, device::bind2nd(device::minimum<int>(), maxSize)); } void GHT_Guil_Full_buildTemplFeatureList_gpu(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, int* sizes, int maxSize, float xi, float angleEpsilon, int levels, float2 center, float maxDist) { GHT_Guil_Full_buildFeatureList_caller<TemplFeatureTable, true>(coordList, thetaList, pointsCount, sizes, maxSize, xi, angleEpsilon, levels, center, maxDist); } void GHT_Guil_Full_buildImageFeatureList_gpu(const unsigned int* coordList, const float* thetaList, int pointsCount, int* sizes, int maxSize, float xi, float angleEpsilon, int levels, float2 center, float maxDist) { GHT_Guil_Full_buildFeatureList_caller<ImageFeatureTable, false>(coordList, thetaList, pointsCount, sizes, maxSize, xi, angleEpsilon, levels, center, maxDist); } __global__ void GHT_Guil_Full_calcOHist(const int* templSizes, const int* imageSizes, int* OHist, const float minAngle, const float maxAngle, const float iAngleStep, const int angleRange) { extern __shared__ int s_OHist[]; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i <= angleRange; i += blockDim.x) s_OHist[i] = 0; __syncthreads(); const int tIdx = blockIdx.x; const int level = blockIdx.y; const int tSize = templSizes[level]; if (tIdx < tSize) { const int imSize = imageSizes[level]; const float t_p1_theta = TemplFeatureTable::p1_theta(level)[tIdx]; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < imSize; i += blockDim.x) { const float im_p1_theta = ImageFeatureTable::p1_theta(level)[i]; const float angle = clampAngle(im_p1_theta - t_p1_theta); if (angle >= minAngle && angle <= maxAngle) { const int n = __float2int_rn((angle - minAngle) * iAngleStep); Emulation::smem::atomicAdd(&s_OHist[n], 1); } } } __syncthreads(); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i <= angleRange; i += blockDim.x) ::atomicAdd(OHist + i, s_OHist[i]); } void GHT_Guil_Full_calcOHist_gpu(const int* templSizes, const int* imageSizes, int* OHist, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float angleStep, int angleRange, int levels, int tMaxSize) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(tMaxSize, levels + 1); minAngle *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); maxAngle *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); angleStep *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); const size_t smemSize = (angleRange + 1) * sizeof(float); GHT_Guil_Full_calcOHist<<<grid, block, smemSize>>>(templSizes, imageSizes, OHist, minAngle, maxAngle, 1.0f / angleStep, angleRange); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } __global__ void GHT_Guil_Full_calcSHist(const int* templSizes, const int* imageSizes, int* SHist, const float angle, const float angleEpsilon, const float minScale, const float maxScale, const float iScaleStep, const int scaleRange) { extern __shared__ int s_SHist[]; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i <= scaleRange; i += blockDim.x) s_SHist[i] = 0; __syncthreads(); const int tIdx = blockIdx.x; const int level = blockIdx.y; const int tSize = templSizes[level]; if (tIdx < tSize) { const int imSize = imageSizes[level]; const float t_p1_theta = TemplFeatureTable::p1_theta(level)[tIdx] + angle; const float t_d12 = TemplFeatureTable::d12(level)[tIdx] + angle; for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < imSize; i += blockDim.x) { const float im_p1_theta = ImageFeatureTable::p1_theta(level)[i]; const float im_d12 = ImageFeatureTable::d12(level)[i]; if (angleEq(im_p1_theta, t_p1_theta, angleEpsilon)) { const float scale = im_d12 / t_d12; if (scale >= minScale && scale <= maxScale) { const int s = __float2int_rn((scale - minScale) * iScaleStep); Emulation::smem::atomicAdd(&s_SHist[s], 1); } } } } __syncthreads(); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i <= scaleRange; i += blockDim.x) ::atomicAdd(SHist + i, s_SHist[i]); } void GHT_Guil_Full_calcSHist_gpu(const int* templSizes, const int* imageSizes, int* SHist, float angle, float angleEpsilon, float minScale, float maxScale, float iScaleStep, int scaleRange, int levels, int tMaxSize) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(tMaxSize, levels + 1); angle *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); angleEpsilon *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); const size_t smemSize = (scaleRange + 1) * sizeof(float); GHT_Guil_Full_calcSHist<<<grid, block, smemSize>>>(templSizes, imageSizes, SHist, angle, angleEpsilon, minScale, maxScale, iScaleStep, scaleRange); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } __global__ void GHT_Guil_Full_calcPHist(const int* templSizes, const int* imageSizes, PtrStepSzi PHist, const float angle, const float sinVal, const float cosVal, const float angleEpsilon, const float scale, const float idp) { const int tIdx = blockIdx.x; const int level = blockIdx.y; const int tSize = templSizes[level]; if (tIdx < tSize) { const int imSize = imageSizes[level]; const float t_p1_theta = TemplFeatureTable::p1_theta(level)[tIdx] + angle; float2 r1 = TemplFeatureTable::r1(level)[tIdx]; float2 r2 = TemplFeatureTable::r2(level)[tIdx]; r1 = r1 * scale; r2 = r2 * scale; r1 = make_float2(cosVal * r1.x - sinVal * r1.y, sinVal * r1.x + cosVal * r1.y); r2 = make_float2(cosVal * r2.x - sinVal * r2.y, sinVal * r2.x + cosVal * r2.y); for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < imSize; i += blockDim.x) { const float im_p1_theta = ImageFeatureTable::p1_theta(level)[i]; const float2 im_p1_pos = ImageFeatureTable::p1_pos(level)[i]; const float2 im_p2_pos = ImageFeatureTable::p2_pos(level)[i]; if (angleEq(im_p1_theta, t_p1_theta, angleEpsilon)) { float2 c1, c2; c1 = im_p1_pos - r1; c1 = c1 * idp; c2 = im_p2_pos - r2; c2 = c2 * idp; if (::fabs(c1.x - c2.x) > 1 || ::fabs(c1.y - c2.y) > 1) continue; if (c1.y >= 0 && c1.y < PHist.rows - 2 && c1.x >= 0 && c1.x < PHist.cols - 2) ::atomicAdd(PHist.ptr(__float2int_rn(c1.y) + 1) + __float2int_rn(c1.x) + 1, 1); } } } } void GHT_Guil_Full_calcPHist_gpu(const int* templSizes, const int* imageSizes, PtrStepSzi PHist, float angle, float angleEpsilon, float scale, float dp, int levels, int tMaxSize) { const dim3 block(256); const dim3 grid(tMaxSize, levels + 1); angle *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); angleEpsilon *= (CV_PI_F / 180.0f); const float sinVal = ::sinf(angle); const float cosVal = ::cosf(angle); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(GHT_Guil_Full_calcPHist, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); GHT_Guil_Full_calcPHist<<<grid, block>>>(templSizes, imageSizes, PHist, angle, sinVal, cosVal, angleEpsilon, scale, 1.0f / dp); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); } __global__ void GHT_Guil_Full_findPosInHist(const PtrStepSzi hist, float4* out, int3* votes, const int maxSize, const float angle, const int angleVotes, const float scale, const int scaleVotes, const float dp, const int threshold) { const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (x >= hist.cols - 2 || y >= hist.rows - 2) return; const int curVotes = hist(y + 1, x + 1); if (curVotes > threshold && curVotes > hist(y + 1, x) && curVotes >= hist(y + 1, x + 2) && curVotes > hist(y, x + 1) && curVotes >= hist(y + 2, x + 1)) { const int ind = ::atomicAdd(&g_counter, 1); if (ind < maxSize) { out[ind] = make_float4(x * dp, y * dp, scale, angle); votes[ind] = make_int3(curVotes, scaleVotes, angleVotes); } } } int GHT_Guil_Full_findPosInHist_gpu(PtrStepSzi hist, float4* out, int3* votes, int curSize, int maxSize, float angle, int angleVotes, float scale, int scaleVotes, float dp, int threshold) { void* counterPtr; cudaSafeCall( cudaGetSymbolAddress(&counterPtr, g_counter) ); cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(counterPtr, &curSize, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) ); const dim3 block(32, 8); const dim3 grid(divUp(hist.cols - 2, block.x), divUp(hist.rows - 2, block.y)); cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(GHT_Guil_Full_findPosInHist, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); GHT_Guil_Full_findPosInHist<<<grid, block>>>(hist, out, votes, maxSize, angle, angleVotes, scale, scaleVotes, dp, threshold); cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); int totalCount; cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&totalCount, counterPtr, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ); totalCount = ::min(totalCount, maxSize); return totalCount; } } }}} #endif /* CUDA_DISABLER */