# Search packages for host system instead of packages for target system # in case of cross compilation thess macro should be defined by toolchain file if(NOT COMMAND find_host_package) macro(find_host_package) find_package(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() if(NOT COMMAND find_host_program) macro(find_host_program) find_program(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() #added include directories in such way that directories from the OpenCV source tree go first macro(ocv_include_directories) set(__add_before "") foreach(dir ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(__abs_dir "${dir}" ABSOLUTE) if("${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}" OR "${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}") list(APPEND __add_before "${dir}") else() include_directories(AFTER "${dir}") endif() endforeach() include_directories(BEFORE ${__add_before}) endmacro() # Provides an option that the user can optionally select. # Can accept condition to control when option is available for user. # Usage: # option(<option_variable> "help string describing the option" <initial value or boolean expression> [IF <condition>]) macro(OCV_OPTION variable description value) set(__value ${value}) set(__condition "") set(__varname "__value") foreach(arg ${ARGN}) if(arg STREQUAL "IF" OR arg STREQUAL "if") set(__varname "__condition") else() list(APPEND ${__varname} ${arg}) endif() endforeach() unset(__varname) if("${__condition}" STREQUAL "") set(__condition 2 GREATER 1) endif() if(${__condition}) if("${__value}" MATCHES ";") if(${__value}) option(${variable} "${description}" ON) else() option(${variable} "${description}" OFF) endif() elseif(DEFINED ${__value}) if(${__value}) option(${variable} "${description}" ON) else() option(${variable} "${description}" OFF) endif() else() option(${variable} "${description}" ${__value}) endif() else() unset(${variable} CACHE) endif() unset(__condition) unset(__value) endmacro() # Macros that checks if module have been installed. # After it adds module to build and define # constants passed as second arg macro(CHECK_MODULE module_name define) set(${define} 0) if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) set(ALIAS ALIASOF_${module_name}) set(ALIAS_FOUND ${ALIAS}_FOUND) set(ALIAS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ALIAS}_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(ALIAS_LIBRARY_DIRS ${ALIAS}_LIBRARY_DIRS) set(ALIAS_LIBRARIES ${ALIAS}_LIBRARIES) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(${ALIAS} ${module_name}) if(${ALIAS_FOUND}) set(${define} 1) foreach(P "${ALIAS_INCLUDE_DIRS}") if(${P}) list(APPEND HIGHGUI_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${P}}) endif() endforeach() foreach(P "${ALIAS_LIBRARY_DIRS}") if(${P}) list(APPEND HIGHGUI_LIBRARY_DIRS ${${P}}) endif() endforeach() list(APPEND HIGHGUI_LIBRARIES ${${ALIAS_LIBRARIES}}) endif() endif() endmacro() # Status report function. # Automatically align right column and selects text based on condition. # Usage: # status(<text>) # status(<heading> <value1> [<value2> ...]) # status(<heading> <condition> THEN <text for TRUE> ELSE <text for FALSE> ) function(status text) set(status_cond) set(status_then) set(status_else) set(status_current_name "cond") foreach(arg ${ARGN}) if(arg STREQUAL "THEN") set(status_current_name "then") elseif(arg STREQUAL "ELSE") set(status_current_name "else") else() list(APPEND status_${status_current_name} ${arg}) endif() endforeach() if(DEFINED status_cond) set(status_placeholder_length 32) string(RANDOM LENGTH ${status_placeholder_length} ALPHABET " " status_placeholder) string(LENGTH "${text}" status_text_length) if(status_text_length LESS status_placeholder_length) string(SUBSTRING "${text}${status_placeholder}" 0 ${status_placeholder_length} status_text) elseif(DEFINED status_then OR DEFINED status_else) message(STATUS "${text}") set(status_text "${status_placeholder}") else() set(status_text "${text}") endif() if(DEFINED status_then OR DEFINED status_else) if(${status_cond}) string(REPLACE ";" " " status_then "${status_then}") message(STATUS "${status_text}" "${status_then}") else() string(REPLACE ";" " " status_else "${status_else}") message(STATUS "${status_text}" "${status_else}") endif() else() string(REPLACE ";" " " status_cond "${status_cond}") message(STATUS "${status_text}" "${status_cond}") endif() else() message(STATUS "${text}") endif() endfunction() # splits cmake libraries list of format "general;item1;debug;item2;release;item3" to two lists macro(ocv_split_libs_list lst lstdbg lstopt) set(${lstdbg} "") set(${lstopt} "") set(perv_keyword "") foreach(word ${${lst}}) if(word STREQUAL "debug" OR word STREQUAL "optimized") set(perv_keyword ${word}) elseif(word STREQUAL "general") set(perv_keyword "") elseif(perv_keyword STREQUAL "debug") list(APPEND ${lstdbg} "${word}") set(perv_keyword "") elseif(perv_keyword STREQUAL "optimized") list(APPEND ${lstopt} "${word}") set(perv_keyword "") else() list(APPEND ${lstdbg} "${word}") list(APPEND ${lstopt} "${word}") set(perv_keyword "") endif() endforeach() endmacro() # remove all matching elements from the list macro(ocv_list_filterout lst regex) foreach(item ${${lst}}) if(item MATCHES "${regex}") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${lst} "${item}") endif() endforeach() endmacro() # stable & safe duplicates removal macro macro(ocv_list_unique __lst) if(${__lst}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${__lst}) endif() endmacro() # safe list reversal macro macro(ocv_list_reverse __lst) if(${__lst}) list(REVERSE ${__lst}) endif() endmacro() # safe list sorting macro macro(ocv_list_sort __lst) if(${__lst}) list(SORT ${__lst}) endif() endmacro() # add prefix to each item in the list macro(ocv_list_add_prefix LST PREFIX) set(__tmp "") foreach(item ${${LST}}) list(APPEND __tmp "${PREFIX}${item}") endforeach() set(${LST} ${__tmp}) unset(__tmp) endmacro() # add suffix to each item in the list macro(ocv_list_add_suffix LST SUFFIX) set(__tmp "") foreach(item ${${LST}}) list(APPEND __tmp "${item}${SUFFIX}") endforeach() set(${LST} ${__tmp}) unset(__tmp) endmacro() # simple regex escaping routine (does not cover all cases!!!) macro(ocv_regex_escape var regex) string(REGEX REPLACE "([+.*^$])" "\\\\1" ${var} "${regex}") endmacro() # get absolute path with symlinks resolved macro(ocv_get_real_path VAR PATHSTR) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8) get_filename_component(${VAR} "${PATHSTR}" ABSOLUTE) else() get_filename_component(${VAR} "${PATHSTR}" REALPATH) endif() endmacro() # convert list of paths to full paths macro(ocv_to_full_paths VAR) if(${VAR}) set(__tmp "") foreach(path ${${VAR}}) get_filename_component(${VAR} "${path}" ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND __tmp "${${VAR}}") endforeach() set(${VAR} ${__tmp}) unset(__tmp) endif() endmacro()