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#include "precomp.hpp"

using namespace cv;

CvEMParams::CvEMParams() : nclusters(10), cov_mat_type(CvEM::COV_MAT_DIAGONAL),
    start_step(CvEM::START_AUTO_STEP), probs(0), weights(0), means(0), covs(0)
    term_crit=cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 100, FLT_EPSILON );

CvEMParams::CvEMParams( int _nclusters, int _cov_mat_type, int _start_step,
                        CvTermCriteria _term_crit, const CvMat* _probs,
                        const CvMat* _weights, const CvMat* _means, const CvMat** _covs ) :
                        nclusters(_nclusters), cov_mat_type(_cov_mat_type), start_step(_start_step),
                        probs(_probs), weights(_weights), means(_means), covs(_covs), term_crit(_term_crit)

CvEM::CvEM() : logLikelihood(DBL_MAX)

CvEM::CvEM( const CvMat* samples, const CvMat* sample_idx,
            CvEMParams params, CvMat* labels ) : logLikelihood(DBL_MAX)
    train(samples, sample_idx, params, labels);


void CvEM::clear()

void CvEM::read( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node )
    FileNode fn(fs, node);

void CvEM::write( CvFileStorage* _fs, const char* name ) const
    FileStorage fs(_fs, false);
        fs << name << "{";
        fs << "}";

double CvEM::calcLikelihood( const Mat &input_sample ) const
    return emObj.predict(input_sample)[0];

CvEM::predict( const CvMat* _sample, CvMat* _probs ) const
    Mat prbs0 = cvarrToMat(_probs), prbs = prbs0, sample = cvarrToMat(_sample);
    int cls = static_cast<int>(emObj.predict(sample, _probs ? _OutputArray(prbs) :
        if( prbs.data != prbs0.data )
            CV_Assert( prbs.size == prbs0.size );
            prbs.convertTo(prbs0, prbs0.type());
    return (float)cls;

void CvEM::set_mat_hdrs()
        meansHdr = emObj.get<Mat>("means");
        int K = emObj.get<int>("nclusters");
        const std::vector<Mat>& covs = emObj.get<std::vector<Mat> >("covs");
        for(size_t i = 0; i < covsHdrs.size(); i++)
            covsHdrs[i] = covs[i];
            covsPtrs[i] = &covsHdrs[i];
        weightsHdr = emObj.get<Mat>("weights");
        probsHdr = probs;

void init_params(const CvEMParams& src,
                 Mat& prbs, Mat& weights,
                 Mat& means, std::vector<Mat>& covsHdrs)
    prbs = cv::cvarrToMat(src.probs);
    weights = cv::cvarrToMat(src.weights);
    means = cv::cvarrToMat(src.means);

        for(size_t i = 0; i < covsHdrs.size(); i++)
            covsHdrs[i] = cv::cvarrToMat(src.covs[i]);

bool CvEM::train( const CvMat* _samples, const CvMat* _sample_idx,
                  CvEMParams _params, CvMat* _labels )
    CV_Assert(_sample_idx == 0);
    Mat samples = cvarrToMat(_samples), labels0, labels;
    if( _labels )
        labels0 = labels = cvarrToMat(_labels);

    bool isOk = train(samples, Mat(), _params, _labels ? &labels : 0);
    CV_Assert( labels0.data == labels.data );

    return isOk;

int CvEM::get_nclusters() const
    return emObj.get<int>("nclusters");

const CvMat* CvEM::get_means() const
    return emObj.isTrained() ? &meansHdr : 0;

const CvMat** CvEM::get_covs() const
    return emObj.isTrained() ? (const CvMat**)&covsPtrs[0] : 0;

const CvMat* CvEM::get_weights() const
    return emObj.isTrained() ? &weightsHdr : 0;

const CvMat* CvEM::get_probs() const
    return emObj.isTrained() ? &probsHdr : 0;

using namespace cv;

CvEM::CvEM( const Mat& samples, const Mat& sample_idx, CvEMParams params )
    train(samples, sample_idx, params, 0);

bool CvEM::train( const Mat& _samples, const Mat& _sample_idx,
                 CvEMParams _params, Mat* _labels )
    Mat prbs, weights, means, logLikelihoods;
    std::vector<Mat> covshdrs;
    init_params(_params, prbs, weights, means, covshdrs);

    emObj = EM(_params.nclusters, _params.cov_mat_type, _params.term_crit);
    bool isOk = false;
    if( _params.start_step == EM::START_AUTO_STEP )
        isOk = emObj.train(_samples,
                           logLikelihoods, _labels ? _OutputArray(*_labels) :
                           (OutputArray)cv::noArray(), probs);
    else if( _params.start_step == EM::START_E_STEP )
        isOk = emObj.trainE(_samples, means, covshdrs, weights,
                            logLikelihoods, _labels ? _OutputArray(*_labels) :
                            (OutputArray)cv::noArray(), probs);
    else if( _params.start_step == EM::START_M_STEP )
        isOk = emObj.trainM(_samples, prbs,
                            logLikelihoods, _labels ? _OutputArray(*_labels) :
                            (OutputArray)cv::noArray(), probs);
        CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Bad start type of EM algorithm");

        logLikelihood = sum(logLikelihoods).val[0];

    return isOk;

CvEM::predict( const Mat& _sample, Mat* _probs ) const
    return static_cast<float>(emObj.predict(_sample, _probs ?
                                            _OutputArray(*_probs) :

int CvEM::getNClusters() const
    return emObj.get<int>("nclusters");

Mat CvEM::getMeans() const
    return emObj.get<Mat>("means");

void CvEM::getCovs(std::vector<Mat>& _covs) const
    _covs = emObj.get<std::vector<Mat> >("covs");

Mat CvEM::getWeights() const
    return emObj.get<Mat>("weights");

Mat CvEM::getProbs() const
    return probs;

/* End of file. */