// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include #include #include #include #include #include // va_start #include #include #include #if 0 #define CV_LOG(...) CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define CV_LOG(...) {} #endif #if 0 #define CV_LOG_ITT(...) CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define CV_LOG_ITT(...) {} #endif #if 1 #define CV_LOG_TRACE_BAILOUT(tag, ...) CV_LOG_INFO(tag, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define CV_LOG_TRACE_BAILOUT(...) {} #endif #if 0 #define CV_LOG_PARALLEL(tag, ...) CV_LOG_INFO(tag, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define CV_LOG_PARALLEL(...) {} #endif #if 0 #define CV_LOG_CTX_STAT(tag, ...) CV_LOG_INFO(tag, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define CV_LOG_CTX_STAT(...) {} #endif #if 0 #define CV_LOG_SKIP(tag, ...) CV_LOG_INFO(tag, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define CV_LOG_SKIP(...) {} #endif namespace cv { namespace utils { namespace trace { namespace details { #ifdef OPENCV_TRACE #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4065) // switch statement contains 'default' but no 'case' labels #endif static int64 g_zero_timestamp = 0; static int64 getTimestamp() { int64 t = getTickCount(); static double tick_to_ns = 1e9 / getTickFrequency(); return (int64)((t - g_zero_timestamp) * tick_to_ns); } // TODO lazy configuration flags static bool param_traceEnable = utils::getConfigurationParameterBool("OPENCV_TRACE", false); static int param_maxRegionDepthOpenCV = (int)utils::getConfigurationParameterSizeT("OPENCV_TRACE_DEPTH_OPENCV", 1); static int param_maxRegionChildrenOpenCV = (int)utils::getConfigurationParameterSizeT("OPENCV_TRACE_MAX_CHILDREN_OPENCV", 1000); static int param_maxRegionChildren = (int)utils::getConfigurationParameterSizeT("OPENCV_TRACE_MAX_CHILDREN", 10000); static cv::String param_traceLocation = utils::getConfigurationParameterString("OPENCV_TRACE_LOCATION", "OpenCVTrace"); #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL static bool param_synchronizeOpenCL = utils::getConfigurationParameterBool("OPENCV_TRACE_SYNC_OPENCL", false); #endif #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT static bool param_ITT_registerParentScope = utils::getConfigurationParameterBool("OPENCV_TRACE_ITT_PARENT", false); #endif static const char* _spaces(int count) { static const char buf[64] = " "; return &buf[63 - (count & 63)]; } /** * Text-based trace messages */ class TraceMessage { public: char buffer[1024]; size_t len; bool hasError; TraceMessage() : len(0), hasError(false) {} bool printf(const char* format, ...) { char* buf = &buffer[len]; size_t sz = sizeof(buffer) - len; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); int n = cv_vsnprintf(buf, (int)sz, format, ap); va_end(ap); if (n < 0 || (size_t)n > sz) { hasError = true; return false; } len += n; return true; } bool formatlocation(const Region::LocationStaticStorage& location) { return this->printf("l,%lld,\"%s\",%d,\"%s\",0x%llX\n", (long long int)(*location.ppExtra)->global_location_id, location.filename, location.line, location.name, (long long int)(location.flags & ~0xF0000000)); } bool formatRegionEnter(const Region& region) { bool ok = this->printf("b,%d,%lld,%lld,%lld", (int)region.pImpl->threadID, (long long int)region.pImpl->beginTimestamp, (long long int)((*region.pImpl->location.ppExtra)->global_location_id), (long long int)region.pImpl->global_region_id); if (region.pImpl->parentRegion && region.pImpl->parentRegion->pImpl) { if (region.pImpl->parentRegion->pImpl->threadID != region.pImpl->threadID) ok &= this->printf(",parentThread=%d,parent=%lld", (int)region.pImpl->parentRegion->pImpl->threadID, (long long int)region.pImpl->parentRegion->pImpl->global_region_id); } ok &= this->printf("\n"); return ok; } bool formatRegionLeave(const Region& region, const RegionStatistics& result) { CV_DbgAssert(region.pImpl->endTimestamp - region.pImpl->beginTimestamp == result.duration); bool ok = this->printf("e,%d,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld", (int)region.pImpl->threadID, (long long int)region.pImpl->endTimestamp, (long long int)(*region.pImpl->location.ppExtra)->global_location_id, (long long int)region.pImpl->global_region_id, (long long int)result.duration); if (result.currentSkippedRegions) ok &= this->printf(",skip=%d", (int)result.currentSkippedRegions); #ifdef HAVE_IPP if (result.durationImplIPP) ok &= this->printf(",tIPP=%lld", (long long int)result.durationImplIPP); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL if (result.durationImplOpenCL) ok &= this->printf(",tOCL=%lld", (long long int)result.durationImplOpenCL); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENVX if (result.durationImplOpenVX) ok &= this->printf(",tOVX=%lld", (long long int)result.durationImplOpenVX); #endif ok &= this->printf("\n"); return ok; } bool recordRegionArg(const Region& region, const TraceArg& arg, const char* value) { return this->printf("a,%d,%lld,%lld,\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", region.pImpl->threadID, (long long int)region.pImpl->beginTimestamp, (long long int)region.pImpl->global_region_id, arg.name, value); } }; #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT static __itt_domain* domain = NULL; static bool isITTEnabled() { static bool isInitialized = false; static bool isEnabled = false; if (!isInitialized) { isEnabled = !!(__itt_api_version()); CV_LOG_ITT("ITT is " << (isEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")); domain = __itt_domain_create("OpenCVTrace"); isInitialized = true; } return isEnabled; } #endif Region::LocationExtraData::LocationExtraData(const LocationStaticStorage& location) { CV_UNUSED(location); static int g_location_id_counter = 0; global_location_id = CV_XADD(&g_location_id_counter, 1) + 1; CV_LOG("Register location: " << global_location_id << " (" << (void*)&location << ")" << std::endl << " file: " << location.filename << std::endl << " line: " << location.line << std::endl << " name: " << location.name); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { // Caching is not required here, because there is builtin cache. // https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/544203: // Consecutive calls to __itt_string_handle_create with the same name return the same value. ittHandle_name = __itt_string_handle_create(location.name); ittHandle_filename = __itt_string_handle_create(location.filename); } else { ittHandle_name = 0; ittHandle_filename = 0; } #endif } /*static*/ Region::LocationExtraData* Region::LocationExtraData::init(const Region::LocationStaticStorage& location) { LocationExtraData** pLocationExtra = location.ppExtra; CV_DbgAssert(pLocationExtra); if (*pLocationExtra == NULL) { cv::AutoLock lock(cv::getInitializationMutex()); if (*pLocationExtra == NULL) { *pLocationExtra = new Region::LocationExtraData(location); TraceStorage* s = getTraceManager().trace_storage.get(); if (s) { TraceMessage msg; msg.formatlocation(location); s->put(msg); } } } return *pLocationExtra; } Region::Impl::Impl(TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx, Region* parentRegion_, Region& region_, const LocationStaticStorage& location_, int64 beginTimestamp_) : location(location_), region(region_), parentRegion(parentRegion_), threadID(ctx.threadID), global_region_id(++ctx.region_counter), beginTimestamp(beginTimestamp_), endTimestamp(0), directChildrenCount(0) #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT ,itt_id_registered(false) ,itt_id(__itt_null) #endif { CV_DbgAssert(ctx.currentActiveRegion == parentRegion); region.pImpl = this; registerRegion(ctx); enterRegion(ctx); } Region::Impl::~Impl() { #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (itt_id_registered) { CV_LOG_ITT(" Destroy ITT region: I=" << (void*)this); __itt_id_destroy(domain, itt_id); itt_id_registered = false; } #endif region.pImpl = NULL; } void Region::Impl::enterRegion(TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx) { ctx.currentActiveRegion = ®ion; if (location.flags & REGION_FLAG_FUNCTION) { if ((location.flags & REGION_FLAG_APP_CODE) == 0) { ctx.regionDepthOpenCV++; } ctx.regionDepth++; } TraceStorage* s = ctx.getStorage(); if (s) { TraceMessage msg; msg.formatRegionEnter(region); s->put(msg); } #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { __itt_id parentID = __itt_null; if (param_ITT_registerParentScope && parentRegion && parentRegion->pImpl && parentRegion->pImpl->itt_id_registered && (location.flags & REGION_FLAG_REGION_FORCE) == 0) parentID = parentRegion->pImpl->itt_id; __itt_task_begin(domain, itt_id, parentID, (*location.ppExtra)->ittHandle_name); } #endif } void Region::Impl::leaveRegion(TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx) { int64 duration = endTimestamp - beginTimestamp; CV_UNUSED(duration); RegionStatistics result; ctx.stat.grab(result); ctx.totalSkippedEvents += result.currentSkippedRegions; CV_LOG(_spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "leaveRegion(): " << (void*)this << " " << result); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { if (result.currentSkippedRegions) { __itt_metadata_add(domain, itt_id, __itt_string_handle_create("skipped trace entries"), __itt_metadata_u32, 1, &result.currentSkippedRegions); } #ifdef HAVE_IPP if (result.durationImplIPP) __itt_metadata_add(domain, itt_id, __itt_string_handle_create("tIPP"), __itt_metadata_u64, 1, &result.durationImplIPP); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL if (result.durationImplOpenCL) __itt_metadata_add(domain, itt_id, __itt_string_handle_create("tOpenCL"), __itt_metadata_u64, 1, &result.durationImplOpenCL); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENVX if (result.durationImplOpenVX) __itt_metadata_add(domain, itt_id, __itt_string_handle_create("tOpenVX"), __itt_metadata_u64, 1, &result.durationImplOpenVX); #endif __itt_task_end(domain); } #endif TraceStorage* s = ctx.getStorage(); if (s) { TraceMessage msg; msg.formatRegionLeave(region, result); s->put(msg); } if (location.flags & REGION_FLAG_FUNCTION) { if ((location.flags & REGION_FLAG_APP_CODE) == 0) { ctx.regionDepthOpenCV--; } ctx.regionDepth--; } ctx.currentActiveRegion = parentRegion; } void Region::Impl::release() { delete this; } void Region::Impl::registerRegion(TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx) { #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { if (!itt_id_registered) { CV_LOG_ITT(" Register ITT region: I=" << (void*)this << " " << ctx.threadID << "-" << global_region_id); #if 1 // workaround for some ITT backends itt_id = __itt_id_make((void*)(intptr_t)(((int64)(ctx.threadID + 1) << 32) | global_region_id), global_region_id); #else itt_id = __itt_id_make((void*)(intptr_t)(ctx.threadID + 1), global_region_id); #endif __itt_id_create(domain, itt_id); itt_id_registered = true; } } #else CV_UNUSED(ctx); #endif } void RegionStatisticsStatus::enableSkipMode(int depth) { CV_DbgAssert(_skipDepth < 0); CV_LOG_SKIP(NULL, "SKIP-ENABLE: depth=" << depth); _skipDepth = depth; } void RegionStatisticsStatus::checkResetSkipMode(int leaveDepth) { if (leaveDepth <= _skipDepth) { CV_LOG_SKIP(NULL, "SKIP-RESET: leaveDepth=" << leaveDepth << " skipDepth=" << _skipDepth); _skipDepth = -1; } } Region::Region(const LocationStaticStorage& location) : pImpl(NULL), implFlags(0) { // Checks: // - global enable flag // - parent region is disabled // - children count threshold // - region location // - depth (opencv nested calls) if (!TraceManager::isActivated()) { CV_LOG("Trace is disabled. Bailout"); return; } TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); CV_LOG(_spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "Region(): " << (void*)this << ": " << location.name); Region* parentRegion = ctx.stackTopRegion(); const Region::LocationStaticStorage* parentLocation = ctx.stackTopLocation(); if (location.flags & REGION_FLAG_REGION_NEXT) { if (parentRegion && parentRegion->pImpl) { CV_DbgAssert((parentRegion->pImpl->location.flags & REGION_FLAG_FUNCTION) == 0); parentRegion->destroy(); parentRegion->implFlags = 0; parentRegion = ctx.stackTopRegion(); parentLocation = ctx.stackTopLocation(); } } int parentChildren = 0; if (parentRegion && parentRegion->pImpl) { if (parentLocation == NULL) { // parallel_for_body code path parentChildren = CV_XADD(&parentRegion->pImpl->directChildrenCount, 1) + 1; } else { parentChildren = ++parentRegion->pImpl->directChildrenCount; } } int64 beginTimestamp = getTimestamp(); int currentDepth = ctx.getCurrentDepth() + 1; switch (location.flags & REGION_FLAG_IMPL_MASK) { #ifdef HAVE_IPP case REGION_FLAG_IMPL_IPP: if (!ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplIPP) ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplIPP = currentDepth; break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL case REGION_FLAG_IMPL_OPENCL: if (!ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenCL) ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenCL = currentDepth; break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENVX case REGION_FLAG_IMPL_OPENVX: if (!ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenVX) ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenVX = currentDepth; break; #endif default: break; } ctx.stackPush(this, &location, beginTimestamp); implFlags |= REGION_FLAG__NEED_STACK_POP; if ((location.flags & REGION_FLAG_REGION_FORCE) == 0) { if (ctx.stat_status._skipDepth >= 0 && currentDepth > ctx.stat_status._skipDepth) { CV_LOG(_spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "Parent region is disabled. Bailout"); ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions++; return; } if (param_maxRegionChildrenOpenCV > 0 && (location.flags & REGION_FLAG_APP_CODE) == 0 && parentLocation && (parentLocation->flags & REGION_FLAG_APP_CODE) == 0) { if (parentChildren >= param_maxRegionChildrenOpenCV) { CV_LOG_TRACE_BAILOUT(NULL, _spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "OpenCV parent region exceeds children count. Bailout"); ctx.stat_status.enableSkipMode(currentDepth - 1); ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions++; DEBUG_ONLY(ctx.dumpStack(std::cout, false)); return; } } if (param_maxRegionChildren > 0 && parentChildren >= param_maxRegionChildren) { CV_LOG_TRACE_BAILOUT(NULL, _spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "Parent region exceeds children count. Bailout"); ctx.stat_status.enableSkipMode(currentDepth - 1); ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions++; DEBUG_ONLY(ctx.dumpStack(std::cout, false)); return; } } LocationExtraData::init(location); if ((*location.ppExtra)->global_location_id == 0) { CV_LOG_TRACE_BAILOUT(NULL, _spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "Region location is disabled. Bailout"); ctx.stat_status.enableSkipMode(currentDepth); ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions++; return; } if (parentLocation && (parentLocation->flags & REGION_FLAG_SKIP_NESTED)) { CV_LOG(_spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "Parent region disables inner regions. Bailout"); ctx.stat_status.enableSkipMode(currentDepth); ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions++; return; } if (param_maxRegionDepthOpenCV) { if ((location.flags & REGION_FLAG_APP_CODE) == 0) { if (ctx.regionDepthOpenCV >= param_maxRegionDepthOpenCV) { CV_LOG(_spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "OpenCV region depth is exceed = " << ctx.regionDepthOpenCV << ". Bailout"); if (ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions == 0) { DEBUG_ONLY(ctx.dumpStack(std::cout, false)); } ctx.stat_status.enableSkipMode(currentDepth); ctx.stat.currentSkippedRegions++; return; } } } new Impl(ctx, parentRegion, *this, location, beginTimestamp); CV_DbgAssert(pImpl != NULL); implFlags |= REGION_FLAG__ACTIVE; // parallel_for path if (parentRegion && parentRegion->pImpl) { if (parentLocation == NULL) { pImpl->directChildrenCount = parentChildren; } } } void Region::destroy() { CV_DbgAssert(implFlags != 0); TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); CV_LOG(_spaces(ctx.getCurrentDepth()*4) << "Region::destruct(): " << (void*)this << " pImpl=" << pImpl << " implFlags=" << implFlags << ' ' << (ctx.stackTopLocation() ? ctx.stackTopLocation()->name : "")); CV_DbgAssert(implFlags & REGION_FLAG__NEED_STACK_POP); const int currentDepth = ctx.getCurrentDepth(); CV_UNUSED(currentDepth); CV_LOG_CTX_STAT(NULL, _spaces(currentDepth*4) << ctx.stat << ' ' << ctx.stat_status); const Region::LocationStaticStorage* location = ctx.stackTopLocation(); Impl::OptimizationPath myCodePath = Impl::CODE_PATH_PLAIN; if (location) { switch (location->flags & REGION_FLAG_IMPL_MASK) { #ifdef HAVE_IPP case REGION_FLAG_IMPL_IPP: myCodePath = Impl::CODE_PATH_IPP; break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL case REGION_FLAG_IMPL_OPENCL: if (param_synchronizeOpenCL && cv::ocl::isOpenCLActivated()) cv::ocl::finish(); myCodePath = Impl::CODE_PATH_OPENCL; break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENVX case REGION_FLAG_IMPL_OPENVX: myCodePath = Impl::CODE_PATH_OPENVX; break; #endif default: break; } } int64 endTimestamp = getTimestamp(); int64 duration = endTimestamp - ctx.stackTopBeginTimestamp(); bool active = isActive(); if (active) ctx.stat.duration = duration; else if (ctx.stack.size() == ctx.parallel_for_stack_size + 1) ctx.stat.duration += duration; switch (myCodePath) { case Impl::CODE_PATH_PLAIN: // nothing break; #ifdef HAVE_IPP case Impl::CODE_PATH_IPP: if (ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplIPP == currentDepth) { ctx.stat.durationImplIPP += duration; ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplIPP = 0; } else if (active) { ctx.stat.durationImplIPP = duration; } break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL case Impl::CODE_PATH_OPENCL: if (ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenCL == currentDepth) { ctx.stat.durationImplOpenCL += duration; ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenCL = 0; } else if (active) { ctx.stat.durationImplOpenCL = duration; } break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENVX case Impl::CODE_PATH_OPENVX: if (ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenVX == currentDepth) { ctx.stat.durationImplOpenVX += duration; ctx.stat_status.ignoreDepthImplOpenVX = 0; } else if (active) { ctx.stat.durationImplOpenVX = duration; } break; #endif default: break; } if (pImpl) { CV_DbgAssert((implFlags & (REGION_FLAG__ACTIVE | REGION_FLAG__NEED_STACK_POP)) == (REGION_FLAG__ACTIVE | REGION_FLAG__NEED_STACK_POP)); CV_DbgAssert(ctx.stackTopRegion() == this); pImpl->endTimestamp = endTimestamp; pImpl->leaveRegion(ctx); pImpl->release(); pImpl = NULL; DEBUG_ONLY(implFlags &= ~REGION_FLAG__ACTIVE); } else { CV_DbgAssert(ctx.stat_status._skipDepth <= currentDepth); } if (implFlags & REGION_FLAG__NEED_STACK_POP) { CV_DbgAssert(ctx.stackTopRegion() == this); ctx.stackPop(); ctx.stat_status.checkResetSkipMode(currentDepth); DEBUG_ONLY(implFlags &= ~REGION_FLAG__NEED_STACK_POP); } CV_LOG_CTX_STAT(NULL, _spaces(currentDepth*4) << "===> " << ctx.stat << ' ' << ctx.stat_status); } TraceManagerThreadLocal::~TraceManagerThreadLocal() { } void TraceManagerThreadLocal::dumpStack(std::ostream& out, bool onlyFunctions) const { std::stringstream ss; std::deque::const_iterator it = stack.begin(); std::deque::const_iterator end = stack.end(); int depth = 0; for (; it != end; ++it) { const Region::LocationStaticStorage* location = it->location; if (location) { if (!onlyFunctions || (location->flags & REGION_FLAG_FUNCTION)) { ss << _spaces(4*depth) << location->name << std::endl; depth++; } } else { ss << _spaces(4*depth) << "" << std::endl; depth++; } } out << ss.str(); } class AsyncTraceStorage : public TraceStorage { mutable std::ofstream out; public: const std::string name; AsyncTraceStorage(const std::string& filename) : out(filename.c_str(), std::ios::trunc), name(filename) { out << "#description: OpenCV trace file" << std::endl; out << "#version: 1.0" << std::endl; } ~AsyncTraceStorage() { out.close(); } bool put(const TraceMessage& msg) const { if (msg.hasError) return false; out << msg.buffer; //DEBUG_ONLY(std::flush(out)); // TODO configure flag return true; } }; class SyncTraceStorage : public TraceStorage { mutable std::ofstream out; mutable cv::Mutex mutex; public: const std::string name; SyncTraceStorage(const std::string& filename) : out(filename.c_str(), std::ios::trunc), name(filename) { out << "#description: OpenCV trace file" << std::endl; out << "#version: 1.0" << std::endl; } ~SyncTraceStorage() { cv::AutoLock l(mutex); out.close(); } bool put(const TraceMessage& msg) const { if (msg.hasError) return false; { cv::AutoLock l(mutex); out << msg.buffer; std::flush(out); // TODO configure flag } return true; } }; TraceStorage* TraceManagerThreadLocal::getStorage() const { // TODO configuration option for stdout/single trace file if (storage.empty()) { TraceStorage* global = getTraceManager().trace_storage.get(); if (global) { const std::string filepath = cv::format("%s-%03d.txt", param_traceLocation.c_str(), threadID).c_str(); TraceMessage msg; const char* pos = strrchr(filepath.c_str(), '/'); // extract filename #ifdef _WIN32 if (!pos) strrchr(filepath.c_str(), '\\'); #endif if (!pos) pos = filepath.c_str(); msg.printf("#thread file: %s\n", pos); global->put(msg); storage.reset(new AsyncTraceStorage(filepath)); } } return storage.get(); } static bool activated = false; static bool isInitialized = false; TraceManager::TraceManager() { g_zero_timestamp = cv::getTickCount(); isInitialized = true; CV_LOG("TraceManager ctor: " << (void*)this); CV_LOG("TraceManager configure()"); activated = param_traceEnable; if (activated) trace_storage.reset(new SyncTraceStorage(std::string(param_traceLocation) + ".txt")); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { activated = true; // force trace pipeline activation (without OpenCV storage) __itt_region_begin(domain, __itt_null, __itt_null, __itt_string_handle_create("OpenCVTrace")); } #endif } TraceManager::~TraceManager() { CV_LOG("TraceManager dtor: " << (void*)this); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { __itt_region_end(domain, __itt_null); } #endif std::vector threads_ctx; tls.gather(threads_ctx); size_t totalEvents = 0, totalSkippedEvents = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_ctx.size(); i++) { TraceManagerThreadLocal* ctx = threads_ctx[i]; if (ctx) { totalEvents += ctx->region_counter; totalSkippedEvents += ctx->totalSkippedEvents; } } if (totalEvents || activated) { CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, "Trace: Total events: " << totalEvents); } if (totalSkippedEvents) { CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "Trace: Total skipped events: " << totalSkippedEvents); } // This is a global static object, so process starts shutdown here // Turn off trace cv::__termination = true; // also set in DllMain() notifications handler for DLL_PROCESS_DETACH activated = false; } bool TraceManager::isActivated() { // Check if process starts shutdown, and set earlyExit to true // to prevent further instrumentation processing earlier. if (cv::__termination) { activated = false; return false; } if (!isInitialized) { TraceManager& m = getTraceManager(); (void)m; // TODO } return activated; } static TraceManager* getTraceManagerCallOnce() { static TraceManager globalInstance; return &globalInstance; } TraceManager& getTraceManager() { CV_SINGLETON_LAZY_INIT_REF(TraceManager, getTraceManagerCallOnce()) } void parallelForSetRootRegion(const Region& rootRegion, const TraceManagerThreadLocal& root_ctx) { TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); if (ctx.dummy_stack_top.region == &rootRegion) // already attached return; CV_Assert(ctx.dummy_stack_top.region == NULL); ctx.dummy_stack_top = TraceManagerThreadLocal::StackEntry(const_cast(&rootRegion), NULL, -1); if (&ctx == &root_ctx) { ctx.stat.grab(ctx.parallel_for_stat); ctx.parallel_for_stat_status = ctx.stat_status; ctx.parallel_for_stack_size = ctx.stack.size(); return; } CV_Assert(ctx.stack.empty()); ctx.currentActiveRegion = const_cast(&rootRegion); ctx.regionDepth = root_ctx.regionDepth; ctx.regionDepthOpenCV = root_ctx.regionDepthOpenCV; ctx.parallel_for_stack_size = 0; ctx.stat_status.propagateFrom(root_ctx.stat_status); } void parallelForAttachNestedRegion(const Region& rootRegion) { CV_UNUSED(rootRegion); TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); CV_DbgAssert(ctx.dummy_stack_top.region == &rootRegion); Region* region = ctx.getCurrentActiveRegion(); CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, " PARALLEL_FOR: " << (void*)region << " ==> " << &rootRegion); if (!region) return; #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (!rootRegion.pImpl || !rootRegion.pImpl->itt_id_registered) return; if (!region->pImpl) return; CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, " PARALLEL_FOR ITT: " << (void*)rootRegion.pImpl->itt_id.d1 << ":" << rootRegion.pImpl->itt_id.d2 << ":" << (void*)rootRegion.pImpl->itt_id.d3 << " => " << (void*)region->pImpl->itt_id.d1 << ":" << region->pImpl->itt_id.d2 << ":" << (void*)region->pImpl->itt_id.d3); __itt_relation_add(domain, region->pImpl->itt_id, __itt_relation_is_child_of, rootRegion.pImpl->itt_id); #endif } void parallelForFinalize(const Region& rootRegion) { TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); int64 endTimestamp = getTimestamp(); int64 duration = endTimestamp - ctx.stackTopBeginTimestamp(); CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, "parallel_for duration: " << duration << " " << &rootRegion); std::vector threads_ctx; getTraceManager().tls.gather(threads_ctx); RegionStatistics parallel_for_stat; int threads = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_ctx.size(); i++) { TraceManagerThreadLocal* child_ctx = threads_ctx[i]; if (child_ctx && child_ctx->stackTopRegion() == &rootRegion) { CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, "Thread=" << child_ctx->threadID << " " << child_ctx->stat); threads++; RegionStatistics child_stat; child_ctx->stat.grab(child_stat); parallel_for_stat.append(child_stat); if (child_ctx != &ctx) { child_ctx->dummy_stack_top = TraceManagerThreadLocal::StackEntry(); } else { ctx.parallel_for_stat.grab(ctx.stat); ctx.stat_status = ctx.parallel_for_stat_status; child_ctx->dummy_stack_top = TraceManagerThreadLocal::StackEntry(); } } } float parallel_coeff = std::min(1.0f, duration / (float)(parallel_for_stat.duration)); CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, "parallel_coeff=" << 1.0f / parallel_coeff); CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, parallel_for_stat); if (parallel_coeff != 1.0f) { parallel_for_stat.multiply(parallel_coeff); CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, parallel_for_stat); } parallel_for_stat.duration = 0; ctx.stat.append(parallel_for_stat); CV_LOG_PARALLEL(NULL, ctx.stat); } struct TraceArg::ExtraData { #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT // Special fields for ITT __itt_string_handle* volatile ittHandle_name; #endif ExtraData(TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx, const TraceArg& arg) { CV_UNUSED(ctx); CV_UNUSED(arg); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { // Caching is not required here, because there is builtin cache. // https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/544203: // Consecutive calls to __itt_string_handle_create with the same name return the same value. ittHandle_name = __itt_string_handle_create(arg.name); } else { ittHandle_name = 0; } #endif } }; static void initTraceArg(TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx, const TraceArg& arg) { TraceArg::ExtraData** pExtra = arg.ppExtra; if (*pExtra == NULL) { cv::AutoLock lock(cv::getInitializationMutex()); if (*pExtra == NULL) { *pExtra = new TraceArg::ExtraData(ctx, arg); } } } void traceArg(const TraceArg& arg, const char* value) { TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); Region* region = ctx.getCurrentActiveRegion(); if (!region) return; CV_Assert(region->pImpl); initTraceArg(ctx, arg); if (!value) value = ""; #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { __itt_metadata_str_add(domain, region->pImpl->itt_id, (*arg.ppExtra)->ittHandle_name, value, strlen(value)); } #endif } void traceArg(const TraceArg& arg, int value) { TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); Region* region = ctx.getCurrentActiveRegion(); if (!region) return; CV_Assert(region->pImpl); initTraceArg(ctx, arg); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { __itt_metadata_add(domain, region->pImpl->itt_id, (*arg.ppExtra)->ittHandle_name, sizeof(int) == 4 ? __itt_metadata_s32 : __itt_metadata_s64, 1, &value); } #else CV_UNUSED(value); #endif } void traceArg(const TraceArg& arg, int64 value) { TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); Region* region = ctx.getCurrentActiveRegion(); if (!region) return; CV_Assert(region->pImpl); initTraceArg(ctx, arg); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { __itt_metadata_add(domain, region->pImpl->itt_id, (*arg.ppExtra)->ittHandle_name, __itt_metadata_s64, 1, &value); } #else CV_UNUSED(value); #endif } void traceArg(const TraceArg& arg, double value) { TraceManagerThreadLocal& ctx = getTraceManager().tls.getRef(); Region* region = ctx.getCurrentActiveRegion(); if (!region) return; CV_Assert(region->pImpl); initTraceArg(ctx, arg); #ifdef OPENCV_WITH_ITT if (isITTEnabled()) { __itt_metadata_add(domain, region->pImpl->itt_id, (*arg.ppExtra)->ittHandle_name, __itt_metadata_double, 1, &value); } #else CV_UNUSED(value); #endif } #else Region::Region(const LocationStaticStorage&) : pImpl(NULL), implFlags(0) {} void Region::destroy() {} void traceArg(const TraceArg&, const char*) {} void traceArg(const TraceArg&, int) {}; void traceArg(const TraceArg&, int64) {}; void traceArg(const TraceArg&, double) {}; #endif }}}} // namespace