- 22 Jun, 2017 1 commit
likan999 authored
Previous commit, 6f39f9a6, tries to fix the color issue for emulator. But the condition for detecting emulator is incomplete, e.g. it stops working for emulators using Google Play, whose Build.BRAND=="google". https://stackoverflow.com/a/21505193 shows a more accurate condition for this.
- 15 Jun, 2017 1 commit
abratchik authored
- 02 May, 2017 1 commit
Vladislav Sovrasov authored
- 05 Apr, 2017 1 commit
Maksim Shabunin authored
- 18 Mar, 2017 1 commit
Kerry Billingham authored
* Introduced OSGi Blueprint XML file and Bean class too automatically load the native library. * Introduced integration testing module to deploy to Karaf OSGi implementation. * Clears library executable stack flag during build. * Updated README document.
- 07 Mar, 2017 1 commit
Kuan-Yi Li authored
- 03 Mar, 2017 2 commits
Philipp Hasper authored
Synchronizing against non-final fields is advised against.
Jose Gómez authored
* Use the YV12 format in the Android emulator to avoid image issues * Removed trailing spaces * Added exception in else case * Removed tab
- 02 Mar, 2017 1 commit
Hans Gaiser authored
- 31 Jan, 2017 1 commit
utibenkei authored
- 30 Dec, 2016 1 commit
utibenkei authored
- 19 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- 15 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
(2.4) Backports from master branch (#7854)
- 15 Oct, 2016 1 commit
abratchik authored
- 13 Oct, 2016 1 commit
abratchik authored
- 12 Oct, 2016 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
To resolve undefined "Mat_to_vector_KeyPoint" error
- 10 Oct, 2016 1 commit
abratchik authored
improved fix for java wrapper generator (gen_java.py) to avoid generation of java methods with duplicate signatures(v3)
- 07 Oct, 2016 2 commits
Alexander Alekhin authored
Before: Ptr<Dictionary>((cv::aruco::Dictionary*)dictionary_nativeObj) After: Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary>((cv::aruco::Dictionary*)dictionary_nativeObj)
abratchik authored
- 06 Oct, 2016 1 commit
http://ans…Jcrist99 authored
* fix for feature2d java wrappers as described in this post: http://answers.opencv.org/question/101675/surfsift-java-wrapper-for-opencv-3xosx-1011/ * fix for feature2d java wrappers as described in this post: http://answers.opencv.org/question/101675/surfsift-java-wrapper-for-opencv-3xosx-1011/ * rollback of one change as requested (similar change already merged)
- 30 Sep, 2016 1 commit
mshabunin authored
- 16 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- 10 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Marek Smigielski authored
- 05 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Marek Smigielski authored
- 11 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Jan Starzynski authored
- 31 May, 2016 1 commit
Marek Smigielski authored
- 23 May, 2016 1 commit
dharezlak authored
While generating Java JNI wrappers package names with an underscore (`_`) character where not properly escaped according to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/design.html#resolving_native_method_names (see also: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/issues/652). This fix replaces all the occurrences of `_` with `_1` resulting in proper JNI method names.
- 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Philipp Hasper authored
They were issued for every frame retrieved - even in a release build.
- 07 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Jason von Nieda authored
* Adds the main features2d header to the parse list for the generator. * Removes the manual definition of drawKeypoints and drawMatches since these are now included in the main header. * Updates the generator to ignore SimpleBlobDetector, FlannBasedMatcher and DescriptorMatcher as these cause conflicts with the generator. This is okay since these were not previously included in the distribution anyway, so no harm is done.
- 09 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Nikolay Polyarniy authored
- cv2.UMat implemented - python thin wrapper for UMat - no implicit copy from GPU to Host done, resulting UMat can be passed to next function without overhead - cv2.UMat.get() - to fetch data to Host - new tests covers: ORB, BFMatcher, goodFeaturesToTrack, calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
- 18 Dec, 2015 2 commits
Maksim Shabunin authored
Maksim Shabunin authored
- 16 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Maksim Shabunin authored
- 29 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Maksim Shabunin authored
- 20 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Maksim Shabunin authored
- 08 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Andrey Pavlenko authored
- 07 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Andrey Pavlenko authored
refactored; added Camera2, notify callbacks, front/back maxCamera sizes; disable new stuff if target API < 21
- 01 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Philipp Hasper authored
Corrected typo and unused imports
- 22 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- 19 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Andrey Pavlenko authored
a simple sample will look like: ```java public class MainActivity extends Activity implements CameraGLSurfaceView.CameraTextureListener { CameraGLSurfaceView mView; ByteBuffer buf; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); mView = new CameraGLSurfaceView(this, null); mView.setCameraTextureListener(this); setContentView(mView); buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1920*1080*4); } @Override protected void onPause() { mView.onPause(); super.onPause(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mView.onResume(); } @Override public void onCameraViewStarted(int width, int height) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onCameraViewStopped() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean onCameraFrame(int texIn, int texOut, int width, int height) { Log.i("MAIN", "onCameraFrame"); int w=width, h=height; /* // option 1: // just return 'false' to display texIn on screen retutn false; */ /* // option 2: // fast copy texIn to texOut GLES20.glActiveTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE0); GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texOut); GLES20.glCopyTexImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GLES20.GL_RGBA, 0, 0, w, h, 0); return true; */ // option 3: // read, modify and write back pixels GLES20.glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GLES20.GL_RGBA, GLES20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf); buf.rewind(); // red line for(int i=0; i<h; i++) { buf.position(w*4*i+i*4); buf.put((byte) -1); buf.position(w*4*i+i*4+4); buf.put((byte) -1); } buf.rewind(); GLES20.glActiveTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE0); GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texOut); GLES20.glTexSubImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, w, h, GLES20.GL_RGBA, GLES20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf); return true; } } ```