1. 21 Sep, 2015 26 commits
  2. 20 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  3. 18 Sep, 2015 9 commits
  4. 17 Sep, 2015 4 commits
    • jisli's avatar
      update ffmpeg support · f88e9a74
      jisli authored
      Migration have been done for these ffmpeg/libav changes:
      2013-12-11 - 29c83d2 / b9fb59d,409a143 / 9431356,44967ab / d7b3ee9 - lavc 55.45.101 / 55.28.1 - avcodec.h
        av_frame_alloc(), av_frame_unref() and av_frame_free() now can and should be
        used instead of avcodec_alloc_frame(), avcodec_get_frame_defaults() and
        avcodec_free_frame() respectively. The latter three functions are deprecated.
      2012-10-08 - ae77266 / 78071a1 - lavu 51.74.100 / 51.42.0 - pixfmt.h
        Rename PixelFormat to AVPixelFormat and all PIX_FMT_* to AV_PIX_FMT_*.
        To provide backwards compatibility, PixelFormat is now #defined as
        Note that this can break user code that includes pixfmt.h and uses the
        'PixelFormat' identifier. Such code should either #undef PixelFormat
        or stop using the PixelFormat name.
    • Pavel Vlasov's avatar
      TLS keys leak fix; · aa485ccd
      Pavel Vlasov authored
      Disables TLS copy constructor and operator, as they can lead to errors and reservation of too much keys in TLS storage;
      gather method was added to TLS to gather data from all threads;
    • StevenPuttemans's avatar
      add link to contributing guidelines · e9037644
      StevenPuttemans authored
    • Renato Florentino Garcia's avatar
      Correct a typo. · 1a18fa1c
      Renato Florentino Garcia authored