1. 25 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  2. 22 Jun, 2015 4 commits
  3. 20 Jun, 2015 4 commits
  4. 19 Jun, 2015 3 commits
    • Maksim Shabunin's avatar
      Android: renamed default library name for static and dynamic fallback load;… · 83b2621d
      Maksim Shabunin authored
      Android: renamed default library name for static and dynamic fallback load; fixed libz import for 64-bit platforms
    • Alexander Alekhin's avatar
    • Vladimir Dudnik's avatar
      OpenCV-OpenCL interop (PR #4072): · 217dd63e
      Vladimir Dudnik authored
      added new function, cv::ocl::attachContext(String& platformName, void* platformID, void* context, void* deviceID) which allow to attach externally created OpenCL context to OpenCV.
      add definitions of clRetainDevice, clRetainContext funcs
      removed definitions for clRetainContext, clRetainDevice
      fixed build issue under Linux
      fixed uninitialized vars, replace dbgassert in error handling
      remove function which is not ready yet
      add new function, cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer(int rows, int cols, int type, void* cl_mem_obj, UMat& dst, UMatUsageFlags usageFlags = cv::USAGE_DEFAULT) which attaches user allocated OpenCL clBuffer to UMat
      uncommented clGetMemObjectInfo definition (otherwise prevent opencv build)
      fixed build issue on linux and android
      add step parameter to cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer func
      suppress compile-time warning
      added sample opencl-opencv interoperability (showcase for cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer func)
      CMakeLists.txt modified to not create sample build script if OpenCL SDK not found in system
      fixed build issue (apple opencl include dir and spaces in CMake file)
      added call to clRetainContext for attachContext func and call to clRetainMemObject for convertFromBuffer func
      uncommented clRetainMemObject definition
      added comments and cleanup
      add local path to cmake modules search dirs (instead of replacing)
      remove REQUIRED for find_package call (sample build together with opencv). need to try standalone sample build
      opencl-interop sample moved to standalone build
      set minimum version requirement for sample's cmake to 3.1
      put cmake_minimum_required under condition, so do not check if samples not builded
      remove code dups for setSize, updateContinuityFlag, and finalizeHdr
      commented out cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
      add safety check for cmake version
      add convertFromImage func and update opencl-interop sample
      uncommented clGetImageInfo defs
      uncommented clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer defs
      fixed clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer defs
      add doxygen comments
      remove doxygen @fn tag
      try to restart buildbot
      add doxygen comments to directx interop funcs
      remove internal header, use fwd declarations in affected compile units instead
  5. 18 Jun, 2015 7 commits
  6. 17 Jun, 2015 21 commits