- 04 Dec, 2018 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- 16 Nov, 2018 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- 26 Oct, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
- 28 Sep, 2018 1 commit
Suleyman TURKMEN authored
- 11 Sep, 2018 1 commit
jsxyhelu authored
find innercircle of contour by using pointPolygonTest: (#12206)
- 17 Aug, 2018 1 commit
Suleyman TURKMEN authored
- 13 Jul, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
- 11 Jul, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
- Changing the contrast and brightness of an image! - Operations with images
- 02 Jul, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
Add Java and Python code for AKAZE local features matching tutorial. Fix incorrect uses of Mat.mul() in Java code. Uniform Lowe's ratio test in the code.
- 27 Jun, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
Add Java and Python code for Image Segmentation with Distance Transform and Watershed Algorithm tutorial. Use more Pythonic code.
- 10 Jun, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Finding contours in your image, Convex Hull, Creating Bounding boxes and circles for contours, Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours, Image Moments, Point Polygon Test.
- 08 Jun, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
- 04 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
Tested with: - pylint 1.9.1
- 29 May, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
Add Java and Python code for the following features2d tutorials: Harris corner detector, Shi-Tomasi corner detector, Creating your own corner detector, Detecting corners location in subpixels, Feature Detection, Feature Description, Feature Matching with FLANN, Features2D + Homography to find a known object. Use Lowe's ratio test to filter the matches.
- 23 May, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Affine Transformations, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Calculation, Histogram Comparison, Back Projection.
- 18 May, 2018 2 commits
- 16 May, 2018 1 commit
catree authored
- 03 May, 2018 2 commits
- 24 Jan, 2018 1 commit
Jozef Mlich authored
* hogsvm compatibility with python3
- 11 Dec, 2017 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- 05 Oct, 2017 10 commits
- 09 Sep, 2017 4 commits
- 24 Aug, 2017 2 commits
Alexander Alekhin authored
tribta authored
* Adding CMake script to check if pylint is installed * Adding Pylint config file (to choose the tests that are enabled) * Adding CMake script to samples/python/tutorial_code Testing: bad-indentation, mixed-indentation, unnecessary-semicolon, unused-variable
- 11 Jul, 2017 1 commit
tribta authored
Adding _ to the unused variables for clarity (line 77)
- 30 Jun, 2017 1 commit
tribta authored
*Fixing typos; *Making codes more similar to the main one, in C++; *Adding Grayscale option to the Python and Java codes; *Fixing python identation, whitespaces and redundancies.