- 18 May, 2018 1 commit
Pavel Vlasov authored
__STDCALL macro change to support IPP 2018u3+ external packages Memory leak fix in Gaussian filter Improved checkers for OpenMP supported features Improved declarations for atomic operations. ICV binary and package version are the same.
- 23 Aug, 2017 1 commit
Pavel Vlasov authored
- Optimizations set change. Now IPP integrations will provide code for SSE42, AVX2 and AVX512 (SKX) CPUs only. For HW below SSE42 IPP code is disabled. - Performance regressions fixes for IPP code paths; - cv::boxFilter integration improvement; - cv::filter2D integration improvement;
- 25 Apr, 2017 1 commit
Pavel Vlasov authored
Updated integrations for: cv::split cv::merge cv::insertChannel cv::extractChannel cv::Mat::convertTo - now with scaled conversions support cv::LUT - disabled due to performance issues Mat::copyTo Mat::setTo cv::flip cv::copyMakeBorder - currently disabled cv::polarToCart cv::pow - ipp pow function was removed due to performance issues cv::hal::magnitude32f/64f - disabled for <= SSE42, poor performance cv::countNonZero cv::minMaxIdx cv::norm cv::canny - new integration. Disabled for threaded; cv::cornerHarris cv::boxFilter cv::bilateralFilter cv::integral
- 20 Apr, 2017 1 commit
Pavel Vlasov authored
- 30 Mar, 2017 1 commit
Alexander Alekhin authored
- more aggressive cache for files under CMAKE_BINARY_CACHE * don't re-read files MD5 * don't repack archives - add support for ENV{OPENCV_DOWNLOAD_PATH} - added ID parameter as project/group identifier - non-flat .cache directory (based on ID) - download message prefix based on ID - more detailed logging via ocv_download_log() macro - force .gitignore file for .cache folder (with '*' pattern)
- 24 Mar, 2017 1 commit
Maksim Shabunin authored