- 25 May, 2015 3 commits
http://code.opencv.org/issues/4011Vadim Pisarevsky authored
added tests for http://code.opencv.org/issues/4011 and http://code.opencv.org/issues/3057; fixed random subset generation in both methods to increase chance for a good subset
- 23 May, 2015 3 commits
Aleksandr Petrikov authored
Conflicts: modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp Add CV_Assert (ndisp % 8 == 0) to NEON version
Vadim Pisarevsky authored
removed cameraMatrix modification in the currently disabled uPnP algorithm for SolvePnP problem (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3985)
http://code.opencv.org/issues/3461;…Vadim Pisarevsky authored
added another triangulation test case from http://code.opencv.org/issues/3461; fixed partial derivative on distortion coefficients, as http://code.opencv.org/issues/4101 suggests
- 13 May, 2015 1 commit
- 23 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Deanna Hood authored
- 21 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Pavel Rojtberg authored
- fixes the Calib3d_StereoCalibrate_C testcase. update comment regarding cv::SVD::MODIFY_A
- 27 Mar, 2015 2 commits
Maksim Shabunin authored
Maksim Shabunin authored
- 18 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Similar to the problem in LevMarq, arg.inl was being used instead of best.inl. This opened us up to a potential segfault.
- 16 Mar, 2015 3 commits
Dmitry-Me authored
Vadim Pisarevsky authored
Vadim Pisarevsky authored
temporarily use EPNP in SolvePnP instead of UPNP or DLS algorithms, since the latter two are not quite stable
- 14 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Listed accesses for more functions.
- 06 Mar, 2015 3 commits
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
- 04 Mar, 2015 5 commits
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Spaced methods & functions more consistently, and started documenting which members does each method access directly or through its callers within RHO_HEST_REFC.
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
- Deleted "RefC" from names of external-interface functions. - Renamed rhorefc.[cpp|hpp] to rho.[cpp|hpp] - Introduced RHO_HEST base class, from which RHO_HEST_REFC inherits. - rhoInit() currently only returns a Ptr<RHO_HEST_REFC>, but in the future it will be allowed to return pointers to other derived classes, depending on the values returned by cv::checkHardwareSupport().
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
- 03 Mar, 2015 6 commits
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
The call to rand()/random() is now a call to (unsigned)cv::theRNG().
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
- 02 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Dmitry-Me authored
- 27 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Vladislav Vinogradov authored
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Cholesky decomposition is stable; It is not necessary to carry it out internally at double precision if the result will be truncated to single precision when stored.
- 26 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Vladislav Vinogradov authored
- 25 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Dmitry-Me authored
- 21 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
- Switched to the extremely fast, while simple and high-quality, xorshift128+ PRNG algorithm by Sebastiano Vigna in "Further scramblings of Marsaglia's xorshift generators. CoRR, abs/1402.6246, 2014" (2^128-1 period, passes BigCrush tests). Performance improved by 10% over random(). - Added an API to allow seeding with a specified seed, rather than using rand() or random(). This allows deterministic, reproducible results in tests using our algorithm (although findHomography() does not yet support passing an entropy source on its own end).
- 16 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Maksim Shabunin authored
Vladislav Vinogradov authored
- 13 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Olexa Bilaniuk authored
Hamid Bazargani authored
Fix the issue given NULL inlMask