Commit ff2d76ec authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #2699 from GregoryMorse:patch-1

parents bc7b2160 38db7a78
......@@ -423,27 +423,23 @@ string format( const char* fmt, ... )
string tempfile( const char* suffix )
std::wstring temp_dir = L"";
const wchar_t* opencv_temp_dir = _wgetenv(L"OPENCV_TEMP_PATH");
if (opencv_temp_dir)
temp_dir = std::wstring(opencv_temp_dir);
string fname;
#ifndef HAVE_WINRT
const char *temp_dir = getenv("OPENCV_TEMP_PATH");
string fname;
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
std::wstring temp_dir2;
if (temp_dir.empty())
temp_dir = GetTempPathWinRT();
std::wstring temp_dir = L"";
const wchar_t* opencv_temp_dir = GetTempPathWinRT().c_str();
if (opencv_temp_dir)
temp_dir = std::wstring(opencv_temp_dir);
std::wstring temp_file;
temp_file = GetTempFileNameWinRT(L"ocv");
if (temp_file.empty())
return std::string();
return string();
temp_file = temp_dir + std::wstring(L"\\") + temp_file;
......@@ -451,7 +447,7 @@ string tempfile( const char* suffix )
char aname[MAX_PATH];
size_t copied = wcstombs(aname, temp_file.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
CV_Assert((copied != MAX_PATH) && (copied != (size_t)-1));
fname = std::string(aname);
fname = string(aname);
char temp_dir2[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
......@@ -524,7 +524,9 @@ int addNullableBorder(CvLSVMFeatureMap *map, int bx, int by)
float *new_map;
sizeX = map->sizeX + 2 * bx;
sizeY = map->sizeY + 2 * by;
new_map = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * sizeX * sizeY * map->numFeatures);
// fix for Windows Phone 8 ARM compiler
size_t size = sizeof(float) * sizeX * sizeY * map->numFeatures;
new_map = (float *)malloc(size);
for (i = 0; i < sizeX * sizeY * map->numFeatures; i++)
new_map[i] = 0.0;
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