Commit fecfaf40 authored by Alexander Karsakov's avatar Alexander Karsakov

Using std::map in PlanCache

parent 37d01e2d
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "opencv2/core/opencl/runtime/opencl_clamdfft.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/opencl/runtime/opencl_core.hpp"
#include "opencl_kernels.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace cv
......@@ -1801,10 +1802,9 @@ private:
String buildOptions;
int thread_count;
bool status;
int dft_size;
OCL_FftPlan(int _size): dft_size(_size), status(true)
int min_radix;
......@@ -1999,18 +1999,17 @@ public:
Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> getFftPlan(int dft_size)
for (size_t i = 0, size = planStorage.size(); i < size; ++i)
std::map<int, Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> >::iterator f = planStorage.find(dft_size);
if (f != planStorage.end())
Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> plan = planStorage[i];
if (plan->dft_size == dft_size)
return plan;
return f->second;
Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> newPlan = Ptr<OCL_FftPlan>(new OCL_FftPlan(dft_size));
planStorage[dft_size] = newPlan;
return newPlan;
Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> newPlan = Ptr<OCL_FftPlan>(new OCL_FftPlan(dft_size));
return newPlan;
......@@ -2023,8 +2022,7 @@ protected:
std::vector<Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> > planStorage;
std::map<int, Ptr<OCL_FftPlan> > planStorage;
static bool ocl_dft_rows(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int nonzero_rows, int flags, int fftType)
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