Commit fe7c93cc authored by Dmitry Kurtaev's avatar Dmitry Kurtaev

Fix priors boxes generation in case of non square inputs for TensorFlow SSDs

parent 1db5d82b
......@@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ class SSDAnchorGenerator:
widths += [sqrt(self.scales[layer_id] * self.scales[layer_id + 1])]
heights += [sqrt(self.scales[layer_id] * self.scales[layer_id + 1])]
widths = [w * self.image_width for w in widths]
heights = [h * self.image_height for h in heights]
min_size = min(self.image_width, self.image_height)
widths = [w * min_size for w in widths]
heights = [h * min_size for h in heights]
return widths, heights
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