Commit fc8b385f authored by vbystricky's avatar vbystricky

Return false if ocl version not properly worked

parent 3762036b
......@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ public:
double polySigma;
int flags;
void operator ()(const UMat &frame0, const UMat &frame1, UMat &flowx, UMat &flowy)
bool operator ()(const UMat &frame0, const UMat &frame1, UMat &flowx, UMat &flowy)
CV_Assert(frame0.channels() == 1 && frame1.channels() == 1);
CV_Assert(frame0.size() == frame1.size());
......@@ -714,8 +714,10 @@ public:
if (fastPyramids)
polynomialExpansionOcl(pyramid0_[k], R[0]);
polynomialExpansionOcl(pyramid1_[k], R[1]);
if (!polynomialExpansionOcl(pyramid0_[k], R[0]))
return false;
if (!polynomialExpansionOcl(pyramid1_[k], R[1]))
return false;
......@@ -734,22 +736,31 @@ public:
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
gaussianBlurOcl(frames_[i], smoothSize/2, blurredFrame[i]);
if (!gaussianBlurOcl(frames_[i], smoothSize/2, blurredFrame[i]))
return false;
resize(blurredFrame[i], pyrLevel[i], Size(width, height), INTER_LINEAR);
polynomialExpansionOcl(pyrLevel[i], R[i]);
if (!polynomialExpansionOcl(pyrLevel[i], R[i]))
return false;
updateMatricesOcl(curFlowX, curFlowY, R[0], R[1], M);
if (!updateMatricesOcl(curFlowX, curFlowY, R[0], R[1], M))
return false;
setGaussianBlurKernel(winSize, winSize/2*0.3f);
for (int i = 0; i < numIters; i++)
updateFlow_gaussianBlur(R[0], R[1], curFlowX, curFlowY, M, bufM, winSize, i < numIters-1);
if (!updateFlow_gaussianBlur(R[0], R[1], curFlowX, curFlowY, M, bufM, winSize, i < numIters-1))
return false;
updateFlow_boxFilter(R[0], R[1], curFlowX, curFlowY, M, bufM, winSize, i < numIters-1);
if (!updateFlow_boxFilter(R[0], R[1], curFlowX, curFlowY, M, bufM, winSize, i < numIters-1))
return false;
prevFlowX = curFlowX;
......@@ -758,6 +769,7 @@ public:
flowx = curFlowX;
flowy = curFlowY;
return true;
void releaseMemory()
......@@ -884,7 +896,7 @@ private:
size_t globalsize[2] = { DIVUP(src.cols, localsize[0] - 2*polyN) * localsize[0], src.rows};
const cv::ocl::Device &device = cv::ocl::Device::getDefault();
int useDouble = (0 != device.doubleFPConfig());
bool useDouble = (0 != device.doubleFPConfig());
cv::String build_options = cv::format("-D polyN=%d -D USE_DOUBLE=%d", polyN, useDouble ? 1 : 0);
ocl::Kernel kernel;
......@@ -990,25 +1002,33 @@ private:
return, globalsize, localsize, false);
void updateFlow_boxFilter(
bool updateFlow_boxFilter(
const UMat& R0, const UMat& R1, UMat& flowx, UMat &flowy,
UMat& M, UMat &bufM, int blockSize, bool updateMatrices)
boxFilter5Ocl(M, blockSize/2, bufM);
if (!boxFilter5Ocl(M, blockSize/2, bufM))
return false;
swap(M, bufM);
updateFlowOcl(M, flowx, flowy);
if (!updateFlowOcl(M, flowx, flowy))
return false;
if (updateMatrices)
updateMatricesOcl(flowx, flowy, R0, R1, M);
if (!updateMatricesOcl(flowx, flowy, R0, R1, M))
return false;
return true;
void updateFlow_gaussianBlur(
bool updateFlow_gaussianBlur(
const UMat& R0, const UMat& R1, UMat& flowx, UMat& flowy,
UMat& M, UMat &bufM, int blockSize, bool updateMatrices)
gaussianBlur5Ocl(M, blockSize/2, bufM);
if (!gaussianBlur5Ocl(M, blockSize/2, bufM))
return false;
swap(M, bufM);
updateFlowOcl(M, flowx, flowy);
if (!updateFlowOcl(M, flowx, flowy))
return false;
if (updateMatrices)
updateMatricesOcl(flowx, flowy, R0, R1, M);
if (!updateMatricesOcl(flowx, flowy, R0, R1, M))
return false;
return true;
......@@ -1043,7 +1063,8 @@ static bool ocl_calcOpticalFlowFarneback( InputArray _prev0, InputArray _next0,
opticalFlow(_prev0.getUMat(), _next0.getUMat(), flowar[0], flowar[1]);
if (!opticalFlow(_prev0.getUMat(), _next0.getUMat(), flowar[0], flowar[1]))
return false;
merge(flowar, _flow0);
return true;
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