Commit fad96b95 authored by yao's avatar yao

add results verification to facedetect and hog samples

parent 036b0579
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ public:
bool gamma_corr;
class App
......@@ -64,6 +63,13 @@ public:
string message() const;
// This function test if gpu_rst matches cpu_rst.
// If the two vectors are not equal, it will return the difference in vector size
// Else if will return
// (total diff of each cpu and gpu rects covered pixels)/(total cpu rects covered pixels)
double checkRectSimilarity(Size sz,
std::vector<Rect>& cpu_rst,
std::vector<Rect>& gpu_rst);
App operator=(App&);
......@@ -290,6 +296,7 @@ void App::run()
ocl::oclMat gpu_img;
// Iterate over all frames
bool verify = false;
while (running && !frame.empty())
......@@ -316,6 +323,17 @@ void App::run()
gpu_hog.detectMultiScale(gpu_img, found, hit_threshold, win_stride,
Size(0, 0), scale, gr_threshold);
if (!verify)
// verify if GPU output same objects with CPU at 1st run
verify = true;
vector<Rect> ref_rst;
cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGRA2BGR);
cpu_hog.detectMultiScale(img, ref_rst, hit_threshold, win_stride,
Size(0, 0), scale, gr_threshold-2);
double accuracy = checkRectSimilarity(img.size(), ref_rst, found);
cout << "\naccuracy value: " << accuracy << endl;
else cpu_hog.detectMultiScale(img, found, hit_threshold, win_stride,
Size(0, 0), scale, gr_threshold);
......@@ -457,3 +475,45 @@ inline string App::workFps() const
return ss.str();
double App::checkRectSimilarity(Size sz,
std::vector<Rect>& ob1,
std::vector<Rect>& ob2)
double final_test_result = 0.0;
size_t sz1 = ob1.size();
size_t sz2 = ob2.size();
if(sz1 != sz2)
return sz1 > sz2 ? (double)(sz1 - sz2) : (double)(sz2 - sz1);
cv::Mat cpu_result(sz, CV_8UC1);
for(vector<Rect>::const_iterator r = ob1.begin(); r != ob1.end(); r++)
cv::Mat cpu_result_roi(cpu_result, *r);
int cpu_area = cv::countNonZero(cpu_result > 0);
cv::Mat gpu_result(sz, CV_8UC1);
for(vector<Rect>::const_iterator r2 = ob2.begin(); r2 != ob2.end(); r2++)
cv::Mat gpu_result_roi(gpu_result, *r2);
cv::Mat result_;
multiply(cpu_result, gpu_result, result_);
int result = cv::countNonZero(result_ > 0);
final_test_result = 1.0 - (double)result/(double)cpu_area;
return final_test_result;
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