Commit f87de190 authored by Gary Bradski's avatar Gary Bradski

added more documenation

parent 89c4bc54
......@@ -15,9 +15,13 @@ using namespace cv;
void help(char** av)
cout << "usage:\n" << av[0] << " outputfile.yml.gz\n"
<< "Try using different extensions.(e.g. yaml yml xml xml.gz etc...)\n"
<< "This will serialize some matrices and image names to the format specified." << endl;
cout << "usage:\n"
<< av[0] << " outputfile.yml.gz\n"
<< "\n outputfile above can have many different extenstions, see below."
<< "\nThis program demonstrates the use of FileStorage for serialization, that is use << and >> in OpenCV\n"
<< "For example, how to create a class and have it serialize, but also how to use it to read and write matrices.\n"
<< "FileStorage allows you to serialize to various formats specified by the file end type."
<< "\nYou should try using different file extensions.(e.g. yaml yml xml xml.gz yaml.gz etc...)\n" << endl;
struct MyData
......@@ -33,11 +37,11 @@ struct MyData
int A;
double X;
string id;
void write(FileStorage& fs) const
void write(FileStorage& fs) const //Write serialization for this class
fs << "{" << "A" << A << "X" << X << "id" << id << "}";
void read(const FileNode& node)
void read(const FileNode& node) //Read serialization for this class
A = (int)node["A"];
......@@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ struct MyData
//These write and read functions must exist as per the inline functions in operations.hpp
void write(FileStorage& fs, const std::string& name, const MyData& x){
......@@ -137,7 +142,7 @@ int main(int ac, char** av)
cout << "read mdata\n";
cout << m << endl;
cout << "attempting to read mdata_b\n";
cout << "attempting to read mdata_b\n"; //Show default behavior for empty matrix
fs["mdata_b"] >> m;
cout << "read mdata_b\n";
cout << m << endl;
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