Commit f7ec4a5c authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

Mat::copyTo with mask

parent 8d24a83c
......@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ copyMask_(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, ucha
template<> void
copyMask_<uchar>(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, uchar* _dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
#if defined HAVE_IPP && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
if (ippiCopy_8u_C1MR(_src, (int)sstep, _dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)
for( ; size.height--; mask += mstep, _src += sstep, _dst += dstep )
const uchar* src = (const uchar*)_src;
......@@ -111,6 +116,11 @@ copyMask_<uchar>(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mste
template<> void
copyMask_<ushort>(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, uchar* _dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
#if defined HAVE_IPP && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
if (ippiCopy_16u_C1MR((const Ipp16u *)_src, (int)sstep, (Ipp16u *)_dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)
for( ; size.height--; mask += mstep, _src += sstep, _dst += dstep )
const ushort* src = (const ushort*)_src;
......@@ -165,15 +175,33 @@ static void copyMask##suffix(const uchar* src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask,
copyMask_<type>(src, sstep, mask, mstep, dst, dstep, size); \
#if defined HAVE_IPP && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
#define DEF_COPY_MASK_F(suffix, type, ippfavor, ipptype) \
static void copyMask##suffix(const uchar* src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, \
uchar* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, void*) \
{ \
if (ippiCopy_##ippfavor((const ipptype *)src, (int)sstep, (ipptype *)dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), (const Ipp8u *)mask, (int)mstep) >= 0) \
return; \
copyMask_<type>(src, sstep, mask, mstep, dst, dstep, size); \
#define DEF_COPY_MASK_F(suffix, type, ippfavor, ipptype) \
static void copyMask##suffix(const uchar* src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, \
uchar* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, void*) \
{ \
copyMask_<type>(src, sstep, mask, mstep, dst, dstep, size); \
DEF_COPY_MASK(8u, uchar)
DEF_COPY_MASK(16u, ushort)
DEF_COPY_MASK(8uC3, Vec3b)
DEF_COPY_MASK(32s, int)
DEF_COPY_MASK(16uC3, Vec3s)
DEF_COPY_MASK_F(8uC3, Vec3b, 8u_C3MR, Ipp8u)
DEF_COPY_MASK_F(32s, int, 32s_C1MR, Ipp32s)
DEF_COPY_MASK_F(16uC3, Vec3s, 16u_C3MR, Ipp16u)
DEF_COPY_MASK(32sC2, Vec2i)
DEF_COPY_MASK(32sC3, Vec3i)
DEF_COPY_MASK(32sC4, Vec4i)
DEF_COPY_MASK_F(32sC3, Vec3i, 32s_C3MR, Ipp32s)
DEF_COPY_MASK_F(32sC4, Vec4i, 32s_C4MR, Ipp32s)
DEF_COPY_MASK(32sC6, Vec6i)
DEF_COPY_MASK(32sC8, Vec8i)
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