Commit f660461b authored by Suleyman TURKMEN's avatar Suleyman TURKMEN

documentation patch

parent da948c82
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -110,9 +110,11 @@ returns an empty matrix ( Mat::data==NULL ). Currently, the following file forma
- JPEG 2000 files - \*.jp2 (see the *Notes* section)
- Portable Network Graphics - \*.png (see the *Notes* section)
- WebP - \*.webp (see the *Notes* section)
- Portable image format - \*.pbm, \*.pgm, \*.ppm (always supported)
- Portable image format - \*.pbm, \*.pgm, \*.ppm \*.pxm, \*.pnm (always supported)
- Sun rasters - \*.sr, \*.ras (always supported)
- TIFF files - \*.tiff, \*.tif (see the *Notes* section)
- OpenEXR Image files - \*.exr (see the *Notes* section)
- Radiance HDR - \*.hdr, \*.pic (always supported)
......@@ -1968,8 +1968,8 @@ way:
// specify fx and fy and let the function compute the destination image size.
resize(src, dst, Size(), 0.5, 0.5, interpolation);
To shrink an image, it will generally look best with CV_INTER_AREA interpolation, whereas to
enlarge an image, it will generally look best with CV_INTER_CUBIC (slow) or CV_INTER_LINEAR
To shrink an image, it will generally look best with cv::INTER_AREA interpolation, whereas to
enlarge an image, it will generally look best with cv::INTER_CUBIC (slow) or cv::INTER_LINEAR
(faster but still looks OK).
@param src input image.
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