Commit f454929d authored by Olexa Bilaniuk's avatar Olexa Bilaniuk

PRNG changes: xorshift128+ algorithm, and seeding API.

- Switched to the extremely fast, while simple and high-quality,
xorshift128+ PRNG algorithm by Sebastiano Vigna in "Further scramblings
of Marsaglia's xorshift generators. CoRR, abs/1402.6246, 2014" (2^128-1
period, passes BigCrush tests). Performance improved by 10% over
- Added an API to allow seeding with a specified seed, rather than using
rand() or random(). This allows deterministic, reproducible results in
tests using our algorithm (although findHomography() does not yet
support passing an entropy source on its own end).
parent 0ea009f6
......@@ -161,6 +161,11 @@ struct RHO_HEST_REFC{
float* Jte; /* Jte vector */
} lm;
/* PRNG XORshift128+ */
uint64_t s[2]; /* PRNG state */
} prng;
/* Initialized? */
int init;
......@@ -205,6 +210,11 @@ struct RHO_HEST_REFC{
inline int PROSACPhaseEndReached(void);
inline void PROSACGoToNextPhase(void);
inline void getPROSACSample(void);
inline void rndSmpl(unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned* currentSample,
unsigned dataSetSize);
inline double fastRandom(void);
inline void fastSeed(uint64_t seed);
inline int isSampleDegenerate(void);
inline void generateModel(void);
inline int isModelDegenerate(void);
......@@ -239,10 +249,6 @@ static inline void sacInitNonRand (double beta,
static inline double sacInitPEndFpI (const unsigned ransacConvg,
const unsigned n,
const unsigned s);
static inline void sacRndSmpl (unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned* currentSample,
unsigned dataSetSize);
static inline double sacRandom (void);
static inline unsigned sacCalcIterBound (double confidence,
double inlierRate,
unsigned sampleSize,
......@@ -304,6 +310,15 @@ int rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, unsigned N, double beta){
* Seeds the internal PRNG with the given seed.
void rhoRefCSeed(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, unsigned long long seed){
* External access to context destructor.
......@@ -459,6 +474,12 @@ inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::initialize(void){
lm.tmp1 = NULL;
lm.Jte = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
int areAllAllocsSuccessful = ctrl.smpl &&
curr.H &&
......@@ -950,13 +971,121 @@ inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::PROSACGoToNextPhase(void){
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::getPROSACSample(void){
if(ctrl.i > ctrl.phEndI){
/* FIXME: Dubious. Review. */
sacRndSmpl(4, ctrl.smpl, ctrl.phNum);/* Used to be phMax */
rndSmpl(4, ctrl.smpl, ctrl.phNum);/* Used to be phMax */
sacRndSmpl(3, ctrl.smpl, ctrl.phNum-1);
rndSmpl(3, ctrl.smpl, ctrl.phNum-1);
ctrl.smpl[3] = ctrl.phNum-1;
* Choose, without repetition, sampleSize integers in the range [0, numDataPoints).
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::rndSmpl(unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned* currentSample,
unsigned dataSetSize){
* If sampleSize is very close to dataSetSize, we use selection sampling.
* Otherwise we use the naive sampling technique wherein we select random
* indexes until sampleSize of them are distinct.
* Selection Sampling:
* Algorithm S (Selection sampling technique). To select n records at random from a set of N, where 0 < n ≤ N.
* S1. [Initialize.] Set t ← 0, m ← 0. (During this algorithm, m represents the number of records selected so far,
* and t is the total number of input records that we have dealt with.)
* S2. [Generate U.] Generate a random number U, uniformly distributed between zero and one.
* S3. [Test.] If (N – t)U ≥ n – m, go to step S5.
* S4. [Select.] Select the next record for the sample, and increase m and t by 1. If m < n, go to step S2;
* otherwise the sample is complete and the algorithm terminates.
* S5. [Skip.] Skip the next record (do not include it in the sample), increase t by 1, and go back to step S2.
* Replaced m with i and t with j in the below code.
unsigned i=0,j=0;
double U=fastRandom();
if((dataSetSize-j)*U < (sampleSize-i)){
* Naive sampling technique. Generate indexes until sampleSize of them are distinct.
unsigned i, j;
int inList;
currentSample[i] = (unsigned)(dataSetSize*fastRandom());
if(currentSample[i] == currentSample[j]){
* Generates a random double uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1).
* Uses xorshift128+ algorithm from
* Sebastiano Vigna. Further scramblings of Marsaglia's xorshift generators.
* CoRR, abs/1402.6246, 2014.
* Source roughly as given in
inline double RHO_HEST_REFC::fastRandom(void){
uint64_t x = prng.s[0];
uint64_t y = prng.s[1];
x ^= x << 23; // a
x ^= x >> 17; // b
x ^= y ^ (y >> 26); // c
prng.s[0] = y;
prng.s[1] = x;
uint64_t s = x + y;
return s * 5.421010862427522e-20;/* 2^-64 */
* Seeds the PRNG.
* The seed should not be zero, since the state must be initialized to non-zero.
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::fastSeed(uint64_t seed){
int i;
prng.s[0] = seed;
prng.s[1] = ~seed;/* Guarantees one of the elements will be non-zero. */
* Escape from zero-land (see xorshift128+ paper). Approximately 20
* iterations required according to the graph.
* Checks whether the *sample* is degenerate prior to model generation.
* - First, the extremely cheap numerical degeneracy test is run, which weeds
......@@ -1395,79 +1524,6 @@ static inline double sacInitPEndFpI(const unsigned ransacConvg,
return ransacConvg*numer/denom;
* Choose, without repetition, sampleSize integers in the range [0, numDataPoints).
static inline void sacRndSmpl(unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned* currentSample,
unsigned dataSetSize){
* If sampleSize is very close to dataSetSize, we use selection sampling.
* Otherwise we use the naive sampling technique wherein we select random
* indexes until sampleSize of them are distinct.
* Selection Sampling:
* Algorithm S (Selection sampling technique). To select n records at random from a set of N, where 0 < n ≤ N.
* S1. [Initialize.] Set t ← 0, m ← 0. (During this algorithm, m represents the number of records selected so far,
* and t is the total number of input records that we have dealt with.)
* S2. [Generate U.] Generate a random number U, uniformly distributed between zero and one.
* S3. [Test.] If (N – t)U ≥ n – m, go to step S5.
* S4. [Select.] Select the next record for the sample, and increase m and t by 1. If m < n, go to step S2;
* otherwise the sample is complete and the algorithm terminates.
* S5. [Skip.] Skip the next record (do not include it in the sample), increase t by 1, and go back to step S2.
* Replaced m with i and t with j in the below code.
unsigned i=0,j=0;
double U=sacRandom();
if((dataSetSize-j)*U < (sampleSize-i)){
* Naive sampling technique. Generate indexes until sampleSize of them are distinct.
unsigned i, j;
int inList;
currentSample[i] = (unsigned)(dataSetSize*sacRandom());
if(currentSample[i] == currentSample[j]){
* Generates a random double uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1].
static inline double sacRandom(void){
#ifdef _WIN32
return ((double)rand())/RAND_MAX;
return ((double)random())/INT_MAX;
* Estimate the number of iterations required based on the requested confidence,
* proportion of inliers in the best model so far and sample size.
......@@ -124,6 +124,20 @@ int rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, unsigned N, double beta);
* Seeds the internal PRNG with the given seed.
* Although it is not required to call this function, since context
* initialization seeds itself with entropy from rand(), this function allows
* reproducible results by using a specified seed.
* @param [in] p The estimator context whose PRNG is to be seeded.
* @param [in] seed The 64-bit integer seed.
void rhoRefCSeed(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, unsigned long long seed);
* Finalize the estimator context, by freeing the aligned buffers used
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