Commit f21fadfa authored by Vincent Rabaud's avatar Vincent Rabaud

- serialize/deserialize the edge threshold too

parent 7ca26c04
......@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ void ORB::CommonParams::read(const FileNode& fn)
scale_factor_ = fn["scaleFactor"];
n_levels_ = int(fn["nLevels"]);
first_level_ = int(fn["firsLevel"]);
edge_threshold_ = fn["edgeThreshold"];
patch_size_ = fn["patchSize"];
......@@ -452,6 +453,7 @@ void ORB::CommonParams::write(FileStorage& fs) const
fs << "scaleFactor" << scale_factor_;
fs << "nLevels" << int(n_levels_);
fs << "firsLevel" << int(first_level_);
fs << "edgeThreshold" << int(edge_threshold_);
fs << "patchSize" << int(patch_size_);
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