Commit f1d9666a authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #13858 from rgarnov:fluid_nv12_support

parents 00e8c781 c0076b58
......@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ public:
inline const uint8_t* linePtr(int index) const
// "out_of_window" check:
// user must not request the lines which are outside of specified kernel window
GAPI_DbgAssert(index >= -m_border_size
&& index < -m_border_size + static_cast<int>(m_linePtrs.size()));
return m_linePtrs[index + m_border_size];
......@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ public:
enum class Kind
// This function is a generic "doWork" callback
......@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
// FIXME? Actually gfluidbackend.hpp is not included anywhere
// and can be placed in gfluidbackend.cpp
#include "opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gproto.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/fluid/gfluidkernel.hpp"
......@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ struct FluidUnit
GFluidKernel k;
gapi::fluid::BorderOpt border;
int border_size;
int line_consumption;
std::vector<int> line_consumption;
double ratio;
......@@ -90,8 +92,8 @@ public:
// FIXME!!!
// move to another class
virtual int firstWindow() const = 0;
virtual std::pair<int,int> linesReadAndnextWindow() const = 0;
virtual int firstWindow(std::size_t inPort) const = 0;
virtual std::pair<int,int> linesReadAndnextWindow(std::size_t inPort) const = 0;
class GFluidExecutable final: public GIslandExecutable
......@@ -402,20 +402,6 @@ fluid::ViewPrivWithoutOwnBorder::ViewPrivWithoutOwnBorder(const Buffer *parent,
m_border_size = borderSize;
const uint8_t* fluid::ViewPrivWithoutOwnBorder::InLineB(int index) const
const auto &p_priv = m_p->priv();
GAPI_DbgAssert(index >= -m_border_size
&& index < -m_border_size + m_lines_next_iter);
const int log_idx = m_read_caret + index;
return, m_p->meta().size.height);
void fluid::ViewPrivWithoutOwnBorder::allocate(int lineConsumption, BorderOpt)
......@@ -475,17 +461,6 @@ std::size_t fluid::ViewPrivWithOwnBorder::size() const
return m_own_storage.size();
const uint8_t* fluid::ViewPrivWithOwnBorder::InLineB(int index) const
GAPI_DbgAssert(index >= -m_border_size
&& index < -m_border_size + m_lines_next_iter);
const int log_idx = m_read_caret + index;
return m_own_storage.inLineB(log_idx, m_p->meta().size.height);
bool fluid::View::ready() const
return m_priv->ready();
......@@ -544,6 +519,9 @@ void fluid::Buffer::Priv::allocate(BorderOpt border,
// Init physical buffer
// FIXME? combine line_consumption with skew?
// FIXME? This formula serves general case to avoid possible deadlock,
// in some cases this value can be smaller:
// 2 lines produced, 2 consumed, data_height can be 2, not 3
auto data_height = std::max(line_consumption, skew) + m_writer_lpi - 1;
m_storage = createStorage(data_height,
......@@ -641,13 +619,6 @@ int fluid::Buffer::Priv::linesReady() const
uint8_t* fluid::Buffer::Priv::OutLineB(int index)
GAPI_DbgAssert(index >= 0 && index < m_writer_lpi);
return m_storage->ptr(m_write_caret + index);
int fluid::Buffer::Priv::lpi() const
......@@ -197,9 +197,6 @@ public:
// Does the view have enough unread lines for next iteration
bool ready() const;
// API used (indirectly) by user code
virtual const uint8_t* InLineB(int index) const = 0;
class ViewPrivWithoutOwnBorder final : public View::Priv
......@@ -212,9 +209,6 @@ public:
virtual void prepareToRead() override;
inline virtual std::size_t size() const override { return 0; }
// API used (indirectly) by user code
virtual const uint8_t* InLineB(int index) const override;
class ViewPrivWithOwnBorder final : public View::Priv
......@@ -228,9 +222,6 @@ public:
virtual void allocate(int lineConsumption, BorderOpt border) override;
virtual void prepareToRead() override;
virtual std::size_t size() const override;
// API used (indirectly) by user code
virtual const uint8_t* InLineB(int index) const override;
void debugBufferPriv(const Buffer& buffer, std::ostream &os);
......@@ -290,7 +281,6 @@ public:
inline int writer_lpi() const { return m_writer_lpi; }
// API used (indirectly) by user code
uint8_t* OutLineB(int index = 0);
int lpi() const;
inline int readStart() const { return m_readStart; }
......@@ -717,4 +717,77 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ResizeTestCPU, BlursAfterResizeTest,
cv::Size{49,49}, cv::Rect{0,39,49,10}))));
struct NV12PlusResizeTest : public TestWithParam <std::tuple<cv::Size, cv::Size, cv::Rect>> {};
TEST_P(NV12PlusResizeTest, Test)
cv::Size y_sz, out_sz;
cv::Rect roi;
std::tie(y_sz, out_sz, roi) = GetParam();
int interp = cv::INTER_LINEAR;
cv::Size uv_sz(y_sz.width / 2, y_sz.height / 2);
cv::Size in_sz(y_sz.width, y_sz.height*3/2);
cv::Mat in_mat = cv::Mat(in_sz, CV_8UC1);
cv::Scalar mean = cv::Scalar(127.0f);
cv::Scalar stddev = cv::Scalar(40.f);
cv::randn(in_mat, mean, stddev);
cv::Mat y_mat = cv::Mat(y_sz, CV_8UC1,;
cv::Mat uv_mat = cv::Mat(uv_sz, CV_8UC2, + in_mat.step1() * y_sz.height);
cv::Mat out_mat, out_mat_ocv;
cv::GMat y, uv;
auto rgb = cv::gapi::NV12toRGB(y, uv);
auto out = cv::gapi::resize(rgb, out_sz, 0, 0, interp);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(y, uv), cv::GOut(out));
auto pkg = cv::gapi::combine(fluidTestPackage, cv::gapi::core::fluid::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
c.apply(cv::gin(y_mat, uv_mat), cv::gout(out_mat)
,cv::compile_args(pkg, cv::GFluidOutputRois{{to_own(roi)}}));
cv::Mat rgb_mat;
cv::cvtColor(in_mat, rgb_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12);
cv::resize(rgb_mat, out_mat_ocv, out_sz, 0, 0, interp);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat(roi) != out_mat_ocv(roi)));
Values(std::make_tuple(cv::Size{8, 8},
cv::Size{4, 4}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 4, 4})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{8, 8},
cv::Size{4, 4}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 4, 1})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{8, 8},
cv::Size{4, 4}, cv::Rect{0, 1, 4, 2})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{8, 8},
cv::Size{4, 4}, cv::Rect{0, 2, 4, 2})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{64, 64},
cv::Size{49, 49}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 49, 49})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{64, 64},
cv::Size{49, 49}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 49, 12})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{64, 64},
cv::Size{49, 49}, cv::Rect{0, 11, 49, 15})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{64, 64},
cv::Size{49, 49}, cv::Rect{0, 39, 49, 10})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{1920, 1080},
cv::Size{ 320, 256}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 320, 64})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{1920, 1080},
cv::Size{ 320, 256}, cv::Rect{0, 64, 320, 64})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{1920, 1080},
cv::Size{ 320, 256}, cv::Rect{0, 128, 320, 64})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{1920, 1080},
cv::Size{ 320, 256}, cv::Rect{0, 192, 320, 64})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{256, 400},
cv::Size{ 32, 64}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 32, 16})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{256, 400},
cv::Size{ 32, 64}, cv::Rect{0, 16, 32, 16})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{256, 400},
cv::Size{ 32, 64}, cv::Rect{0, 32, 32, 16})
,std::make_tuple(cv::Size{256, 400},
cv::Size{ 32, 64}, cv::Rect{0, 48, 32, 16})
} // namespace opencv_test
......@@ -710,4 +710,46 @@ TEST(FluidTwoIslands, SanityTest)
EXPECT_EQ(0, countNonZero(in_mat2 != out_mat2));
struct NV12RoiTest : public TestWithParam <std::pair<cv::Size, cv::Rect>> {};
TEST_P(NV12RoiTest, Test)
cv::Size y_sz;
cv::Rect roi;
std::tie(y_sz, roi) = GetParam();
cv::Size uv_sz(y_sz.width / 2, y_sz.height / 2);
cv::Size in_sz(y_sz.width, y_sz.height*3/2);
cv::Mat in_mat = cv::Mat(in_sz, CV_8UC1);
cv::Scalar mean = cv::Scalar(127.0f);
cv::Scalar stddev = cv::Scalar(40.f);
cv::randn(in_mat, mean, stddev);
cv::Mat y_mat = cv::Mat(y_sz, CV_8UC1,;
cv::Mat uv_mat = cv::Mat(uv_sz, CV_8UC2, + in_mat.step1() * y_sz.height);
cv::Mat out_mat, out_mat_ocv;
cv::GMat y, uv;
auto rgb = cv::gapi::NV12toRGB(y, uv);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(y, uv), cv::GOut(rgb));
c.apply(cv::gin(y_mat, uv_mat), cv::gout(out_mat), cv::compile_args(fluidTestPackage, cv::GFluidOutputRois{{to_own(roi)}}));
cv::cvtColor(in_mat, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat(roi) != out_mat_ocv(roi)));
Values(std::make_pair(cv::Size{8, 8}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 8, 2})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{8, 8}, cv::Rect{0, 2, 8, 2})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{8, 8}, cv::Rect{0, 4, 8, 2})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{8, 8}, cv::Rect{0, 6, 8, 2})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{1920, 1080}, cv::Rect{0, 0, 1920, 270})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{1920, 1080}, cv::Rect{0, 270, 1920, 270})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{1920, 1080}, cv::Rect{0, 540, 1920, 270})
,std::make_pair(cv::Size{1920, 1080}, cv::Rect{0, 710, 1920, 270})
} // namespace opencv_test
......@@ -416,6 +416,76 @@ GAPI_FLUID_KERNEL(FSum2MatsAndScalar, TSum2MatsAndScalar, false)
static const int ITUR_BT_601_CY = 1220542;
static const int ITUR_BT_601_CUB = 2116026;
static const int ITUR_BT_601_CUG = -409993;
static const int ITUR_BT_601_CVG = -852492;
static const int ITUR_BT_601_CVR = 1673527;
static const int ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT = 20;
static inline void uvToRGBuv(const uchar u, const uchar v, int& ruv, int& guv, int& buv)
int uu, vv;
uu = int(u) - 128;
vv = int(v) - 128;
ruv = (1 << (ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT - 1)) + ITUR_BT_601_CVR * vv;
guv = (1 << (ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT - 1)) + ITUR_BT_601_CVG * vv + ITUR_BT_601_CUG * uu;
buv = (1 << (ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT - 1)) + ITUR_BT_601_CUB * uu;
static inline void yRGBuvToRGB(const uchar vy, const int ruv, const int guv, const int buv,
uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b)
int y = std::max(0, vy - 16) * ITUR_BT_601_CY;
r = saturate_cast<uchar>((y + ruv) >> ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT);
g = saturate_cast<uchar>((y + guv) >> ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT);
b = saturate_cast<uchar>((y + buv) >> ITUR_BT_601_SHIFT);
GAPI_FLUID_KERNEL(FNV12toRGB, cv::gapi::imgproc::GNV12toRGB, false)
static const int Window = 1;
static const int LPI = 2;
static const auto Kind = GFluidKernel::Kind::NV12toRGB;
static void run(const cv::gapi::fluid::View &in1,
const cv::gapi::fluid::View &in2,
cv::gapi::fluid::Buffer &out)
const auto w = out.length();
GAPI_Assert(w % 2 == 0);
GAPI_Assert(out.lpi() == 2);
const uchar* uv_row = in2.InLineB(0);
const uchar* y_rows[] = {in1. InLineB(0), in1. InLineB(1)};
uchar* out_rows[] = {out.OutLineB(0), out.OutLineB(1)};
for (int i = 0; i < w/2; i++)
uchar u = uv_row[2*i];
uchar v = uv_row[2*i + 1];
int ruv, guv, buv;
uvToRGBuv(u, v, ruv, guv, buv);
for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
uchar vy = y_rows[y][2*i + x];
uchar r, g, b;
yRGBuvToRGB(vy, ruv, guv, buv, r, g, b);
out_rows[y][3*(2*i + x)] = r;
out_rows[y][3*(2*i + x) + 1] = g;
out_rows[y][3*(2*i + x) + 2] = b;
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage fluidTestPackage = cv::gapi::kernels
......@@ -428,6 +498,7 @@ cv::gapi::GKernelPackage fluidTestPackage = cv::gapi::kernels
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