Commit f0b050fa authored by Alexander Mordvintsev's avatar Alexander Mordvintsev Committed by Vadim Pisarevsky

exposed LineSegemntDetector to python

parent 4b203f7b
......@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ protected:
Point2f bottomRight;
class LineSegmentDetector : public Algorithm
class CV_EXPORTS_W LineSegmentDetector : public Algorithm
......@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ public:
* * 1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
* This vector will be calculated _only_ when the objects type is REFINE_ADV
virtual void detect(InputArray _image, OutputArray _lines,
CV_WRAP virtual void detect(InputArray _image, OutputArray _lines,
OutputArray width = noArray(), OutputArray prec = noArray(),
OutputArray nfa = noArray()) = 0;
......@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ public:
* Should have the size of the image, where the lines were found
* @param lines The lines that need to be drawn
virtual void drawSegments(InputOutputArray _image, InputArray lines) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void drawSegments(InputOutputArray _image, InputArray lines) = 0;
* Draw both vectors on the image canvas. Uses blue for lines 1 and red for lines 2.
......@@ -945,13 +945,13 @@ public:
* Should have the size of the image, where the lines were found
* @return The number of mismatching pixels between lines1 and lines2.
virtual int compareSegments(const Size& size, InputArray lines1, InputArray lines2, InputOutputArray _image = noArray()) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual int compareSegments(const Size& size, InputArray lines1, InputArray lines2, InputOutputArray _image = noArray()) = 0;
virtual ~LineSegmentDetector() {};
//! Returns a pointer to a LineSegmentDetector class.
CV_EXPORTS Ptr<LineSegmentDetector> createLineSegmentDetectorPtr(
CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<LineSegmentDetector> createLineSegmentDetectorPtr(
int _refine = LSD_REFINE_STD, double _scale = 0.8,
double _sigma_scale = 0.6, double _quant = 2.0, double _ang_th = 22.5,
double _log_eps = 0, double _density_th = 0.7, int _n_bins = 1024);
......@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ typedef Ptr<StereoSGBM> Ptr_StereoSGBM;
typedef Ptr<cv::softcascade::ChannelFeatureBuilder> Ptr_ChannelFeatureBuilder;
typedef Ptr<CLAHE> Ptr_CLAHE;
typedef Ptr<LineSegmentDetector > Ptr_LineSegmentDetector;
typedef SimpleBlobDetector::Params SimpleBlobDetector_Params;
typedef cvflann::flann_distance_t cvflann_flann_distance_t;
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