Commit efdfca7a authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

do not use the large "score" buffer; now without non-max suppression OpenCL FAST…

do not use the large "score" buffer; now without non-max suppression OpenCL FAST is pretty efficient
parent 06c138bd
......@@ -268,23 +268,13 @@ static bool ocl_FAST( InputArray _img, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
if (fastKptKernel.empty())
return false;
UMat kp1(1, maxKeypoints*2+1, CV_32S), score;
UMat kp1(1, maxKeypoints*2+1, CV_32S);
UMat ucounter1(kp1, Rect(0,0,1,1));
if( nonmax_suppression )
score.create(img.size(), CV_8U);
score = img; // initialize score with some non-empty value
if( !fastKptKernel.args(ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnly(img),
nonmax_suppression ? 1 : 0,
maxKeypoints, threshold).run(2, globalsize, 0, true))
return false;
......@@ -319,7 +309,7 @@ static bool ocl_FAST( InputArray _img, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
size_t globalsize_nms[] = { counter };
if( !fastNMSKernel.args(ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(kp1),
counter, counter).run(1, globalsize_nms, 0, true))
return false;
......@@ -340,9 +330,10 @@ static bool ocl_FAST( InputArray _img, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
void FAST(InputArray _img, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, int threshold, bool nonmax_suppression, int type)
if( ocl::useOpenCL() && _img.isUMat() && type == FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16 &&
double t = (double)getTickCount();
if( ocl::useOpenCL() && /*_img.isUMat() &&*/ type == FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16 &&
ocl_FAST(_img, keypoints, threshold, nonmax_suppression, 10000))
switch(type) {
case FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_5_8:
......@@ -359,6 +350,7 @@ void FAST(InputArray _img, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, int threshold, bool
FAST_t<16>(_img, keypoints, threshold, nonmax_suppression);
printf("time=%.2fms\n", ((double)getTickCount() - t)*1000./getTickFrequency());
// OpenCL port of the FAST corner detector.
// Copyright (C) 2014, Itseez Inc. See the license at
inline int cornerScore(__global const uchar* img, int step, int threshold)
inline int cornerScore(__global const uchar* img, int step)
int k, tofs, v = img[0], a0 = threshold, b0;
int k, tofs, v = img[0], a0 = 0, b0;
int d[16];
#define LOAD2(idx, ofs) \
tofs = ofs; d[idx] = (short)(v - img[tofs]); d[idx+8] = (short)(v - img[-tofs])
......@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ __kernel
void FAST_findKeypoints(
__global const uchar * _img, int step, int img_offset,
int img_rows, int img_cols,
__global uchar * score, int score_step, int score_offset,
volatile __global int* kp_loc, int calc_score,
volatile __global int* kp_loc,
int max_keypoints, int threshold )
int j = get_global_id(0) + 3;
......@@ -118,8 +117,6 @@ void FAST_findKeypoints(
kp_loc[1 + 2*idx] = j;
kp_loc[2 + 2*idx] = i;
score[mad24(i, score_step, score_offset+j)] = cornerScore(img, step, threshold);
......@@ -130,8 +127,8 @@ void FAST_findKeypoints(
void FAST_nonmaxSupression(
__global const int* kp_in, volatile __global int* kp_out,
__global const uchar * _score, int step, int score_offset,
int counter, int max_keypoints)
__global const uchar * _img, int step, int img_offset,
int rows, int cols, int counter, int max_keypoints)
const int idx = get_global_id(0);
......@@ -139,14 +136,19 @@ void FAST_nonmaxSupression(
int x = kp_in[1 + 2*idx];
int y = kp_in[2 + 2*idx];
__global const uchar* img = _img + mad24(y, step, x + img_offset);
__global const uchar* score = _score + mad24(y, step, x + score_offset);
int s = score[0];
int s = cornerScore(img, step);
if( (s > (int)score[1]) + (s > (int)score[-1]) +
(s > (int)score[-step]) + (s > (int)score[step]) +
(s > (int)score[-step-1]) + (s > (int)score[-step+1]) +
(s > (int)score[step-1]) + (s > (int)score[step+1]) == 8 )
if( (x < 4 || s > cornerScore(img-1, step)) +
(y < 4 || s > cornerScore(img-step, step)) != 2 )
if( (x >= cols - 4 || s > cornerScore(img+1, step)) +
(y >= rows - 4 || s > cornerScore(img+step, step)) +
(x < 4 || y < 4 || s > cornerScore(img-step-1, step)) +
(x >= cols - 4 || y < 4 || s > cornerScore(img-step+1, step)) +
(x < 4 || y >= rows - 4 || s > cornerScore(img+step-1, step)) +
(x >= cols - 4 || y >= rows - 4 || s > cornerScore(img+step+1, step)) == 6)
int new_idx = atomic_inc(kp_out);
if( new_idx < max_keypoints )
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