@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ The functions below use the above model to do the following:
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ The functions below use the above model to do the following:
* : A calibration example on stereo calibration can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp
* : A calibration example on stereo calibration can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp
* : A calibration example on stereo matching can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/stereo_match.cpp
* : A calibration example on stereo matching can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/stereo_match.cpp
* : PYTHON : A camera calibration sample can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/calibrate.py
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
@@ -586,7 +588,9 @@ Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
@@ -586,7 +588,9 @@ Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
The function estimates the object pose given a set of object points, their corresponding image projections, as well as the camera matrix and the distortion coefficients.
The function estimates the object pose given a set of object points, their corresponding image projections, as well as the camera matrix and the distortion coefficients.
.. Sample code::
* : An example of how to use solvePNP for planar augmented reality can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/plane_ar.py
@@ -1082,6 +1086,9 @@ Class for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm. ::
@@ -1082,6 +1086,9 @@ Class for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm. ::
The class is a C++ wrapper for the associated functions. In particular, :ocv:funcx:`StereoBM::operator()` is the wrapper for
The class is a C++ wrapper for the associated functions. In particular, :ocv:funcx:`StereoBM::operator()` is the wrapper for
.. Sample code:
* : OCL : An example for using the stereoBM matching algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/ocl/stereo_match.cpp
@@ -1181,7 +1188,9 @@ The class implements the modified H. Hirschmuller algorithm [HH08]_ that differs
@@ -1181,7 +1188,9 @@ The class implements the modified H. Hirschmuller algorithm [HH08]_ that differs
* Some pre- and post- processing steps from K. Konolige algorithm :ocv:funcx:`StereoBM::operator()` are included, for example: pre-filtering (``CV_STEREO_BM_XSOBEL`` type) and post-filtering (uniqueness check, quadratic interpolation and speckle filtering).
* Some pre- and post- processing steps from K. Konolige algorithm :ocv:funcx:`StereoBM::operator()` are included, for example: pre-filtering (``CV_STEREO_BM_XSOBEL`` type) and post-filtering (uniqueness check, quadratic interpolation and speckle filtering).
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : An example illustrating the use of the StereoSGBM matching algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/stereo_match.py
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ Maximally stable extremal region extractor. ::
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ Maximally stable extremal region extractor. ::
The class encapsulates all the parameters of the MSER extraction algorithm (see
The class encapsulates all the parameters of the MSER extraction algorithm (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximally_stable_extremal_regions). Also see http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/wiki/MSER for useful comments and parameters description.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximally_stable_extremal_regions). Also see http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/wiki/MSER for useful comments and parameters description.
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : A complete example showing the use of the MSER detector can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/mser.py
* : An example on using the canny edge detector can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/edge.cpp
* : An example on using the canny edge detector can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/edge.cpp
* : PYTHON : An example on using the canny edge detector can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/edge.py
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection.
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection.
@@ -87,7 +89,9 @@ The output of the function can be used for robust edge or corner detection.
@@ -87,7 +89,9 @@ The output of the function can be used for robust edge or corner detection.
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : An example on how to use eigenvectors and eigenvalues to estimate image texture flow direction can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/texture_flow.py
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ OpenCV enables you to specify the extrapolation method. For details, see the fun
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ OpenCV enables you to specify the extrapolation method. For details, see the fun
* BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii with some specified 'i'
* BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii with some specified 'i'
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : A complete example illustrating different morphological operations like erode/dilate, open/close, blackhat/tophat ... can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/morphology.py
.. ocv:class:: BaseColumnFilter
.. ocv:class:: BaseColumnFilter
@@ -1361,6 +1365,10 @@ Upsamples an image and then blurs it.
@@ -1361,6 +1365,10 @@ Upsamples an image and then blurs it.
The function performs the upsampling step of the Gaussian pyramid construction, though it can actually be used to construct the Laplacian pyramid. First, it upsamples the source image by injecting even zero rows and columns and then convolves the result with the same kernel as in
The function performs the upsampling step of the Gaussian pyramid construction, though it can actually be used to construct the Laplacian pyramid. First, it upsamples the source image by injecting even zero rows and columns and then convolves the result with the same kernel as in
:ocv:func:`pyrDown` multiplied by 4.
:ocv:func:`pyrDown` multiplied by 4.
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : An example of Laplacian Pyramid construction and merging can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/lappyr.py
After the function finishes the comparison, the best matches can be found as global minimums (when ``CV_TM_SQDIFF`` was used) or maximums (when ``CV_TM_CCORR`` or ``CV_TM_CCOEFF`` was used) using the
After the function finishes the comparison, the best matches can be found as global minimums (when ``CV_TM_SQDIFF`` was used) or maximums (when ``CV_TM_CCORR`` or ``CV_TM_CCOEFF`` was used) using the
:ocv:func:`minMaxLoc` function. In case of a color image, template summation in the numerator and each sum in the denominator is done over all of the channels and separate mean values are used for each channel. That is, the function can take a color template and a color image. The result will still be a single-channel image, which is easier to analyze.
:ocv:func:`minMaxLoc` function. In case of a color image, template summation in the numerator and each sum in the denominator is done over all of the channels and separate mean values are used for each channel. That is, the function can take a color template and a color image. The result will still be a single-channel image, which is easier to analyze.
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : An example on how to match mouse selected regions in an image can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/mouse_and_match.py
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ The function implements a sparse iterative version of the Lucas-Kanade optical f
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ The function implements a sparse iterative version of the Lucas-Kanade optical f
* : An example using the Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/lkdemo.cpp
* : An example using the Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/lkdemo.cpp
* : PYTHON : An example using the Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/lk_track.py
* : PYTHON : An example using the Lucas-Kanade tracker for homography matching can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/lk_homography.py
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to :ocv:func:`calcOpticalFlowPyrLK`.
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to :ocv:func:`calcOpticalFlowPyrLK`.
@@ -117,6 +120,8 @@ The function finds an optical flow for each ``prev`` pixel using the [Farneback2
@@ -117,6 +120,8 @@ The function finds an optical flow for each ``prev`` pixel using the [Farneback2
* : An example using the optical flow algorithm described by Gunnar Farneback can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/fback.cpp
* : An example using the optical flow algorithm described by Gunnar Farneback can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/fback.cpp
* : PYTHON : An example using the optical flow algorithm described by Gunnar Farneback can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/opt_flow.py
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
@@ -234,7 +239,9 @@ In fact,
@@ -234,7 +239,9 @@ In fact,
:ocv:func:`fastAtan2` and
:ocv:func:`fastAtan2` and
:ocv:func:`phase` are used so that the computed angle is measured in degrees and covers the full range 0..360. Also, the ``mask`` is filled to indicate pixels where the computed angle is valid.
:ocv:func:`phase` are used so that the computed angle is measured in degrees and covers the full range 0..360. Also, the ``mask`` is filled to indicate pixels where the computed angle is valid.
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : An example on how to perform a motion template technique can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/motempl.py
@@ -320,7 +327,9 @@ First, it finds an object center using
@@ -320,7 +327,9 @@ First, it finds an object center using
See the OpenCV sample ``camshiftdemo.c`` that tracks colored objects.
See the OpenCV sample ``camshiftdemo.c`` that tracks colored objects.
.. Sample code::
* : PYTHON : A sample explaining the camshift tracking algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/camshift.py