Commit ec793df3 authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

#1205 fixed more bugs/typos in parameters

parent 008a1c91
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ KeyPoint
Data structure for salient point detectors.
.. ocv:member:: Point2f pt
coordinates of the keypoint
.. ocv:member:: float size
diameter of the meaningful keypoint neighborhood
.. ocv:member:: float angle
computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if not applicable)
.. ocv:member:: float response
the response by which the most strong keypoints have been selected. Can be used for further sorting or subsampling
.. ocv:member:: int octave
octave (pyramid layer) from which the keypoint has been extracted
.. ocv:member:: int class_id
object id that can be used to clustered keypoints by an object they belong to
......@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ The keypoint constructors
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.KeyPoint(x, y, _size[, _angle[, _response[, _octave[, _class_id]]]]) -> <KeyPoint object>
:param x: x-coordinate of the keypoint
:param y: y-coordinate of the keypoint
:param _pt: x & y coordinates of the keypoint
:param _size: keypoint diameter
:param _angle: keypoint orientation
:param _response: keypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
:param _octave: pyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
:param _class_id: object id
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ Wrapping class for feature detection using the
......@@ -317,18 +317,18 @@ DenseFeatureDetector
Class for generation of image features which are distributed densely and regularly over the image. ::
class DenseFeatureDetector : public FeatureDetector
DenseFeatureDetector( float initFeatureScale=1.f, int featureScaleLevels=1,
class DenseFeatureDetector : public FeatureDetector
DenseFeatureDetector( float initFeatureScale=1.f, int featureScaleLevels=1,
float featureScaleMul=0.1f,
int initXyStep=6, int initImgBound=0,
bool varyXyStepWithScale=true,
bool varyImgBoundWithScale=false );
The detector generates several levels (in the amount of ``featureScaleLevels``) of features. Features of each level are located in the nodes of a regular grid over the image (excluding the image boundary of given size). The level parameters (a feature scale, a node size, a size of boundary) are multiplied by ``featureScaleMul`` with level index growing depending on input flags, viz.:
* Feature scale is multiplied always.
......@@ -380,11 +380,11 @@ Class for extracting blobs from an image. ::
The class implements a simple algorithm for extracting blobs from an image:
#. Convert the source image to binary images by applying thresholding with several thresholds from ``minThreshold`` (inclusive) to ``maxThreshold`` (exclusive) with distance ``thresholdStep`` between neighboring thresholds.
#. Convert the source image to binary images by applying thresholding with several thresholds from ``minThreshold`` (inclusive) to ``maxThreshold`` (exclusive) with distance ``thresholdStep`` between neighboring thresholds.
#. Extract connected components from every binary image by :ocv:func:`findContours` and calculate their centers.
#. Extract connected components from every binary image by :ocv:func:`findContours` and calculate their centers.
#. Group centers from several binary images by their coordinates. Close centers form one group that corresponds to one blob, which is controlled by the ``minDistBetweenBlobs`` parameter.
#. Group centers from several binary images by their coordinates. Close centers form one group that corresponds to one blob, which is controlled by the ``minDistBetweenBlobs`` parameter.
#. From the groups, estimate final centers of blobs and their radiuses and return as locations and sizes of keypoints.
......@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ panorama series.
``DynamicAdaptedFeatureDetector`` uses another detector, such as FAST or SURF, to do the dirty work,
with the help of ``AdjusterAdapter`` .
If the detected number of features is not large enough,
``AdjusterAdapter`` adjusts the detection parameters so that the next detection
``AdjusterAdapter`` adjusts the detection parameters so that the next detection
results in a bigger or smaller number of features. This is repeated until either the number of desired features are found
or the parameters are maxed out.
......@@ -500,14 +500,14 @@ The constructor
:param max_features: Maximum desired number of features.
:param max_iters: Maximum number of times to try adjusting the feature detector parameters. For :ocv:class:`FastAdjuster` , this number can be high, but with ``Star`` or ``Surf`` many iterations can be time-comsuming. At each iteration the detector is rerun.
:param max_iters: Maximum number of times to try adjusting the feature detector parameters. For :ocv:class:`FastAdjuster` , this number can be high, but with ``Star`` or ``Surf`` many iterations can be time-comsuming. At each iteration the detector is rerun.
.. ocv:class:: AdjusterAdapter
Class providing an interface for adjusting parameters of a feature detector. This interface is used by :ocv:class:`DynamicAdaptedFeatureDetector` . It is a wrapper for :ocv:class:`FeatureDetector` that enables adjusting parameters after feature detection. ::
class AdjusterAdapter: public FeatureDetector
......@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ Example: ::
Returns false if the detector parameters cannot be adjusted any more.
Returns false if the detector parameters cannot be adjusted any more.
.. ocv:function:: bool AdjusterAdapter::good() const
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ gpu::FAST_GPU::calcKeyPointsLocation
Find keypoints and compute it's response if ``nonmaxSupression`` is true.
.. int gpu::FAST_GPU::calcKeyPointsLocation(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask)
.. ocv:function:: int gpu::FAST_GPU::calcKeyPointsLocation(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask)
:param image: Image where keypoints (corners) are detected. Only 8-bit grayscale images are supported.
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ Performs linear blending of two images.
:param img1: First image. Supports only ``CV_8U`` and ``CV_32F`` depth.
:param img1: Second image. Must have the same size and the same type as ``img1`` .
:param img2: Second image. Must have the same size and the same type as ``img1`` .
:param weights1: Weights for first image. Must have tha same size as ``img1`` . Supports only ``CV_32F`` type.
......@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ Composites two images using alpha opacity values contained in each image.
:param img1: First image. Supports ``CV_8UC4`` , ``CV_16UC4`` , ``CV_32SC4`` and ``CV_32FC4`` types.
:param img1: Second image. Must have the same size and the same type as ``img1`` .
:param img2: Second image. Must have the same size and the same type as ``img1`` .
:param dst: Destination image.
......@@ -78,13 +78,11 @@ Computes a matrix-matrix or matrix-scalar per-element product.
Computes a matrix-matrix or matrix-scalar division.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::divide(const GpuMat& src1, const GpuMat& src2, GpuMat& dst, double scale = 1, int dtype = -1, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::divide(const GpuMat& src1, const Scalar& src2, GpuMat& dst, double scale = 1, int dtype = -1, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::divide(double src1, const GpuMat& src2, GpuMat& dst, int dtype = -1, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param src1: First source matrix or a scalar.
......@@ -104,9 +102,8 @@ This function, in contrast to :ocv:func:`divide`, uses a round-down rounding mod
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`divide`
Computes the weighted sum of two arrays.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::addWeighted(const GpuMat& src1, double alpha, const GpuMat& src2, double beta, double gamma, GpuMat& dst, int dtype = -1, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Class computing the optical flow for two images using Brox et al Optical Flow al
.. ocv:class:: gpu::GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_GPU
Class used for strong corners detection on an image. ::
......@@ -120,6 +121,8 @@ Releases inner buffers memory.
.. ocv:class:: gpu::FarnebackOpticalFlow
Class computing a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback’s algorithm. ::
class CV_EXPORTS FarnebackOpticalFlow
......@@ -179,6 +182,7 @@ Releases unused auxiliary memory buffers.
.. ocv:class:: gpu::PyrLKOpticalFlow
Class used for calculating an optical flow. ::
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ Description of the filter, which corresponds to the part of the object.
vector describes penalty function (d_i in the paper)
pf[0] * x + pf[1] * y + pf[2] * x^2 + pf[3] * y^2
.. ocv:member:: int sizeX, sizeY
.. ocv:member:: int sizeX
.. ocv:member:: int sizeY
Rectangular map (sizeX x sizeY),
every cell stores feature vector (dimension = p)
......@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@ detail::ExposureCompensation::feed
.. ocv:function:: void detail::ExposureCompensation::feed(const std::vector<Point> &corners, const std::vector<Mat> &images, const std::vector<Mat> &masks)
:param corners: Source image top-left corners
:param images: Source images
:param masks: Image masks to update
.. ocv:function:: void detail::ExposureCompensation::feed(const std::vector<Point> &corners, const std::vector<Mat> &images, const std::vector<std::pair<Mat,uchar> > &masks)
:param corners: Source image top-left corners
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The implemented stitching pipeline is very similar to the one proposed in [BL07]
.. image:: StitchingPipeline.jpg
.. [BL07] M. Brown and D. Lowe. Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features. International Journal of Computer Vision, 74(1), pages 59-73, 2007.
......@@ -245,4 +245,4 @@ Constructs a "best of 2 nearest" matcher.
:param num_matches_thresh1: Minimum number of matches required for the 2D projective transform estimation used in the inliers classification step
:param num_matches_thresh1: Minimum number of matches required for the 2D projective transform re-estimation on inliers
:param num_matches_thresh2: Minimum number of matches required for the 2D projective transform re-estimation on inliers
......@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum
.. ocv:class:: detail::BundleAdjusterRay
Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the distances between the rays passing through the camera center and a feature. ::
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Projects the image backward.
:param dst_size: Backward-projected image size
:param dst_size: Backward-projected image
:param dst: Backward-projected image
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