Unverified Commit ec32022b authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #10444 from alalek:fix_asan_imgcodecs

parents 5aac9090 4f6c493b
......@@ -228,12 +228,12 @@ bool PngDecoder::readData( Mat& img )
uchar** buffer = _buffer;
int color = img.channels() > 1;
png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)m_png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)m_info_ptr;
png_infop end_info = (png_infop)m_end_info;
if( m_png_ptr && m_info_ptr && m_end_info && m_width && m_height )
png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)m_png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)m_info_ptr;
png_infop end_info = (png_infop)m_end_info;
if( setjmp( png_jmpbuf ( png_ptr ) ) == 0 )
int y;
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