Commit e91ca8c6 authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

documented all functions from GPU initialization section

parent 7de82516
\section{Initalization and Info}
Returns true if current GPU has native double support, false otherwise.
\cvdefCpp{bool hasNativeDoubleSupport(int device);}
\cvarg{device}{GPU identity. Can be obtained via \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice}.}
Returns true if current GPU has atomics support, false otherwise.
\cvdefCpp{bool hasAtomicsSupport(int device);}
\cvarg{device}{GPU identity. Can be obtained via \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice}.}
\section{Data Structures}
......@@ -821,5 +797,3 @@ Returns block descriptors computed for the whole image.
\cvarg{DESCR\_FORMAT\_COL\_BY\_COL}{Column-major order.}
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\section{Initalization and Information}
Returns number of CUDA-enabled devices installed. It is to be used before any other GPU funtions calls. If OpenCV is compiled without GPU support this function returns 0.
\cvdefCpp{int getCudaEnabledDeviceCount();}
Sets device and initializes it for current thread. If this call is omitted, default device will be initialized.
\cvdefCpp{void setDevice(int device);}
\cvarg{device}{index of GPU device in system starting with 0.}
Returns current device index, which was set by \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice} of initialized by default.
\cvdefCpp{int getDevice();}
Returns compute capability version for given device.
\cvdefCpp{void getComputeCapability(int device, int\& major, int\& minor);}
\cvarg{device}{GPU index. Can be obtained via \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice}.}
\cvarg{major}{Major CC version.}
\cvarg{minor}{Minor CC version.}
Returns number of Streaming Multiprocessors for given device.
\cvdefCpp{int getNumberOfSMs(int device);}
\cvarg{device}{GPU index. Can be obtained via \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice}.}
Returns free and total memory for current device.
\cvdefCpp{void getGpuMemInfo(size\_t\& free, size\_t\& total);}
\cvarg{free}{Reference to free GPU memory counter.}
\cvarg{total}{Reference to total GPU memory counter.}
Returns true if current GPU has native double support, false otherwise.
\cvdefCpp{bool hasNativeDoubleSupport(int device);}
\cvarg{device}{GPU index. Can be obtained via \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice}.}
Returns true if current GPU has atomics support, false otherwise.
\cvdefCpp{bool hasAtomicsSupport(int device);}
\cvarg{device}{GPU index. Can be obtained via \cvCppCross{gpu::getDevice}.}
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......@@ -62,7 +62,14 @@
\chapter{gpu. GPU-based Functionality}
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