Commit e8f9762e authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

matrix reduction

parent fbf3de43
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -204,34 +204,19 @@ double cv::gpu::norm(const GpuMat& src1, const GpuMat& src2, int normType)
// Sum
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace sum
namespace matrix_reductions
namespace sum
template <typename T>
void sumCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf, double* sum, int cn);
template <typename T>
void sumMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf, double* sum, int cn);
template <typename T>
void absSumCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf, double* sum, int cn);
template <typename T>
void absSumMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf, double* sum, int cn);
void getBufSize(int cols, int rows, int cn, int& bufcols, int& bufrows);
template <typename T>
void sqrSumCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf, double* sum, int cn);
template <typename T, int cn>
void run(PtrStepSzb src, void* buf, double* sum);
template <typename T>
void sqrSumMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf, double* sum, int cn);
template <typename T, int cn>
void runAbs(PtrStepSzb src, void* buf, double* sum);
void getBufSizeRequired(int cols, int rows, int cn, int& bufcols, int& bufrows);
template <typename T, int cn>
void runSqr(PtrStepSzb src, void* buf, double* sum);
Scalar cv::gpu::sum(const GpuMat& src)
......@@ -239,159 +224,115 @@ Scalar cv::gpu::sum(const GpuMat& src)
return sum(src, buf);
Scalar cv::gpu::sum(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& buf)
using namespace cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions::sum;
typedef void (*Caller)(const PtrStepSzb, PtrStepb, double*, int);
static Caller multipass_callers[] =
sumMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, sumMultipassCaller<char>,
sumMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, sumMultipassCaller<short>,
sumMultipassCaller<int>, sumMultipassCaller<float>
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, void* buf, double* sum);
static const func_t funcs[7][5] =
{0, ::sum::run<uchar , 1>, ::sum::run<uchar , 2>, ::sum::run<uchar , 3>, ::sum::run<uchar , 4>},
{0, ::sum::run<schar , 1>, ::sum::run<schar , 2>, ::sum::run<schar , 3>, ::sum::run<schar , 4>},
{0, ::sum::run<ushort, 1>, ::sum::run<ushort, 2>, ::sum::run<ushort, 3>, ::sum::run<ushort, 4>},
{0, ::sum::run<short , 1>, ::sum::run<short , 2>, ::sum::run<short , 3>, ::sum::run<short , 4>},
{0, ::sum::run<int , 1>, ::sum::run<int , 2>, ::sum::run<int , 3>, ::sum::run<int , 4>},
{0, ::sum::run<float , 1>, ::sum::run<float , 2>, ::sum::run<float , 3>, ::sum::run<float , 4>},
{0, ::sum::run<double, 1>, ::sum::run<double, 2>, ::sum::run<double, 3>, ::sum::run<double, 4>}
static Caller singlepass_callers[] = {
sumCaller<unsigned char>, sumCaller<char>,
sumCaller<unsigned short>, sumCaller<short>,
sumCaller<int>, sumCaller<float>
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F);
if (src.depth() == CV_64F)
if (!TargetArchs::builtWith(NATIVE_DOUBLE) || !DeviceInfo().supports(NATIVE_DOUBLE))
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "The device doesn't support double");
Size buf_size;
getBufSizeRequired(src.cols, src.rows, src.channels(), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
::sum::getBufSize(src.cols, src.rows, src.channels(), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_size, CV_8U, buf);
Caller* callers = multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = singlepass_callers;
Caller caller = callers[src.depth()];
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][src.channels()];
double result[4];
caller(src, buf, result, src.channels());
func(src,, result);
return Scalar(result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]);
Scalar cv::gpu::absSum(const GpuMat& src)
GpuMat buf;
return absSum(src, buf);
Scalar cv::gpu::absSum(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& buf)
using namespace cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions::sum;
typedef void (*Caller)(const PtrStepSzb, PtrStepb, double*, int);
static Caller multipass_callers[] =
absSumMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, absSumMultipassCaller<char>,
absSumMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, absSumMultipassCaller<short>,
absSumMultipassCaller<int>, absSumMultipassCaller<float>
static Caller singlepass_callers[] =
absSumCaller<unsigned char>, absSumCaller<char>,
absSumCaller<unsigned short>, absSumCaller<short>,
absSumCaller<int>, absSumCaller<float>
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, void* buf, double* sum);
static const func_t funcs[7][5] =
{0, ::sum::runAbs<uchar , 1>, ::sum::runAbs<uchar , 2>, ::sum::runAbs<uchar , 3>, ::sum::runAbs<uchar , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runAbs<schar , 1>, ::sum::runAbs<schar , 2>, ::sum::runAbs<schar , 3>, ::sum::runAbs<schar , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runAbs<ushort, 1>, ::sum::runAbs<ushort, 2>, ::sum::runAbs<ushort, 3>, ::sum::runAbs<ushort, 4>},
{0, ::sum::runAbs<short , 1>, ::sum::runAbs<short , 2>, ::sum::runAbs<short , 3>, ::sum::runAbs<short , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runAbs<int , 1>, ::sum::runAbs<int , 2>, ::sum::runAbs<int , 3>, ::sum::runAbs<int , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runAbs<float , 1>, ::sum::runAbs<float , 2>, ::sum::runAbs<float , 3>, ::sum::runAbs<float , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runAbs<double, 1>, ::sum::runAbs<double, 2>, ::sum::runAbs<double, 3>, ::sum::runAbs<double, 4>}
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F);
Size buf_size;
getBufSizeRequired(src.cols, src.rows, src.channels(), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
::sum::getBufSize(src.cols, src.rows, src.channels(), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_size, CV_8U, buf);
Caller* callers = multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = singlepass_callers;
Caller caller = callers[src.depth()];
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][src.channels()];
double result[4];
caller(src, buf, result, src.channels());
func(src,, result);
return Scalar(result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]);
Scalar cv::gpu::sqrSum(const GpuMat& src)
GpuMat buf;
return sqrSum(src, buf);
Scalar cv::gpu::sqrSum(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& buf)
using namespace cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions::sum;
typedef void (*Caller)(const PtrStepSzb, PtrStepb, double*, int);
static Caller multipass_callers[] =
sqrSumMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, sqrSumMultipassCaller<char>,
sqrSumMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, sqrSumMultipassCaller<short>,
sqrSumMultipassCaller<int>, sqrSumMultipassCaller<float>
static Caller singlepass_callers[7] =
sqrSumCaller<unsigned char>, sqrSumCaller<char>,
sqrSumCaller<unsigned short>, sqrSumCaller<short>,
sqrSumCaller<int>, sqrSumCaller<float>
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, void* buf, double* sum);
static const func_t funcs[7][5] =
{0, ::sum::runSqr<uchar , 1>, ::sum::runSqr<uchar , 2>, ::sum::runSqr<uchar , 3>, ::sum::runSqr<uchar , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runSqr<schar , 1>, ::sum::runSqr<schar , 2>, ::sum::runSqr<schar , 3>, ::sum::runSqr<schar , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runSqr<ushort, 1>, ::sum::runSqr<ushort, 2>, ::sum::runSqr<ushort, 3>, ::sum::runSqr<ushort, 4>},
{0, ::sum::runSqr<short , 1>, ::sum::runSqr<short , 2>, ::sum::runSqr<short , 3>, ::sum::runSqr<short , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runSqr<int , 1>, ::sum::runSqr<int , 2>, ::sum::runSqr<int , 3>, ::sum::runSqr<int , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runSqr<float , 1>, ::sum::runSqr<float , 2>, ::sum::runSqr<float , 3>, ::sum::runSqr<float , 4>},
{0, ::sum::runSqr<double, 1>, ::sum::runSqr<double, 2>, ::sum::runSqr<double, 3>, ::sum::runSqr<double, 4>}
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F);
Caller* callers = multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = singlepass_callers;
Size buf_size;
getBufSizeRequired(src.cols, src.rows, src.channels(), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
::sum::getBufSize(src.cols, src.rows, src.channels(), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_size, CV_8U, buf);
Caller caller = callers[src.depth()];
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][src.channels()];
double result[4];
caller(src, buf, result, src.channels());
func(src,, result);
return Scalar(result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]);
// Find min or max
// minMax
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace minMax
namespace matrix_reductions
namespace minmax
void getBufSizeRequired(int cols, int rows, int elem_size, int& bufcols, int& bufrows);
template <typename T>
void minMaxCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, double* minval, double* maxval, PtrStepb buf);
void getBufSize(int cols, int rows, int& bufcols, int& bufrows);
template <typename T>
void minMaxMaskCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval, PtrStepb buf);
template <typename T>
void minMaxMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, double* minval, double* maxval, PtrStepb buf);
template <typename T>
void minMaxMaskMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval, PtrStepb buf);
void run(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval, PtrStepb buf);
void cv::gpu::minMax(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, const GpuMat& mask)
......@@ -399,45 +340,22 @@ void cv::gpu::minMax(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, const Gp
minMax(src, minVal, maxVal, mask, buf);
void cv::gpu::minMax(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, const GpuMat& mask, GpuMat& buf)
using namespace ::cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions::minmax;
typedef void (*Caller)(const PtrStepSzb, double*, double*, PtrStepb);
typedef void (*MaskedCaller)(const PtrStepSzb, const PtrStepb, double*, double*, PtrStepb);
static Caller multipass_callers[] =
minMaxMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxMultipassCaller<char>,
minMaxMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxMultipassCaller<short>,
minMaxMultipassCaller<int>, minMaxMultipassCaller<float>, 0
static Caller singlepass_callers[] =
minMaxCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxCaller<char>,
minMaxCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxCaller<short>,
minMaxCaller<int>, minMaxCaller<float>, minMaxCaller<double>
typedef void (*func_t)(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval, PtrStepb buf);
static const func_t funcs[] =
static MaskedCaller masked_multipass_callers[] =
minMaxMaskMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxMaskMultipassCaller<char>,
minMaxMaskMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxMaskMultipassCaller<short>,
minMaxMaskMultipassCaller<int>, minMaxMaskMultipassCaller<float>, 0
static MaskedCaller masked_singlepass_callers[] =
minMaxMaskCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxMaskCaller<char>,
minMaxMaskCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxMaskCaller<short>,
minMaxMaskCaller<int>, minMaxMaskCaller<float>, minMaxMaskCaller<double>
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_64F);
CV_Assert(src.channels() == 1);
CV_Assert(mask.empty() || (mask.type() == CV_8U && src.size() == mask.size()));
CV_Assert( src.channels() == 1 );
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || (mask.size() == src.size() && mask.type() == CV_8U) );
if (src.depth() == CV_64F)
......@@ -445,66 +363,26 @@ void cv::gpu::minMax(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, const Gp
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "The device doesn't support double");
double minVal_; if (!minVal) minVal = &minVal_;
double maxVal_; if (!maxVal) maxVal = &maxVal_;
Size buf_size;
getBufSizeRequired(src.cols, src.rows, static_cast<int>(src.elemSize()), buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
::minMax::getBufSize(src.cols, src.rows, buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_size, CV_8U, buf);
if (mask.empty())
Caller* callers = multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = singlepass_callers;
Caller caller = callers[src.type()];
CV_Assert(caller != 0);
caller(src, minVal, maxVal, buf);
MaskedCaller* callers = masked_multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = masked_singlepass_callers;
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()];
MaskedCaller caller = callers[src.type()];
CV_Assert(caller != 0);
caller(src, mask, minVal, maxVal, buf);
double temp1, temp2;
func(src, mask, minVal ? minVal : &temp1, maxVal ? maxVal : &temp2, buf);
// Locate min and max
// minMaxLoc
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace minMaxLoc
namespace matrix_reductions
namespace minmaxloc
void getBufSizeRequired(int cols, int rows, int elem_size, int& b1cols,
int& b1rows, int& b2cols, int& b2rows);
template <typename T>
void minMaxLocCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, double* minval, double* maxval,
int minloc[2], int maxloc[2], PtrStepb valBuf, PtrStepb locBuf);
void getBufSize(int cols, int rows, size_t elem_size, int& b1cols, int& b1rows, int& b2cols, int& b2rows);
template <typename T>
void minMaxLocMaskCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval,
int minloc[2], int maxloc[2], PtrStepb valBuf, PtrStepb locBuf);
template <typename T>
void minMaxLocMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, double* minval, double* maxval,
int minloc[2], int maxloc[2], PtrStepb valBuf, PtrStepb locBuf);
template <typename T>
void minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval,
int minloc[2], int maxloc[2], PtrStepb valBuf, PtrStepb locBuf);
void run(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval, int* minloc, int* maxloc, PtrStepb valbuf, PtrStep<unsigned int> locbuf);
void cv::gpu::minMaxLoc(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, Point* minLoc, Point* maxLoc, const GpuMat& mask)
......@@ -515,42 +393,20 @@ void cv::gpu::minMaxLoc(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, Point
void cv::gpu::minMaxLoc(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, Point* minLoc, Point* maxLoc,
const GpuMat& mask, GpuMat& valBuf, GpuMat& locBuf)
using namespace ::cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions::minmaxloc;
typedef void (*Caller)(const PtrStepSzb, double*, double*, int[2], int[2], PtrStepb, PtrStepb);
typedef void (*MaskedCaller)(const PtrStepSzb, const PtrStepb, double*, double*, int[2], int[2], PtrStepb, PtrStepb);
static Caller multipass_callers[] =
minMaxLocMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxLocMultipassCaller<char>,
minMaxLocMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxLocMultipassCaller<short>,
minMaxLocMultipassCaller<int>, minMaxLocMultipassCaller<float>, 0
typedef void (*func_t)(const PtrStepSzb src, const PtrStepb mask, double* minval, double* maxval, int* minloc, int* maxloc, PtrStepb valbuf, PtrStep<unsigned int> locbuf);
static const func_t funcs[] =
static Caller singlepass_callers[] =
minMaxLocCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxLocCaller<char>,
minMaxLocCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxLocCaller<short>,
minMaxLocCaller<int>, minMaxLocCaller<float>, minMaxLocCaller<double>
static MaskedCaller masked_multipass_callers[] =
minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller<char>,
minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller<short>,
minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller<int>, minMaxLocMaskMultipassCaller<float>, 0
static MaskedCaller masked_singlepass_callers[] =
minMaxLocMaskCaller<unsigned char>, minMaxLocMaskCaller<char>,
minMaxLocMaskCaller<unsigned short>, minMaxLocMaskCaller<short>,
minMaxLocMaskCaller<int>, minMaxLocMaskCaller<float>, minMaxLocMaskCaller<double>
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_64F);
CV_Assert(src.channels() == 1);
CV_Assert(mask.empty() || (mask.type() == CV_8U && src.size() == mask.size()));
CV_Assert( src.channels() == 1 );
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || (mask.size() == src.size() && mask.type() == CV_8U) );
if (src.depth() == CV_64F)
......@@ -558,61 +414,28 @@ void cv::gpu::minMaxLoc(const GpuMat& src, double* minVal, double* maxVal, Point
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "The device doesn't support double");
double minVal_; if (!minVal) minVal = &minVal_;
double maxVal_; if (!maxVal) maxVal = &maxVal_;
int minLoc_[2];
int maxLoc_[2];
Size valbuf_size, locbuf_size;
getBufSizeRequired(src.cols, src.rows, static_cast<int>(src.elemSize()), valbuf_size.width,
valbuf_size.height, locbuf_size.width, locbuf_size.height);
::minMaxLoc::getBufSize(src.cols, src.rows, src.elemSize(), valbuf_size.width, valbuf_size.height, locbuf_size.width, locbuf_size.height);
ensureSizeIsEnough(valbuf_size, CV_8U, valBuf);
ensureSizeIsEnough(locbuf_size, CV_8U, locBuf);
if (mask.empty())
Caller* callers = multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = singlepass_callers;
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()];
Caller caller = callers[src.type()];
CV_Assert(caller != 0);
caller(src, minVal, maxVal, minLoc_, maxLoc_, valBuf, locBuf);
MaskedCaller* callers = masked_multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = masked_singlepass_callers;
MaskedCaller caller = callers[src.type()];
CV_Assert(caller != 0);
caller(src, mask, minVal, maxVal, minLoc_, maxLoc_, valBuf, locBuf);
if (minLoc) { minLoc->x = minLoc_[0]; minLoc->y = minLoc_[1]; }
if (maxLoc) { maxLoc->x = maxLoc_[0]; maxLoc->y = maxLoc_[1]; }
double temp1, temp2;
Point temp3, temp4;
func(src, mask, minVal ? minVal : &temp1, maxVal ? maxVal : &temp2, minLoc ? &minLoc->x : &temp3.x, maxLoc ? &maxLoc->x : &temp4.x, valBuf, locBuf);
// Count non-zero elements
// countNonZero
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace countNonZero
namespace matrix_reductions
namespace countnonzero
void getBufSizeRequired(int cols, int rows, int& bufcols, int& bufrows);
template <typename T>
int countNonZeroCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf);
void getBufSize(int cols, int rows, int& bufcols, int& bufrows);
template <typename T>
int countNonZeroMultipassCaller(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf);
int run(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStep<unsigned int> buf);
int cv::gpu::countNonZero(const GpuMat& src)
......@@ -620,27 +443,20 @@ int cv::gpu::countNonZero(const GpuMat& src)
return countNonZero(src, buf);
int cv::gpu::countNonZero(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& buf)
using namespace ::cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions::countnonzero;
typedef int (*Caller)(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepb buf);
static Caller multipass_callers[7] =
countNonZeroMultipassCaller<unsigned char>, countNonZeroMultipassCaller<char>,
countNonZeroMultipassCaller<unsigned short>, countNonZeroMultipassCaller<short>,
countNonZeroMultipassCaller<int>, countNonZeroMultipassCaller<float>, 0
typedef int (*func_t)(const PtrStepSzb src, PtrStep<unsigned int> buf);
static const func_t funcs[] =
static Caller singlepass_callers[7] =
countNonZeroCaller<unsigned char>, countNonZeroCaller<char>,
countNonZeroCaller<unsigned short>, countNonZeroCaller<short>,
countNonZeroCaller<int>, countNonZeroCaller<float>, countNonZeroCaller<double> };
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_64F);
CV_Assert(src.channels() == 1);
if (src.depth() == CV_64F)
......@@ -650,168 +466,190 @@ int cv::gpu::countNonZero(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& buf)
Size buf_size;
getBufSizeRequired(src.cols, src.rows, buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
::countNonZero::getBufSize(src.cols, src.rows, buf_size.width, buf_size.height);
ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_size, CV_8U, buf);
Caller* callers = multipass_callers;
if (TargetArchs::builtWith(GLOBAL_ATOMICS) && DeviceInfo().supports(GLOBAL_ATOMICS))
callers = singlepass_callers;
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()];
Caller caller = callers[src.type()];
CV_Assert(caller != 0);
return caller(src, buf);
return func(src, buf);
// reduce
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace reduce
namespace matrix_reductions
template <typename T, typename S, typename D> void reduceRows_gpu(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int reduceOp, cudaStream_t stream);
template <typename T, typename S, typename D> void reduceCols_gpu(const PtrStepSzb& src, int cn, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int reduceOp, cudaStream_t stream);
template <typename T, typename S, typename D>
void rows(PtrStepSzb src, void* dst, int op, cudaStream_t stream);
template <typename T, typename S, typename D>
void cols(PtrStepSzb src, void* dst, int cn, int op, cudaStream_t stream);
void cv::gpu::reduce(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int dim, int reduceOp, int dtype, Stream& stream)
using namespace ::cv::gpu::device::matrix_reductions;
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4 && dtype <= CV_32F);
CV_Assert(dim == 0 || dim == 1);
CV_Assert(reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_SUM || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_AVG || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MAX || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MIN);
CV_Assert( src.channels() <= 4 );
CV_Assert( dim == 0 || dim == 1 );
CV_Assert( reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_SUM || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_AVG || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MAX || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MIN );
if (dtype < 0)
dtype = src.depth();
dst.create(1, dim == 0 ? src.cols : src.rows, CV_MAKETYPE(dtype, src.channels()));
dst.create(1, dim == 0 ? src.cols : src.rows, CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), src.channels()));
if (dim == 0)
typedef void (*caller_t)(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int reduceOp, cudaStream_t stream);
static const caller_t callers[6][6] =
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, void* dst, int op, cudaStream_t stream);
static const func_t funcs[7][7] =
::reduce::rows<unsigned char, int, unsigned char>,
0/*::reduce::rows<unsigned char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<unsigned char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<unsigned char, int, short>*/,
::reduce::rows<unsigned char, int, int>,
::reduce::rows<unsigned char, float, float>,
::reduce::rows<unsigned char, double, double>
reduceRows_gpu<unsigned char, int, unsigned char>,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<unsigned char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<unsigned char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<unsigned char, int, short>*/,
reduceRows_gpu<unsigned char, int, int>,
reduceRows_gpu<unsigned char, int, float>
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, int, short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, int, int>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, float, float>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<signed char, double, double>*/
0/*reduceRows_gpu<signed char, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<signed char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<signed char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<signed char, int, short>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<signed char, int, int>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<signed char, int, float>*/
0/*::reduce::rows<unsigned short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<unsigned short, int, signed char>*/,
::reduce::rows<unsigned short, int, unsigned short>,
0/*::reduce::rows<unsigned short, int, short>*/,
::reduce::rows<unsigned short, int, int>,
::reduce::rows<unsigned short, float, float>,
::reduce::rows<unsigned short, double, double>
0/*reduceRows_gpu<unsigned short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<unsigned short, int, signed char>*/,
reduceRows_gpu<unsigned short, int, unsigned short>,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<unsigned short, int, short>*/,
reduceRows_gpu<unsigned short, int, int>,
reduceRows_gpu<unsigned short, int, float>
0/*::reduce::rows<short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<short, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<short, int, unsigned short>*/,
::reduce::rows<short, int, short>,
::reduce::rows<short, int, int>,
::reduce::rows<short, float, float>,
::reduce::rows<short, double, double>
0/*reduceRows_gpu<short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<short, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<short, int, unsigned short>*/,
reduceRows_gpu<short, int, short>,
reduceRows_gpu<short, int, int>,
reduceRows_gpu<short, int, float>
0/*::reduce::rows<int, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<int, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<int, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<int, int, short>*/,
::reduce::rows<int, int, int>,
::reduce::rows<int, float, float>,
::reduce::rows<int, double, double>
0/*reduceRows_gpu<int, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<int, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<int, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<int, int, short>*/,
reduceRows_gpu<int, int, int>,
reduceRows_gpu<int, int, float>
0/*::reduce::rows<float, float, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<float, float, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<float, float, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<float, float, short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<float, float, int>*/,
::reduce::rows<float, float, float>,
::reduce::rows<float, double, double>
0/*reduceRows_gpu<float, float, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<float, float, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<float, float, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<float, float, short>*/,
0/*reduceRows_gpu<float, float, int>*/,
reduceRows_gpu<float, float, float>
0/*::reduce::rows<double, double, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<double, double, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<double, double, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<double, double, short>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<double, double, int>*/,
0/*::reduce::rows<double, double, float>*/,
::reduce::rows<double, double, double>
const caller_t func = callers[src.depth()][dst.depth()];
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][dst.depth()];
if (!func)
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported combination of input and output array formats");
func(src.reshape(1), dst.reshape(1), reduceOp, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
func(src.reshape(1),, reduceOp, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
typedef void (*caller_t)(const PtrStepSzb& src, int cn, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int reduceOp, cudaStream_t stream);
static const caller_t callers[6][6] =
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, void* dst, int cn, int op, cudaStream_t stream);
static const func_t funcs[7][7] =
reduceCols_gpu<unsigned char, int, unsigned char>,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<unsigned char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<unsigned char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<unsigned char, int, short>*/,
reduceCols_gpu<unsigned char, int, int>,
reduceCols_gpu<unsigned char, int, float>
::reduce::cols<unsigned char, int, unsigned char>,
0/*::reduce::cols<unsigned char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<unsigned char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<unsigned char, int, short>*/,
::reduce::cols<unsigned char, int, int>,
::reduce::cols<unsigned char, float, float>,
::reduce::cols<unsigned char, double, double>
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, int, short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, int, int>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, float, float>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<signed char, double, double>*/
0/*reduceCols_gpu<signed char, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<signed char, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<signed char, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<signed char, int, short>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<signed char, int, int>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<signed char, int, float>*/
0/*::reduce::cols<unsigned short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<unsigned short, int, signed char>*/,
::reduce::cols<unsigned short, int, unsigned short>,
0/*::reduce::cols<unsigned short, int, short>*/,
::reduce::cols<unsigned short, int, int>,
::reduce::cols<unsigned short, float, float>,
::reduce::cols<unsigned short, double, double>
0/*reduceCols_gpu<unsigned short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<unsigned short, int, signed char>*/,
reduceCols_gpu<unsigned short, int, unsigned short>,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<unsigned short, int, short>*/,
reduceCols_gpu<unsigned short, int, int>,
reduceCols_gpu<unsigned short, int, float>
0/*::reduce::cols<short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<short, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<short, int, unsigned short>*/,
::reduce::cols<short, int, short>,
::reduce::cols<short, int, int>,
::reduce::cols<short, float, float>,
::reduce::cols<short, double, double>
0/*reduceCols_gpu<short, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<short, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<short, int, unsigned short>*/,
reduceCols_gpu<short, int, short>,
reduceCols_gpu<short, int, int>,
reduceCols_gpu<short, int, float>
0/*::reduce::cols<int, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<int, int, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<int, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<int, int, short>*/,
::reduce::cols<int, int, int>,
::reduce::cols<int, float, float>,
::reduce::cols<int, double, double>
0/*reduceCols_gpu<int, int, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<int, int, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<int, int, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<int, int, short>*/,
reduceCols_gpu<int, int, int>,
reduceCols_gpu<int, int, float>
0/*::reduce::cols<float, float, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<float, float, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<float, float, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<float, float, short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<float, float, int>*/,
::reduce::cols<float, float, float>,
::reduce::cols<float, double, double>
0/*reduceCols_gpu<float, unsigned char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<float, signed char>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<float, unsigned short>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<float, short>*/,
0/*reduceCols_gpu<float, int>*/,
reduceCols_gpu<float, float, float>
0/*::reduce::cols<double, double, unsigned char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<double, double, signed char>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<double, double, unsigned short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<double, double, short>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<double, double, int>*/,
0/*::reduce::cols<double, double, float>*/,
::reduce::cols<double, double, double>
const caller_t func = callers[src.depth()][dst.depth()];
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][dst.depth()];
if (!func)
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported combination of input and output array formats");
func(src, src.channels(), dst, reduceOp, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
func(src,, src.channels(), reduceOp, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
......@@ -2982,7 +2982,7 @@ TEST_P(Sum, Sqr)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_Core, Sum, testing::Combine(
TYPES(CV_8U, CV_32F, 1, 4),
TYPES(CV_8U, CV_64F, 1, 4),
......@@ -3351,7 +3351,14 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(Reduce, cv::gpu::DeviceInfo, cv::Size, MatDepth, Channels, Reduc
type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, channels);
dst_depth = (reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MAX || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MIN) ? depth : CV_32F;
if (reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MAX || reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_MIN)
dst_depth = depth;
else if (reduceOp == CV_REDUCE_SUM)
dst_depth = depth == CV_8U ? CV_32S : depth < CV_64F ? CV_32F : depth;
dst_depth = depth < CV_32F ? CV_32F : depth;
dst_type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(dst_depth, channels);
......@@ -3392,7 +3399,8 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_Core, Reduce, testing::Combine(
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