Commit e8aad754 authored by Yannick Verdie's avatar Yannick Verdie

Fixed bugs on Qt

parent 49f1a9c3
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ CV_EXPORTS double getWindowProperty(const string& winname, int prop_id);//YV
//Only for Qt
CV_EXPORTS CvFont fontQt(const string& nameFont, int pointSize CV_DEFAULT(-1), Scalar color CV_DEFAULT(Scalar::all(0)), int weight CV_DEFAULT(CV_FONT_NORMAL), int style CV_DEFAULT(CV_STYLE_NORMAL), int spacing CV_DEFAULT(0));
CV_EXPORTS void addText( const Mat& img, const char* text, Point org, CvFont font);
CV_EXPORTS void displayOverlay(const string& winname, const string& text, int delayms);
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ enum { CV_STYLE_NORMAL = 0,//QFont::StyleNormal,
//for color cvScalar(blue_component, green_component, red\_component[, alpha_component])
//and alpha= 0 <-> 0xFF (not transparent <-> transparent)
CVAPI(CvFont) cvFont_Qt(const char* nameFont, int pointSize CV_DEFAULT(-1), CvScalar color CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)), int weight CV_DEFAULT(CV_FONT_NORMAL), int style CV_DEFAULT(CV_STYLE_NORMAL), int spacing CV_DEFAULT(0));
CVAPI(CvFont) cvFontQt(const char* nameFont, int pointSize CV_DEFAULT(-1), CvScalar color CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)), int weight CV_DEFAULT(CV_FONT_NORMAL), int style CV_DEFAULT(CV_STYLE_NORMAL), int spacing CV_DEFAULT(0));
CVAPI(void) cvAddText(const CvArr* img, const char* text, CvPoint org, CvFont *arg2);
......@@ -190,10 +190,15 @@ int startWindowThread()
#if defined (HAVE_QT)
CvFont fontQt(const string& nameFont, int pointSize, Scalar color, int weight, int style, int spacing)
return cvFontQt(nameFont.c_str(), pointSize,color,weight, style);
void addText( const Mat& img, const string& text, Point org, CvFont font)
CvMat _img = img;
cvAddText( &_img, text.c_str(), CvPoint(org),&font);
cvAddText( &_img, text.c_str(), org,&font);
void displayStatusBar(const string& name, const string& text, int delayms)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -304,6 +304,10 @@ private:
void icvLoadTrackbars(QSettings *settings);
void icvSaveTrackbars(QSettings *settings);
void icvLoadControlPanel();
void icvSaveControlPanel();
void icvLoadButtonbar(CvButtonbar* t,QSettings *settings);
void icvSaveButtonbar(CvButtonbar* t,QSettings *settings);
void createShortcuts();
void createActions();
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