Commit e87425f0 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #11835 from dkurt:dnn_tf_two_inputs

parents b80c7bca 9510551c
......@@ -376,6 +376,8 @@ private:
// and may be used to build the network using binary format only as a weights storage.
// This approach is similar to Caffe's `.prorotxt` and `.caffemodel`.
tensorflow::GraphDef netTxt;
std::vector<String> netInputsNames;
TFImporter::TFImporter(const char *model, const char *config)
......@@ -443,7 +445,14 @@ void TFImporter::connect(const std::map<String, int>& layers_name_id_map, Net& n
std::map<String, int>::const_iterator it = layers_name_id_map.find(;
if (it == layers_name_id_map.end())
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Input layer not found: " +;
network.connect(it->second, outPin.blobIndex, input_layer_id, input_blob_id);
std::vector<String>::iterator inpNameIt = std::find(netInputsNames.begin(), netInputsNames.end(),;
int blobIndex;
if (inpNameIt == netInputsNames.end())
blobIndex = outPin.blobIndex;
blobIndex = inpNameIt - netInputsNames.begin();
network.connect(it->second, blobIndex, input_layer_id, input_blob_id);
void TFImporter::connectToAllBlobs(const std::map<String, int>& layer_id, Net& network, const Pin& outPin,
......@@ -845,7 +854,7 @@ void TFImporter::populateNet(Net dstNet)
Pin inp = parsePin(layer.input(ii));
if (layer_id.find( == layer_id.end())
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Input layer not found: " +;
dstNet.connect(, inp.blobIndex, id, ii);
connect(layer_id, dstNet, inp, id, ii);
......@@ -1099,7 +1108,7 @@ void TFImporter::populateNet(Net dstNet)
Pin inp = parsePin(layer.input(ii));
if (layer_id.find( == layer_id.end())
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Input layer not found: " +;
dstNet.connect(, inp.blobIndex, id, ii - from);
connect(layer_id, dstNet, inp, id, ii - from);
else if (type == "MaxPool")
......@@ -1131,10 +1140,12 @@ void TFImporter::populateNet(Net dstNet)
else if (type == "Placeholder")
std::vector<String> netInputs(1);
netInputs[0] = name;
layer_id[name] = 0;
if (!hasLayerAttr(layer, "dtype") ||
getLayerAttr(layer, "dtype").type() != tensorflow::DT_BOOL) // If input is not a train/test flag.
layer_id[name] = 0;
else if (type == "Split") {
// TODO: determining axis index remapping by input dimensions order of input blob
......@@ -1272,7 +1283,7 @@ void TFImporter::populateNet(Net dstNet)
Pin inp = parsePin(layer.input(ii));
if (layer_id.find( == layer_id.end())
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Input layer not found: " +;
dstNet.connect(, inp.blobIndex, id, ii);
connect(layer_id, dstNet, inp, id, ii);
......@@ -1790,6 +1801,7 @@ void TFImporter::populateNet(Net dstNet)
} // namespace
......@@ -441,4 +441,20 @@ TEST(Test_TensorFlow, resize_bilinear)
TEST(Test_TensorFlow, two_inputs)
Net net = readNet(path("two_inputs_net.pbtxt"));
Mat firstInput(2, 3, CV_32FC1), secondInput(2, 3, CV_32FC1);
randu(firstInput, -1, 1);
randu(secondInput, -1, 1);
net.setInput(firstInput, "first_input");
net.setInput(secondInput, "second_input");
Mat out = net.forward();
normAssert(out, firstInput + secondInput);
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