Commit e83c9b08 authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

replaced Calonder descriptor implementation; added windowedMatchingMask()

parent 4f3de6eb
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -51,6 +51,24 @@ using namespace std;
namespace cv
Mat windowedMatchingMask( const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1, const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2,
float maxDeltaX, float maxDeltaY )
if( keypoints1.empty() || keypoints2.empty() )
return Mat();
Mat mask( keypoints1.size(), keypoints2.size(), CV_8UC1 );
for( size_t i = 0; i < keypoints1.size(); i++ )
for( size_t j = 0; j < keypoints2.size(); j++ )
Point2f diff = keypoints2[j].pt - keypoints1[i].pt;<uchar>(i, j) = std::abs(diff.x) < maxDeltaX && std::abs(diff.y) < maxDeltaY;
return mask;
void drawMatches( const Mat& img1, const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1,
const Mat& img2,const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2,
const vector<int>& matches, Mat& outImg,
......@@ -278,20 +296,19 @@ Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> createDescriptorMatcher( const string& descriptorMatcherT
* BruteForceMatcher L2 specialization *
void BruteForceMatcher<L2<float> >::matchImpl( const Mat& descriptors_1, const Mat& descriptors_2,
const Mat& /*mask*/, vector<int>& matches ) const
void BruteForceMatcher<L2<float> >::matchImpl( const Mat& query, const Mat& /*mask*/, vector<int>& matches ) const
matches.reserve( descriptors_1.rows );
matches.reserve( query.rows );
//TODO: remove _DEBUG if bag 416 fixed
#if (defined _DEBUG || !defined HAVE_EIGEN2)
Mat norms;
cv::reduce( descriptors_2.mul( descriptors_2 ), norms, 1, 0);
cv::reduce( train.mul( train ), norms, 1, 0);
norms = norms.t();
Mat desc_2t = descriptors_2.t();
for( int i=0;i<descriptors_1.rows;i++ )
Mat desc_2t = train.t();
for( int i=0;i<query.rows;i++ )
Mat distances = (-2)*descriptors_1.row(i)*desc_2t;
Mat distances = (-2)*query.row(i)*desc_2t;
distances += norms;
Point minLoc;
minMaxLoc ( distances, 0, 0, &minLoc );
......@@ -631,160 +648,6 @@ void OneWayDescriptorMatch::clear ()
base->clear ();
* CalonderDescriptorMatch *
#if 0
CalonderDescriptorMatch::Params::Params( const RNG& _rng, const PatchGenerator& _patchGen,
int _numTrees, int _depth, int _views,
size_t _reducedNumDim,
int _numQuantBits,
bool _printStatus,
int _patchSize ) :
rng(_rng), patchGen(_patchGen), numTrees(_numTrees), depth(_depth), views(_views),
patchSize(_patchSize), reducedNumDim(_reducedNumDim), numQuantBits(_numQuantBits), printStatus(_printStatus)
CalonderDescriptorMatch::Params::Params( const string& _filename )
filename = _filename;
CalonderDescriptorMatch::CalonderDescriptorMatch( const Params& _params )
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::initialize( const Params& _params )
params = _params;
if( !params.filename.empty() )
classifier = new RTreeClassifier;
classifier->read( params.filename.c_str() );
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::add( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints )
if( params.filename.empty() )
collection.add( image, keypoints );
Mat CalonderDescriptorMatch::extractPatch( const Mat& image, const Point& pt, int patchSize ) const
const int offset = patchSize / 2;
return image( Rect(pt.x - offset, pt.y - offset, patchSize, patchSize) );
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::calcBestProbAndMatchIdx( const Mat& image, const Point& pt,
float& bestProb, int& bestMatchIdx, float* signature )
IplImage roi = extractPatch( image, pt, params.patchSize );
classifier->getSignature( &roi, signature );
bestProb = 0;
bestMatchIdx = -1;
for( int ci = 0; ci < classifier->classes(); ci++ )
if( signature[ci] > bestProb )
bestProb = signature[ci];
bestMatchIdx = ci;
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::trainRTreeClassifier()
if( classifier.empty() )
assert( params.filename.empty() );
classifier = new RTreeClassifier;
vector<BaseKeypoint> baseKeyPoints;
vector<IplImage> iplImages( collection.images.size() );
for( size_t imageIdx = 0; imageIdx < collection.images.size(); imageIdx++ )
iplImages[imageIdx] = collection.images[imageIdx];
for( size_t pointIdx = 0; pointIdx < collection.points[imageIdx].size(); pointIdx++ )
BaseKeypoint bkp;
KeyPoint kp = collection.points[imageIdx][pointIdx];
bkp.x = cvRound(;
bkp.y = cvRound(;
bkp.image = &iplImages[imageIdx];
classifier->train( baseKeyPoints, params.rng, params.patchGen, params.numTrees,
params.depth, params.views, params.reducedNumDim, params.numQuantBits,
params.printStatus );
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::match( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, vector<int>& indices )
float bestProb = 0;
AutoBuffer<float> signature( classifier->classes() );
indices.resize( keypoints.size() );
for( size_t pi = 0; pi < keypoints.size(); pi++ )
calcBestProbAndMatchIdx( image, keypoints[pi].pt, bestProb, indices[pi], signature );
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::classify( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints )
AutoBuffer<float> signature( classifier->classes() );
for( size_t pi = 0; pi < keypoints.size(); pi++ )
float bestProb = 0;
int bestMatchIdx = -1;
calcBestProbAndMatchIdx( image, keypoints[pi].pt, bestProb, bestMatchIdx, signature );
keypoints[pi].class_id = collection.getKeyPoint(bestMatchIdx).class_id;
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::clear ()
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::read( const FileNode &fn )
params.numTrees = fn["numTrees"];
params.depth = fn["depth"];
params.views = fn["views"];
params.patchSize = fn["patchSize"];
params.reducedNumDim = (int) fn["reducedNumDim"];
params.numQuantBits = fn["numQuantBits"];
params.printStatus = (int) fn["printStatus"] != 0;
void CalonderDescriptorMatch::write( FileStorage& fs ) const
fs << "numTrees" << params.numTrees;
fs << "depth" << params.depth;
fs << "views" << params.views;
fs << "patchSize" << params.patchSize;
fs << "reducedNumDim" << (int) params.reducedNumDim;
fs << "numQuantBits" << params.numQuantBits;
fs << "printStatus" << params.printStatus;
* FernDescriptorMatch *
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