Commit e311613f authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

fixed warnings "double not supported"

parent 7ab9c4cc
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
static __device__ __forceinline__ void calc(int x, int y, float x_data, float y_data, float* dst, size_t dst_step, float scale)
float angle = ::atan2f(y_data, x_data);
angle += (angle < 0) * 2.0 * CV_PI;
angle += (angle < 0) * 2.0f * CV_PI_F;
dst[y * dst_step + x] = scale * angle;
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
grid.x = divUp(x.cols, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(x.rows, threads.y);
const float scale = angleInDegrees ? (float)(180.0f / CV_PI) : 1.f;
const float scale = angleInDegrees ? (180.0f / CV_PI_F) : 1.f;
cartToPolar<Mag, Angle><<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(, x.step/x.elemSize(),, y.step/y.elemSize(),
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
grid.x = divUp(mag.cols, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(mag.rows, threads.y);
const float scale = angleInDegrees ? (float)(CV_PI / 180.0f) : 1.0f;
const float scale = angleInDegrees ? (CV_PI_F / 180.0f) : 1.0f;
polarToCart<Mag><<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(, mag.step/mag.elemSize(),, angle.step/angle.elemSize(), scale,, x.step/x.elemSize(),, y.step/y.elemSize(), mag.cols, mag.rows);
......@@ -214,4 +214,4 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
} // namespace mathfunc
}}} // namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
#endif /* CUDA_DISABLER */
\ No newline at end of file
#endif /* CUDA_DISABLER */
......@@ -164,40 +164,40 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
r = ::fmin(r, 2.5f);
v[1].x = arrow_x + r * ::cosf(theta - CV_PI / 2.0f);
v[1].y = arrow_y + r * ::sinf(theta - CV_PI / 2.0f);
v[1].x = arrow_x + r * ::cosf(theta - CV_PI_F / 2.0f);
v[1].y = arrow_y + r * ::sinf(theta - CV_PI_F / 2.0f);
v[4].x = arrow_x + r * ::cosf(theta + CV_PI / 2.0f);
v[4].y = arrow_y + r * ::sinf(theta + CV_PI / 2.0f);
v[4].x = arrow_x + r * ::cosf(theta + CV_PI_F / 2.0f);
v[4].y = arrow_y + r * ::sinf(theta + CV_PI_F / 2.0f);
int indx = (y * u_avg.cols + x) * NUM_VERTS_PER_ARROW * 3;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI) / CV_PI * 180.0f;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI_F) / CV_PI_F * 180.0f;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[0].x * xscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[0].y * yscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[0].z;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI) / CV_PI * 180.0f;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI_F) / CV_PI_F * 180.0f;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[1].x * xscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[1].y * yscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[1].z;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI) / CV_PI * 180.0f;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI_F) / CV_PI_F * 180.0f;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[2].x * xscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[2].y * yscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[2].z;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI) / CV_PI * 180.0f;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI_F) / CV_PI_F * 180.0f;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[3].x * xscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[3].y * yscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[3].z;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI) / CV_PI * 180.0f;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI_F) / CV_PI_F * 180.0f;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[4].x * xscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[4].y * yscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[4].z;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI) / CV_PI * 180.0f;
color_data[indx] = (theta - CV_PI_F) / CV_PI_F * 180.0f;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[5].x * xscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[5].y * yscale;
vertex_data[indx++] = v[5].z;
......@@ -217,4 +217,4 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
#endif /* CUDA_DISABLER */
\ No newline at end of file
#endif /* CUDA_DISABLER */
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