Commit e2e4ee2f authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

disable implicit numpy array use in old-style Python bindings because of…

disable implicit numpy array use in old-style Python bindings because of hard-to-fix memory leaks (ticket #1177)
parent 3f40a1d8
......@@ -1600,15 +1600,15 @@ static int convert_to_CvMat(PyObject *o, CvMat **dst, const char *name)
Py_ssize_t buffer_len;
if (!is_cvmat(o)) {
return failmsg("Argument '%s' must be CvMat", name);
return failmsg("Argument '%s' must be CvMat. Use fromarray() to convert numpy arrays to CvMat", name);
PyObject *asmat = fromarray(o, 0);
if (asmat == NULL)
return failmsg("Argument '%s' must be CvMat", name);
// now have the array obect as a cvmat, can use regular conversion
return convert_to_CvMat(asmat, dst, name);
} else {
m->a->refcount = NULL;
if (m->data && PyString_Check(m->data)) {
......@@ -1666,15 +1666,15 @@ static int convert_to_CvArr(PyObject *o, CvArr **dst, const char *name)
} else if (is_cvmatnd(o)) {
return convert_to_CvMatND(o, (CvMatND**)dst, name);
} else {
return failmsg("CvArr argument '%s' must be IplImage, CvMat or CvMatND", name);
return failmsg("CvArr argument '%s' must be IplImage, CvMat or CvMatND. Use fromarray() to convert numpy arrays to CvMat or cvMatND", name);
PyObject *asmat = fromarray(o, 0);
if (asmat == NULL)
return failmsg("CvArr argument '%s' must be IplImage, CvMat, CvMatND, or support the array interface", name);
// now have the array obect as a cvmat, can use regular conversion
return convert_to_CvArr(asmat, dst, name);
......@@ -940,8 +940,8 @@ class AreaTests(OpenCVTests):
# Using an array object for a CvArr parameter
ones = numpy.ones((640, 480))
r = numpy.ones((640, 480))
cv.AddS(ones, 7, r)
r = cv.fromarray(numpy.ones((640, 480)))
cv.AddS(cv.fromarray(ones), 7, r)
self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(r == (8 * ones)))
# create arrays, use them in OpenCV and replace the the array
......@@ -958,11 +958,12 @@ class AreaTests(OpenCVTests):
m = numpy.identity(4, dtype = numpy.float32)
m = cv.fromarray(m[:3, :3])
rvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
rvec[0,0] = 1
rvec[1,0] = 1
rvec[2,0] = 1
cv.Rodrigues2(rvec, m[:3,:3])
cv.Rodrigues2(rvec, m)
#print m
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