Commit e23f3131 authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko separated image width and height for easier analysis.

parent 95bdd4b6
......@@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ def main():
for (w, caption) in [
(2500, 'Module'),
(10000, 'Test'),
(2500, 'Image\nsize'),
(2000, 'Image\nwidth'),
(2000, 'Image\nheight'),
(2000, 'Data\ntype'),
(7500, 'Other parameters')]:
sheet.col(col).width = w
......@@ -311,17 +312,19 @@ def main():
image_size = next(ifilter(re_image_size.match, param_list), None)
if image_size is not None:
sheet.write(row, 2, image_size)
(image_width, image_height) = map(int, image_size.split('x', 1))
sheet.write(row, 2, image_width)
sheet.write(row, 3, image_height)
del param_list[param_list.index(image_size)]
data_type = next(ifilter(re_data_type.match, param_list), None)
if data_type is not None:
sheet.write(row, 3, data_type)
sheet.write(row, 4, data_type)
del param_list[param_list.index(data_type)]
sheet.row(row).write(4, ' | '.join(param_list))
sheet.row(row).write(5, ' | '.join(param_list))
col = 5
col = 6
for c in config_names:
if c in configs:
......@@ -331,18 +334,13 @@ def main():
col += 1
if args.show_times_per_pixel:
sheet.write(row, col,
{0} * 1000000 / (
VALUE(MID({1}; 1; SEARCH("x"; {1}) - 1))
* VALUE(MID({1}; SEARCH("x"; {1}) + 1; LEN({1})))
'''.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').format(
xlwt.Formula('{0} * 1000000 / ({1} * {2})'.format(
xlwt.Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row, col - 1),
xlwt.Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row, 2)
xlwt.Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row, 2),
xlwt.Utils.rowcol_to_cell(row, 3)
col += 1
col += 1 # blank column
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