Commit dfdbf0ab authored by Ilya Lysenkov's avatar Ilya Lysenkov

Added support of the 1 width element in morphology (ticket #1099).

parent f154b2d0
......@@ -176,16 +176,17 @@ void FilterEngine::init( const Ptr<BaseFilter>& _filter2D,
0 <= anchor.y && anchor.y < ksize.height );
borderElemSize = srcElemSize/(CV_MAT_DEPTH(srcType) >= CV_32S ? sizeof(int) : 1);
borderTab.resize( std::max(ksize.width - 1, 1)*borderElemSize);
int borderLength = std::max(ksize.width - 1, 1);
maxWidth = bufStep = 0;
if( rowBorderType == BORDER_CONSTANT || columnBorderType == BORDER_CONSTANT )
constBorderValue.resize(srcElemSize*(ksize.width - 1));
scalarToRawData(_borderValue, &constBorderValue[0], srcType,
wholeSize = Size(-1,-1);
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