Commit dfd0b297 authored by Adil Ibragimov's avatar Adil Ibragimov

datastart must be non-const in CUDA.

parent 28f3a44e
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ public:
int* refcount;
//! helper fields used in locateROI and adjustROI
const uchar* datastart;
uchar* datastart;
const uchar* dataend;
//! allocator
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ public:
uchar* data;
int* refcount;
const uchar* datastart;
uchar* datastart;
const uchar* dataend;
AllocType alloc_type;
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void cv::cuda::GpuMat::release()
if (refcount && CV_XADD(refcount, -1) == 1)
data = datastart = dataend = 0;
dataend = data = datastart = 0;
step = rows = cols = 0;
refcount = 0;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ using namespace cv::cuda;
cv::cuda::GpuMat::GpuMat(int rows_, int cols_, int type_, void* data_, size_t step_) :
flags(Mat::MAGIC_VAL + (type_ & Mat::TYPE_MASK)), rows(rows_), cols(cols_),
step(step_), data((uchar*)data_), refcount(0),
datastart((uchar*)data_), dataend((uchar*)data_),
datastart((uchar*)data_), dataend((const uchar*)data_),
size_t minstep = cols * elemSize();
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ cv::cuda::GpuMat::GpuMat(int rows_, int cols_, int type_, void* data_, size_t st
cv::cuda::GpuMat::GpuMat(Size size_, int type_, void* data_, size_t step_) :
flags(Mat::MAGIC_VAL + (type_ & Mat::TYPE_MASK)), rows(size_.height), cols(size_.width),
step(step_), data((uchar*)data_), refcount(0),
datastart((uchar*)data_), dataend((uchar*)data_),
datastart((uchar*)data_), dataend((const uchar*)data_),
size_t minstep = cols * elemSize();
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void cv::cuda::CudaMem::release()
data = datastart = dataend = 0;
dataend = data = datastart = 0;
step = rows = cols = 0;
refcount = 0;
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