Commit df491588 authored by Bernat Gabor's avatar Bernat Gabor

Added the "Camera calibration With OpenCV" tutorial. Extended with a few global…

Added the "Camera calibration With OpenCV" tutorial. Extended with a few global links the file. Corrected an error in the linux_install.rst and one in the cascade_classifier.rst file. 
parent 0ed6d86a
......@@ -276,7 +276,32 @@ man_pages = [
# ---- External links for tutorials -----------------
extlinks = {'cvt_color': ('', None),
extlinks = {
'basicstructures' : ('', None),
'oldbasicstructures' : ('', None),
'readwriteimagevideo' : ('', None),
'operationsonarrays' : ('', None),
'utilitysystemfunctions':('', None),
'imgprocfilter':('', None),
'svms':('', None),
'drawingfunc':('', None),
'xmlymlpers':('', None),
'huivideo' : ('', None),
'gpuinit' : ('', None),
'gpudatastructure' : ('', None),
'gpuopmatrices' : ('', None),
'gpuperelement' : ('', None),
'gpuimgproc' : ('', None),
'gpumatrixreduct' : ('', None),
'filtering':('', None),
'flann' : ('', None ),
'calib3d' : ('', None ),
'feature2d' : ('', None ),
'imgproc_geometric' : ('', None ),
'opencv_group' : ('', None),
'cvt_color': ('', None),
'imread': ('', None),
'imwrite': ('', None),
'imshow': ('', None),
......@@ -316,7 +341,6 @@ extlinks = {'cvt_color': ('
'laplacian': ('', None),
'canny': ('', None),
'copy_to': ('', None),
'opencv_group' : ('', None),
'hough_lines' : ('', None),
'hough_lines_p' : ('', None),
'hough_circles' : ('', None),
......@@ -348,22 +372,6 @@ extlinks = {'cvt_color': ('
'moments' : ('', None),
'contour_area' : ('', None),
'arc_length' : ('', None),
'basicstructures' : ('', None),
'oldbasicstructures' : ('', None),
'readwriteimagevideo' : ('', None),
'operationsonarrays' : ('', None),
'utilitysystemfunctions':('', None),
'imgprocfilter':('', None),
'svms':('', None),
'drawingfunc':('', None),
'xmlymlpers':('', None),
'huivideo' : ('', None),
'gpuinit' : ('', None),
'gpudatastructure' : ('', None),
'gpuopmatrices' : ('', None),
'gpuperelement' : ('', None),
'gpuimgproc' : ('', None),
'gpumatrixreduct' : ('', None),'filtering':('', None),
'point_polygon_test' : ('', None),
'feature_detector' : ( '', None),
'feature_detector_detect' : ('', None ),
......@@ -377,10 +385,7 @@ extlinks = {'cvt_color': ('
'perspective_transform' : ('', None ),
'flann_based_matcher' : ('', None),
'brute_force_matcher' : ('', None ),
'flann' : ('', None ),
'cascade_classifier' : ('', None ),
'cascade_classifier_load' : ('', None ),
'cascade_classifier_detect_multiscale' : ('', None )
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -26,6 +26,25 @@ Although we got most of our images in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world.
:height: 90pt
:width: 90pt
.. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt}
.. cssclass:: toctableopencv
===================== ==============================================
|CameraCalibration| **Title:** :ref:`cameraCalibrationOpenCV`
*Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0
*Author:* |Author_BernatG|
Camera calibration by using either the chessboard, circle or the asymmetrical circle pattern. Get the images either from a camera attached, a video file or from an image collection.
===================== ==============================================
.. |CameraCalibration| image:: images/camera_calibration.png
:height: 90pt
:width: 90pt
.. raw:: latex
......@@ -34,3 +53,4 @@ Although we got most of our images in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world.
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ All the libraries above can be installed via Terminal or by using Synaptic Manag
Getting OpenCV source code
You can use the latest stable OpenCV version available in *sourceforge* or you can grab the latest snapshot from the `SVN repository <>`_.
You can use the latest stable OpenCV version available in *sourceforge* or you can grab the latest snapshot from the `SVN repository <>`_.
Getting the latest stable OpenCV version
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Theory
This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here <>`_ . The second version (using LBP for face detection) can be found `here <>`_
This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here <>`_ . The second version (using LBP for face detection) can be `found here <>`_
.. code-block:: cpp
<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Number of inner corners per a item row and column. (square, circle) -->
<BoardSize_Width> 9</BoardSize_Width>
<!-- The size of a square in some user defined metric system (pixel, millimeter)-->
<!-- The type of input used for camera calibration. One of: CHESSBOARD CIRCLES_GRID ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES_GRID -->
<!-- The input to use for calibration.
To use an input camera -> give the ID of the camera, like "1"
To use an input video -> give the path of the input video, like "/tmp/x.avi"
To use an image list -> give the path to the XML or YAML file containing the list of the images, like "/tmp/circles_list.xml"
<!-- If true (non-zero) we flip the input images around the horizontal axis.-->
<!-- Time delay between frames in case of camera. -->
<!-- How many frames to use, for calibration. -->
<!-- Consider only fy as a free parameter, the ratio fx/fy stays the same as in the input cameraMatrix.
Use or not setting. 0 - False Non-Zero - True-->
<Calibrate_FixAspectRatio> 1 </Calibrate_FixAspectRatio>
<!-- If true (non-zero) tangential distortion coefficients are set to zeros and stay zero.-->
<!-- If true (non-zero) the principal point is not changed during the global optimization.-->
<Calibrate_FixPrincipalPointAtTheCenter> 1 </Calibrate_FixPrincipalPointAtTheCenter>
<!-- The name of the output log file. -->
<!-- If true (non-zero) we write to the output file the feature points.-->
<!-- If true (non-zero) we write to the output file the extrinsic camera parameters.-->
<!-- If true (non-zero) we show after calibration the undistorted images.-->
\ No newline at end of file
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