\cvarg{image}{The source image or external energy field}
\cvarg{points}{Contour points (snake)}
\cvarg{length}{Number of points in the contour}
\cvarg{alpha}{Weight[s] of continuity energy, single float or
array of \texttt{length} floats, one for each contour point}
\cvarg{alpha}{Weight[s] of continuity energy, single float or
a list of floats, one for each contour point}
\cvarg{alpha}{Weight[s] of continuity energy, single float or array of \texttt{length} floats, one for each contour point}
\cvarg{beta}{Weight[s] of curvature energy, similar to \texttt{alpha}}
\cvarg{gamma}{Weight[s] of image energy, similar to \texttt{alpha}}
\cvarg{coeff\_usage}{Different uses of the previous three parameters:
\cvarg{CV\_VALUE}{indicates that each of \texttt{alpha, beta, gamma} is a pointer to a single value to be used for all points;}
\cvarg{CV\_ARRAY}{indicates that each of \texttt{alpha, beta, gamma} is a pointer to an array of coefficients different for all the points of the snake. All the arrays must have the size equal to the contour size.}
\cvarg{win}{Size of neighborhood of every point used to search the minimum, both \texttt{win.width} and \texttt{win.height} must be odd}
\cvarg{criteria}{Termination criteria}
\cvarg{calc\_gradient}{Gradient flag; if not 0, the function calculates the gradient magnitude for every image pixel and consideres it as the energy field, otherwise the input image itself is considered}
@@ -760,6 +768,10 @@ If at some iteration the number of moved points is less
than \texttt{criteria.epsilon} or the function performed
\texttt{criteria.max\_iter} iterations, the function terminates.
The function returns the updated list of points.
Adds the square of the source image to the accumulator.