@@ -666,3 +666,17 @@ Performs linear blending of two images.
:param weights2: Weights for second image. Must have tha same size as ``img2`` . Supports only ``CV_32F`` type.
:param result: Destination image.
Blurs an image using the median filter.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::medianFilter(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int m)
:param src: input ```1-``` or ```4```-channel image; the image depth should be ```CV_8U```, ```CV_32F```.
:param dst: destination array of the same size and type as ```src```.
:param m: aperture linear size; it must be odd and greater than ```1```. Currently only ```3```, ```5``` are supported.
The function smoothes an image using the median filter with the \texttt{m} \times \texttt{m} aperture. Each channel of a multi-channel image is processed independently. In-place operation is supported.